For those of you that aren't NEETs, when was the last time you took time off work for a video game? How was it?
I took a week off for the release of New Vegas. Kind of worth it. Planning a few days for Red Dead 2.
For those of you that aren't NEETs, when was the last time you took time off work for a video game? How was it?
I took a week off for the release of New Vegas. Kind of worth it. Planning a few days for Red Dead 2.
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Took a vacation to play GTA V.
What a waste
I never have.
I'll probably take the week off for Bannerlord, I might even die in my chair.
Honesty? Never. I thought about taking a day off for the upcoming Destiny 2 release, but I doubt I will. I just don't see the point. I'll play when I get home after work. I work 8-3 so it isn't even late in the day when I would get to start.
>self improvement
Sitting in your house all day shitposting does nothing positive.
I never take time off purely to play videogames. I do play when not at work, but usually booked time off is wanted for something else, like going away. I've got plenty of time for vidya already.
I have never taken time off for a video game and I rarely if ever get sick. Saying that I had my two weeks of at the halfway of August, I sure enough did spend it playing video games.
I was neet for six months and I went stir crazy by the fourth. My free time meant nothing, so that's exactly what I spent all day doing.
Taking vacation for MHWorld. Going to get paid to play MH
Can't fucking wait
It's been years since I've taken time off for the Vidya. The last time was Demon's Souls, took an entire week off and had a fucking blast.
I will be taking a week off for Monster Hunter World, once the date is announced. I can't wait for that game to ruin/absorb my life.
And it sounds like you have a job or are doing something now, right? Can't really call you a NEET.
Oh, yeah. I'm not claiming to be neet now. Just relating my experience as one previously and why it was terrible.
Does E3 count? If not then the Dark Souls 3 release.
I took two days off for DaS 3, but I would have done so anyway.
>six months
That's just a taste user. Post when it's been several years
My two weeks start Monday, wanna play TW:W, XCOM 2 and the new Dishonored expansion. I'll mix it up with some books and walks. Anything else I should try?
Never, cause that's pretty irresponsible. Unless you're actually on vacation or just have no life whatsoever (in which case congrats, you're half-NEET anyway).
Learn proper time management and you won't feel so starved that you have to take time off work to play vidya. Simple.
Read the fucking thread
I'd kill myself by the end of the first year. I'm sorry for everyone trapped in that situation.
The last time I took one day off(exclusively for vg) was when UR MR GAY came out. I used to skip classes in college if I was too high though.
One year and still going, I work from home and go outside pretty often though, don't know if that counts.
>work from home
doesn't count
>Not in
>Employment or
Nier Automata. But I only work 4 hours a day, pay rent, get food, and buy whisky and a videogame every week with some money left to go into savings for a nicer place. I don't really need to take time off most of the time.
I would be a NEET if I could afford it. What kind of fucked up paradox is this how the fuck do people afford rent, bills and food while being NEET
Well that's relieving.
Rich parents.
Either or gubmint disability handouts.
Given my line of work, I can usually take some days to "work from home". Last time I did that, I did it to go play Fire Emblem Echoes, probably might do the same for a few games coming out soon.
I couldn't stand being NEET for a year,
after getting a job, my motivation for playing games went to shit and after I got a job, I was beating games left and right.
Working tow jobs ERRYDAY with no days off since December, finally ending this massacre, taking 2 weeks off of every work, then im changing job for only one on the weekends.
Im kinda at loss since i still don't know what i'll do with all that free time. Ill probably just lay down and look at the ceiling on the first day to absorb all the piece and quiet.
That sounds heavenly. People who don't want anything from life should just be given a free comfy nest with internet, food, a little disposable income and a cyanide pill. Maybe someday we'll live in such an utopia.
>should just be given
Nah. Work for your suicide nest neet
On the right it's missing "hunger", "cold" and "homelessness". On the left "depression", "drinking problems" and "unfulfillment".
I always think I'll play some vidya in my weekends off but I never end up doing so and instead watch anime because it uses less energy. Then sometimes I can't be bothered watching 20 minute anime so I spend more time sleeping. I'd say spending my time off sleeping makes me feel the happiest when I wake up and have to do stuff around the house.
1 Friday for Switch/BOTW release
It was pretty cool. The game only got stale after 20 hours or so.
I've never done that. There hasn't been a game worth taking time off for since I started working.
>Falling for Destiny Two Electric Boogaloo
>had to have an ingrown toenail removed
>planned it so that it conveniently coincided with the release of MGSV
>got 2 weeks paid sick leave while I enjoyed MGSV
Masterful decision on my part.
I took a personal day on Persona 5's launch. I get personal days and other benefits because I am in a union.
If you are to become a wage slave, do not take a job that does not allow you to unionize.
Yeah, but I can afford good beer.
You'll never have to take the week off.
Damn that sucks dude
>do not take a job that does not allow you to unionize
Dunno, I've been working for 5 years now and never felt the need to be in an union. Not that my company of 50 people has one.
Still, I get the usual 25 days paid vacation plus 3 sickdays.
I was NEET for about 9, went mad after the first month, I enjoy video games far more when my time with them is limited
Quite the opposite. I was a NEET for 9 months and it was the darkest, most miserable time of my whole existence.
On topic, I took days off to play Bloodborne. It was worth it.
>all these anons saying NEET life was shit and that they were going mad
What the fuck happened? I thought NEET life was the best?
You were meemed.
All the big releases were on friday so no reason to get time off. Enough of time to try the game throughout the weekend.
They say they were going mad, meaning they were NEETs, meaning they are wagecucks now. They're just spouting bullshit to justify their shitty decision.
It depends on what kind of person you are. Personally I found the lack of purpose just drained any motivation I had, it was one of the few times I found vidya boring.
This, even when I'm working six day workweeks in the summer I've never said "you know what spending three to five days playing Yakuza 6 would be sick I'll ask for that time off." Sometimes I get the day off when something new drops, sometimes I'll call out sick to play video games on a whim, but actual video game "vacations?" Why would anyone do that
This is the problem with NEETdom. Sure, you could self improve, but what's the point? No one's going to notice if you look like Hercules but never leave your home. Everyone needs purpose and order in their lives. It's a terrible existence just to drift from day to day with no direction or anything to work towards.
My brothers and cousin always take a week off when there's a new WoW expansion, but I got a fiancee, so using my vacation week to sit on my ass and play single-player vidya is asking for trouble. I'd play with her, but her can't run shit.
>boohoo I have such a poor life living in comfort without having to lift a finger
Yeah I'd rather be a pig farmer dying of strep you weak-willed cunts. Literally just kidnap a baby when you're 40 if you want to experience family life.
Thank you for the masterclass in how to think only in hyperbole.
For one game specifically, last time was when WoW launched. I do take weeks off to just fuck around and play non-specific games every now and then though.
I've been out of college for 8 years and have worked a grand total of 12 weeks since. Every time it got old very fast. I suspect until the alternative is starving in the streets the situation won't change.
Raising Arizona was a good movie.
I'm gonna take a little off in late October for Super Mario Odyssey and Wolfenstein 2.
Took my vacation to play FFXV And I enjoyed every moment of it.
My vacation this year starts October 27, so I'll get to play Mario Odyssey. AC Origins, Wolfenstein 2, Sonic Forces, COD WWII and Battlefront 2 in peace, I was also hyped to play Ni No Kuni 2 but it was delayed.
I've got half a week of holiday left this year and I'm probably going to take it when EO5 releases just because I have nothing else to use it on and my job doesn't pay us for holiday time we don't use.
Now I just need a fucking EU release date. I should probably just book a few days in November, ATLUS hates us and it'll probably come out next year.
I'll take a week off when Camelot Unchained comes out. I don't even care.
>tfw you have a good job with short bursts of high responsibility work and most of the day off
I get about a day and a half every two weeks. I'll usually take 2 days off a month and play some shit, still allows me to bank days for a proper vacation.
Can't help but feel that a cruise or something is a waste of money compared to upgrading my computer, though.
Why did you expect it to be a blast?
I get 35 days of holiday a year and can work from home (consultant at one of the Big 4) so I've never really needed to
Dead in two months
Because of bullshit like OP's image romanticizing directionlessness and stagnation.
>hen was the last time you took time off work for a video game
Fucking never?
I have 28 days of paid leave per year. I'm sure as hell I'm not going to waste even a single one on something I can do after work and during weekends and holidays.
Especially since I spend from 15 to 20 on sailing alone.
In my case, disability check+income tax which thanks to good budgeting, I have lots of extra cash after rent and food.
>I barely spend money anyway, so I can manage on welfere
Here, ftfy
Not everyone is a loser like you, some of us socialize and go out. Not my fault you can't budget worth shit.
>3 sick days
a year? What the fuck.
Here it's 10 sick days a year (accumulating if not used) as the absolute minimum standard, assuming typical working week hours.
>why would anyone do that?
what else am I going to use my vacation hours on? My other past times such as reading, going for a walk every now and then and occasionally watching anime?
I'll probably take 5 work days off (which'll result in 9 days away from work) for Monster Hunter: World, don't think anything else worth it is releasing sooner.
Thanks doc
NEET thread on Sup Forums? How lovely. I just woke up from my nap to this nice surprise.
Oh wait, I see a few wageslaves in the thread. Tut tut tut what are you doing on Sup Forums? Get back to work. Mr. Shekelstein isn't going to be happy.
And me? Well I'll be ordering a pizza and playing vidya of course. I'm glad your hard work pays for my NEETbux.
Remember wagie, another day another dollar.
don't forget to put aside some of your autismbux so you can afford that exit bag :^)
Took two weeks recently to grind the weekly ladder in Xenoverse 2.
First place wasn't an option because that always goes to win traders but I wanted to see how high I could get.
>have all the time in the world but with minimum income
>have only a few hours of free time a day but with more money which will all be used up anyway because you need to fill the void that resides within your soul with useless materialistic junk
>I would be a NEET if I could afford it.
Every single morning at 7:00 I feel like killing myself.
I have such a low effort job that I don't need to take time off if I want to play video games.
Now why would I want to an hero? I have the best life. Free to do whatever I wish. I'd love to discuss it with you, but I'm afraid wagies are too far brainwashed to have a decent conversation with.
Keep popping those anti-depressants wagie. Your deadline is coming up and you'll be fired if you don't meet it.
>all the time in the world but not enough money to do anything meaningful with it
>limited free time but enough money to make the most of it
gee tough call
>Implying this hard
Not everyone is a neet like you, some of us have a steady job and social life, meaning they don't have to think how to survive for 400 bucks a month.
>have all the time and being on welfere, budgeting every single move and God forbid if you get sick
>have 2/3 of your time and enough money do do whatever the fuck your want to do with it
here, ftfy
Neets aren't worth trying to reason with. They run on insecurity and delusion. If they didn't tell themselves they loved their meaningless existence, they'd have to acknowledge how little they actually have.
How do you guys get to be NEETs? How do you get on the bux to pay rent and buy vidya?
I don't. My working schedule is all over the place so I can usually find time for vidya without taking off days. If anything I've been looking for more and consistent working hours.
>Have job that I don't like and pays like shit
>Makes me depressed
>Start studying web dev
>Little free time, even more tired
>Can't enjoy vidya because I keep thinking that I should be studying instead
>Get tired again
I'm just trying to break the cycle.
And on top of that it won't take long for me to awake my wizard powers, which makes me even more anxious about the whole thing.
I never understood this. Theres like a billion different things you can do, alone or in a group. How is removing one of those (your job) going to leave you without purpose?
Imagine being a wagecuck with so little character that you lose all sense of purpose if you don't have a boss telling you how to spend your time. What a sad, pathetic existence.
All the meaningful things in this world can't be bought with money.
I'm on autism bux and I have over 10k in savings because I don't buy useless crap all the time.
>God forbid if you get sick
I'm not an Amerifat.
>I'm gonna slave away the majority of my life so I won't die too soon ;_;
Is the life of a slave even worth living? Not to me.
>Wake up at 6:45 to take a shower
>Think to myself I will go to bed early tonight as I am way too tired
>Get home from work and play some vidya
>Midnight hits and I'm still wide awake just reading
>Go to bed at 2 again
>Think to myself I'll go to bed early the next day
It's an endless cycle.
Heh the wagies are getting ragie. Desperately trying to brainwash themselves into thinking that making money for someone else is a worthy way to live.
Reminder, don't screw up at work or you'll be sacked. All employees are just tools to make the boss more money. Silly drones. Maybe one day you'll reach enlightenment.
>having no job means you have no social life
>buy a guitar for 200 or 300$
>become a master at it
there, already 20 years of work cut out for you, fucko
>inb4 mastering an instrument isn't "doing anything meaningful"
No, but i thank god for hurricane Harvey, the office was closed for 12 days right when Xcom war of the chosen came out.