Alt+tab during loading screen

>alt+tab during loading screen
>computer crashes

>alt+tab during game
>game is designed to crash when you alt+tab


>alt tab
>black screen
>flashes game screen
>shows desktop
>black screen
>lose control
>you finally get to your desktop

Shut down computer. It turns back on by itself

>alt+tab during cinematic you've already seen
>it automatically pauses while not in focus

>search a playthrought because i'm stuck
>find how to progress in the game
>alt+tab back to the game
>a popup in the game appears telling me that i shouldn't try to find answers on internet
>finally find out that every answer is randomly generated

Better yet;
>Tab back into the game
>Takes several minutes

>game is now in windowed mode
>gotta restart to set it to fullscreen

>use Steam browser
>in CSGO match
>CSGO and Steam both crash

>Changing ANY setting in the settings needs a restart
>there are no manual saves in the game

>browse wikia
Such great game . . .

>alt+tab during loading screen
>computer doesn't crash and still restores the game fluidly

>alt+tab during loading screen
>The Game loads faster that way


Fuck I'm glad I'm not the only one. Day of infamy does that shit too. Borderless mode helps but fuck

>alt+tab out of old game
>desktop resolution is 320x240

>Press the PS button during loading screen
>Playstation doesn't crash

>alt+tab during loading screen
>the game repeats the last 1 second of audio over and over while in the background

every source engine game EVER

Fuck this, my comp's fan whirs up at like 2am every night and I have to go put it back to bed

>put disc in
>play game

>buy multiple parts that cost $1000 for a decent build
>have to manually put together all the components
>keyboard is uncomfortable and confusing since 95% of the buttons have no input on the game
>you have to replace all your parts every 1.5 years as the graphics cards become worse over time and run worse
>have to install a video game license rental service like Steam
>have to play $60 for recently released games but have no benefits as physical copy
>there are constant updates for games slowing down the chance of playing the game
>games constantly crash and run into compatibility problems
>Nvidia gimps their cards with Gameworks to make you buy their newer hardware
>try to play some indie games but most are uninspired rip offs of older SNES games I played
>try a early access to literally alpha test a game with barely any content and runs poorly
>can't let my friends borrow my games without jumping though huge obsoletes and even then we can't play each others games if the other is playing a different game at the time
>try to play older games from my childhood on N64 and PS2 emulators
>try to plug in my controller to use for more comfortablility but it requires multiple drivers and constantly rebind the controls every time I switch games
>download emulator for them but they take a while to get the right settings and even then the games run poorly and are missing textures and other graphical glitches
>try to play older PC I heard from others but the run into compatibility problems and constantly crashes when tried to play
>try to play a fun looking multiplayer game but the game is filled with hackers and childern and young teens constantly spouting memes
>try to play split screen with my friends but hardly any games supports split screen and is a hassle to set up
>start playing less and less and go on Sup Forums and shitpost more about games even ones I never even played

>alt+tab during loading screen
>made 0 progress when alt+tab'd


What game?

>Not using multiple monitors in 2017

>mouse cursor now intermittently pops up even though you're using a controller

>cursor is stuck to the middle of the monitor

>put computer in hibernation
>lie down
>fans whir up 2 minutes later

>Press f1 accidently
>Goes to window mode
>Press f1 again
>Nothing happens
>Go so settings and enable fullscreen

>put computer in sleep mode
>wake up to everything frozen or blue screened.

>every fucking Source game

>game blocks alt-tab

>change settings
>game will now restart to put changes into effect
>doesnt restart

>alt tab in middle of loading screen
>alt tab back in
>the resolution of the game is all fucked now

>alt+tab during cutscene I've seen a million times
>game pauses cutscene until you tab back in

>your files arent where you left them

>Open Overwatch in one tab
>Open CSGO in another tab
>Open LoL in another tab
>alt tab between all of them without any issues or framedrops

Switch off wake for network access.


>theyre better organized than they were before

>change resolution
>it's so zoomed in I can't change it back

>start game
>cmd prompt pops-up for a single second


>put cold glass in the microwave
>it explodes

>Alt tab
>Game pauses but stays on screen
>Cant go to any other apps
>Either play the game or close it

>a thread about rare pc problems
>console fags "holy shit weks on my machine!!!!!"

>load game
>load game
>load game
>runs perfectly
Ark: Bugs Evolved.

I don't know if it is just me, but Path of Exile does this.

>what does alt+enter do?

I don't know user, what does that do?

>Replying to bait

>playing faggy dating sim
>Brother walks in
>Alt tab out quickly to avoid ridicule
>Tabs out to gay furry porn that I had open in the background

>not having your own place to live

I dont know if you're being sarcastic but it full screens



>not btfo-ing them even when they bait

It switches some stuff from windowed to fullscreen.
It doesn't work with everything tho.

>2 monitors
>have browser open in 2nd for messages
>get a message, click browser
>game minimizes in other display

This shit never happens on my linux OS, why is microsoft so bad at the 1 thing they have to do

>have to scale 150% to make anything readable on my 4k tv
>Going fullscreen in some games is fucked then because it thinks it needs to display 150% larger too
>Have to play windowed, making shit small
Fucking windows

>start c:\windows\system\totallynotavirus.exe
>game starts before you can see the rest of the text

Switch off poltergeists.

Conductor, we have a problem!


>Using a tv

>press alt+tab
>game doesn't alt tab
>press windows button
>still in game
>ctrl alt delete?
>that does the trick

>alt+tab during game
>game unloads after a few seconds
>crashes reloading when alt+tab back

not sure why titan quest did this but fuck having to fight everything again when it did.


>Alt tab out of game for a sec
>tab back in
>I'm dead

>ctrl+shift+escape doesnt work
>ctrl+alt+delete does
>but if you leave the lock screen its frozen again

>playing game, freezes
>presses window key
>does nothing

Alt tab is an age barrier. I literally have no idea why people do it in games. I know what it does and I use it when I'm working or something but if I'm playing a game I'm...playing a game. What would I need to alt tab out for? It's literally an ADHD generation thing. I assume you're changing podcasts or posting on reddit or whatever trash your failure of a sperm does.

Spoken like someone who doesn't have a job and isn't maximizing their free time during downtime

At Bethesda

>be living at uni private house
>rudely barge into housemates room (open door policy were all good mates)
>go to ask him something but see sims 4 open on his screen
>2 sums going at it doggy style
>he alt-tabs but instead it crashes on his screen
>he turns around giving me a blank stare
>burst out laughing thend walk away

lol what do you do while you're waiting 3 minutes for some 3rd worlder to load in to start a match?

>play for 4 hours
>need to alt-tap and rest for 5 minutes
>that's an age thing somehow

>get matched
>press ready
>immediately alt+tab out and go back to saving porn from the boorus
>opened too many porn tabs
>can't save it all it time
>alt+tab back to the game
>game already cancelled and get a 30 minute cooldown

>alt-tab during loading
>it pauses the loading

Fuck you, Rockstar.

Doesn't always work, some games just will not go fullscreen/windowed unless it's done through the settings or command line.

>playing a video on chrome while booting BOTW on Cemu
>video sounds starts to distort
>exit chrome
>sound is still on

Can somebody explain to me in simple terms why some games are complete shit at letting you alt tab and others are perfectly fine and have no issues with it?

Knowing that there is this distinction why do games allow this shit to happen.

Memory allocation. Some games only use as much ram as it needs, meaning you have spare to switch between tasks, while other unoptimized games use all of your memory and the computer has a hard time doing anything other than running the game, causing instability issues.

There are several different reasons it can happen, but that's usually the most likely culprit. Shitty optimization and resource allocation.

Not him, but thanks for the explanation.

you're a retard