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Such a shame that show didn't get more porn.


I recognize the fag and blm flags but what are the other two supposed to be?

Eh, that'll pass in a week.

So uhh why is it a bad thing Charlie comes to their mind? Isn't that one of the best comics of all time?

Blue and pink is trans but dunno about the fourth one

I think the blue red and white is a "hillary for president" flag and the blue flag is a human rights campaign flag.

That better not be implying he doesn't like charles schulz



if I was dobson I wouldn't put my name on any of it
then I'd probably kill myself because I'd be dobson

You already get taxed at a greater % the more money you make per year, what more do these people want?

>send request

Every time

If there's someone I'm grateful not to had been born as is Dobson. Even Anthony Burch is less pathetic than him.

Everything, for nothing.

wtf i hate refugees now

A functioning society.

I want to marry white Korra!

So is that his real face or is it a mask?

Probably a system in which they actually pay that tax, rather than a proportionally lower percentage than the middle class.


>send request

Benefits, child support, tax relief, and other "power ups" for poorer people already exist though. Rich people don't get handouts from the government, in fact they pay more tax.

>hes meant to be seen as the bad guy
>he makes nothing but valid points
this page came out years ago, have yet to find a good rebuttal

real face

he was in a stupid accident that left him with a fucked up face but still breathing like Harvey Dent


>Even Anthony Burch is less pathetic than him.
Are we sure about that?


What's wrong with Schultz? If I was compared to him I'd be honored. This guy sounds like a real faggot.

>People falling for the red skull b8
he is just saying what you want to hear to manipulate you, you gullible idiots

>expecting people on Sup Forums to not be gullible idiots
We have a whole board full of them.

Because it's supposed to resonate with you and make sense. His whole goal in this arc was to indoctrinate followers the old fashioned way instead of using his mind control powers using Professor X's brain.

What is it about Dobson's attempt to be self-deprecating that make him come off as a fucking asshole?

What he says is 100% true though.

>do 120 hour workweeks
>go out of your way to succeed
>work your ass off for 50 years
>"what you want to keep your money that you made lol no haha it's going to alchoholics and drug addicts welfare haha stop being so entitled xdxd"
really makes those almonds activate

Dumb people will think that Marvel is demonizing those valid points by making Red Skull say them. Smart people will realize Red Skull is using valid points to obfuscate his own motives, and his desire to simply use the very real problems of others to manipulate them.


Is that SomeCalMeJohnny?

He's ugly

>couldn't even bother to make a fake profile and send himself a friend request that he could photoshop later
>would rather make it look like "I'm not gonna send my bully a friend request" rather than what he intended by just spending an additional 5 minutes at his shitty comic
Dobsons intentions, what are they?

This is now a Hole thread.

>reality is evil
I present to you: the left.

so what exactly establishes him as a bad guy here except for the mention of hydra? If I didn't know better I'd think he made a face turn.

>What is it about Dobson's attempt to be self-deprecating that make him come off as a fucking asshole?
Humblebragging is a thing.


Why do these kinds of people always equate shit to video games, the hunger games, or harry potter

do you understand that this trustworthy fellow will perhaps not do what's in your best interest after being put in power

>"Lets punish hard-working and successful people for being hard-working and successful!"

You fags could pretend to be vidya related at least

You don't become rich from simply doing a lot of work you dumbass. If that was true everyone's grandparents would be rich

Oh hey there boomer, didn't realize people from the 1950s were still allowed access to the internet.

This hypothetical hardworking down to earth millionaire doesn't fucking exist. If they did, they wouldn't be actively trying to squeeze every last penny from everyone else. For that matter, businesses don't pay the tax they should either. But I pet they're really good corporations, honest! They worked so hard, so let them pay 5% tax, won't you?

fuck off.

>I don't even care about video games I want that hedgehog.

That will never not make me laugh.

but it isn't Sup Forums

Thanks for the new thread derailer.

How can you be so fucking dense? I am not even saying nor implying that I disagree with what he is saying, but you must have a single-digit IQ if you can't see he is just manipulating the masses. His speech ends with "glory of hydra" for fuck's sake.

But why am i even trying if you probably didn't even know who red skull was before seeing that image


to be fair. It was out of context

>these lol threads never stay Sup Forums
>you just want to read cringeworthy video game comics


hole 2 was better

Nothing, that's the fucking point.

>You don't become rich by working, you become rich by paying other people to work for you
-A guy with lots of money


I agree.

arenĀ“t cringeworthy videogame comics Sup Forums related, though?

I honestly like when the generic "cringe" shit gets further derailed by little feelgood comics. Or yotsuba.

The hotpocketeer deleted a bunch of posts on this thread so I'll bump it just to piss him off.

where is HOL3?

just delete this thread already, it ain't gonna get better

Is the thread on autosage?