Magical School x Stardew Valley game

>Magical School x Stardew Valley game
>takes direct inspiration from Stardew Valley
>by Chucklefish
>ConcernedApe not working on it at all

I want it to be good because if it actually captured the charm of Stardew Valley with its graphics and music and gameplay it could be wonderful, but it's Chucklefish which kills my hype.


You don't trust a swindler twice.

>rip-off Rune Factory/Harvest moon rip-off

I know, I got burned on Starbound.

Rip offs are the blood of the entertainment industry dude.

I would play the shit out of that. Shit on Harry Potter all you want as normie trash (and fair enough they're not great books) but I read the first couple books when I was 10 and kept up with the rest as I grew up. A comfy magic school where I get into comical fantasy misadventures with my friends is probably the setting that I enjoy the most and there aren't nearly enough games that have it.

The biggest problem with the later Harry Potter books was that they stopped being comfy Magic mysteries and became another "save the world from the evil tyrant" fantasy story.

friendly reminder that real Harvest Moon is ass now.

dropped, learned my lesson from starbound

starbound never 4get

chucklefuck isn't getting more of my money

Think of it more like Little Stardew Academia

I don't trust Chucklefuck but I'm hoping they take a lot of advice from ConcernedApe

>take [...] advice

I kinda hope that Ape's exclusion from working on this means he's still adding more to SDV as he mentioned wanting to do. Multiplayer coming next year hopefully means they're gonna add more content.

>take a lot of advice
This. I'll give it a good look when it's out, but I'm not going to get excited.

The thing is if its actually good then i would be fine with that. Just like Gunvolt is a rip-off of MMZ/ZX but its actually good.

Yeah he's still working on SDV, multiplayer should be out by 2018 he said.

I hope he adds some new areas.

>All these fags whining about Chucklefish
>Publisher has released multiple quality games, doesn't throw on DRM and most of their games (Maybe all, not sure) allow for mods
Niggers the lot of you, who cares about Starbound.

Starbound was one of their biggest projects that is still not very good to this day.

>is still not very good to this day.
Game has delivered on all the shit it was selling spaz, what else do you want from it?

please be good

This. Cautiously hopeful, though.

keyword here
starbound was actually developed by them, games like risk of rain and stardew valley had the unfortunate decision of attaching themselves to them
they're literally the EA of indie games

A story mode that isn't just a scanathon with shit bosses and exploration that actually matters.

All opinions. They said there would be story mode, bosses and planets. Theres a story to follow, bosses and planets. Cry a river, dislike the game all you want but its like they did a Todd or Peter and lied about shit that wasn't in the game.


>EA of indie games
>No drm
>Fair pricing
>"EA of indie games"
Every one of the anti-chucklefish crowd are just ass blasted retards who bought into the early access meme and now continue to cry that Starbound didn't come out quick enough for them.

>takes direct inspiration from Stardew Valley


>ConcernedApe not working on it at all
dead game.

Basically how my hype went.

rip offs are only bad if they are bad


I thought trio of towns was good

I do like the magical genre, I'll keep my eye on it.

>new HM is ass
>Trio of Towns shits all over Tumblr Valley and has a better representation of America than the weird ass hipster enclave town of SV

Sure there were a bunch of fucking awful games like Sunshine Islands but that doesn't mean that the entire series is bad.

>that Starbound didn't come out quick enough for them.
stupid cockgargler, maybe you should've actually seen how shitty the actual development for it was, specifically the part where they implement something and take it out the very next patch

I didn't buy starbound and I'll never buy a chucklefuck developed game because of it. They eroded my, and many other people's good faith in them as a dev. I'm fine with getting games they publish but I'm not buying a game they made full priced, at release. The last thing they made was uninspired and unfinished. If that really makes you think angry I'm starting to think you actually are a shill because no one should care this much that strangers don't trust a video game company to make a good game.

Stardew has shit character interaction. I don't know why you retards think a magical school game in it's style would be good.

>playing games to simulate having friends

This reminds me of that cute magical school game on the DS that I never got around to playing