Censors game over PAX comments and private messages

>Censors game over PAX comments and private messages
>Acts smug about it when NA forces KR to censor to keep it consistent.
Everything that is wrong with the video game industry today.

>Acts smug about it
Has there been a new development? Last I saw one of them said he'd bring up the suggestion of having the option to toggle between the old and new art in a meeting.


No real words about toggle's update yet.


Why do americans hate cleavage so much?

They better hurry the fuck up because the game isn't going to survive much longer without some good will to bring people back.

I feel you user, I hate this shit.
Almost as much as I hate how low she wears her glasses.

Right looks better. Don't you virgins have enough fapbait games to play?

censor what

There's some trash Korean game that is getting heavily censored in the western release, with breast reductions among other things. Apparently the censorship happened because of a few comments at a convention.

Apparently that shit is in the YouTube Guidelines for advice on making your video more noticeable. Suprised expressions and arrows

So whats the problem if the game is trash to begin with.
Are you people this fucking bored

literally who and literally what

>censoring your game because a handful of people who weren't the target audience cried about it

its too late to stop them when they are censoring good games

So dont buy them.
This whole thing is embarrassing.
Back in my day we played maniac mansion on nes and liked it

heh funny to see self centered fags pretend like they know businesses best and simply being mad as hell that shit they would not care about anyway does not pander and cater to them.

Like shit why hide behind the dumbass unfounded censored arguments when instead yall queermos can be truthful. Like just admit that yall just bunch of babies who just want shit to whine about to feed whatever victim complexes or what not that yall lil faglords got.

Death to roasties.

Fug, is it recent? Noticed a couple of guys doing it now who didn't before

The game isn't trash, it's fun. That's why people bothered to tell the dev they're fucking up. Now if only they'd fucking listen.

IMO the right does look better, but devs should be able to put whatever the fuck they want in their game.

Fact of the matter is, sex sells. And if you're buying/playing a game where sex is a selling point don't get ass blasted when its... sexy.

Is this even English?

It is in English. It's out right now on Steam as "early access" though of course it's full release in North Korea just fine.

male gaze is bad m'kay

It's South you dickweed.

I thought this game was Nexon ripping off Dungeon Fighter after they fucked up the release and Neople had to release an NA version themselves.

is there any medium that's still free from roasties? have they destroyed everything?

OK retarded viral marketer.
No one cares about your MOBA you fucking retard.
And epic sources you got there retard.

No, it is ripping off Awesomenauts for some reason.

You seem to care enough to post instead of blatantly ignoring it.

>liked hyper universe
>devs go full sjw
>always see awesomenauts mentioned
>it looks like a cheap flash game

They know the game is shit so they are trying this viral SJW bullshit to get attention.
This retarded viral marketer is spamming these threads for days.

Only reason is because the only thing they have in common is being a MOBA on a 2D plane.

No one posting the game here is portraying it in a good light.

>Release a game that clearly targets a certain audience
>Listen to the changes that people who aren't part of that audience want
>The audience that were most likely to play the game don't play it anymore

Who is this chick? I clicked the thread because she looks like this pixie girl I knew in highschool who liked calling herself my little sister and let me fuck her a few times behind her bf's back.

>The game isn't trash, it's fun.

This is why it can no longer pull over 200 players online.

The community manager for the game in question, Raziel.

Awesomenauts was the fucking shit, so good
Lasted a good amount of time, kinda died naturally.

Oh geez. After MN9 I feel like letting female millenials be community managers is a bad idea.

It's dying because the dev pissed off the people who would otherwise be playing right now.

nice lie guy

The only thing they can actually manage is fucking up games.

I refunded the game when I found out just how much was being censored.
So go fuck yourself

Raz is a good CM from what I've seen with the game. I can't fault her for doing her job. The backlash they've gotten isn't her fault entirely.

Mxm got censored heavily too.
They both have the same artist.

What's the connection?

>everything wrong with the video game industry today

Fags complaining on message boards about trivial shit instead of just ignoring them as games they don't wanna play and talking about games they do want to play.

The stats are right here, guy. 500 is Pretty good for a korean moba no one's ever heard of.

Are they the same artist? You got a source on that?

>Game getting censored
>Raz is a good CM

That's the all time peak and not the current peak.

Will this ever end in our lifetime?


Haha no. Not as long as women's studies is an accredited field of study.


She's a good CM because she actually interacts with the community and hasn't told anyone to fuck off or called anyone a shitlord. I don't like that the art got changed, and I don't like the reasons why they did it, but that doesn't change the fact that she's only been polite when posting those reasons in threads about it. Not using buzzwords like gross and problematic is a good thing too.
Yeah, I know. It's almost like the game had more players at one point then something happened to make the majority quit. Hmm Hmm.

Puritans ruin everything

Awww is someone's opinions shattering your safe space snowflake?

Mxm and hyper whatever.
Google it. Same artist, same censorship or every character.
This art.
Master x master.

Is this what op us about?

Women's studies isn't a real thing right? That's just a meme right? Or this is an American / Sweden yes thing again?

It works.

Lilu got hit hard as fuck.



Why wouldn't it be a real thing? How would studying women not be a thing?

What is even the point of changing that if it still looks like that?

Do one for mxms lilu.

Friendly reminder that they think women with large breasts are non-human.

It's not a thing in my country, how does taking women's studies help you in any field or work? Maybe if you're a gynecologist?

I'm phone posting so I can't do it myself.
Vmerang got hit hard too.

Yes, we have adjusted some of the female and male Hyper models and poses... though the debate seems to only be about the female characters' looks. Actually the debate seems to be almost exclusively about breast size. On a scale of 1 to 10, we changed some female breast sizes from a 15 to about a 10. For some, this was going too far.

It’s our stance that there is a difference between sexy and lewd and that difference matters in the Western market. Let’s be fair, if we had wanted to completely sanitize the game, we’d have Tatyana in a turtleneck poncho and rocking workboots. We did not do that.

One argument is that we are “messing with the artist’s vision” of the game. Everything we do is done in partnership with the dev team in Korea, so all the changes you see are implemented by the original artists and agreed upon by the Korean development team.

We want our Hypers to be appealing and powerful and even sexy. We also want them to be characters everyone can enjoy and can freely share with others. We believe these minor changes, which have absolutely no impact on gameplay, are positive for the overall appeal of the game without completely changing the core of what makes the characters unique.

We stand by the small changes that we have made.

pretty much every single online game i ever played had female community managers in their 20s/early 30s
they just hire them to attract thirsty virgins i guess
there's very few exceptions where there's a male community managers (blizzard for example)

At least they said something about it


They've said several things about it. Current we're waiting to see what they have to say about adding the option to toggle between the old and new assets.


>We stand by the small changes that we have made.
>Our opinions are more important than our players'
Hope she can stand by when the game goes under in less than a year and she has to find a new job.


Social worker.
Anything with lots of writing.
Corprate gender inclusion.

Vita normal.
Cowgirl innowin.
Basically every girl and skin, but those three were pretty big.

Wow that's fucking garbage when the top is actually closer to what native american women dressed like


Yet most of these women's studies people appear to be twitter activists or game "devs" or PR people hmmm....

>she can
Of course she will. She won't regret a thing, she will truly, honestly believe she has done a great service for the world by combating these sexist """microaggressions""" in the realm of niche video game character design. She will then move on to her next diversity hire position, where she will continue to do her best to make mountains out of molehills.

That's old. The toggle thing is the newest thing they've commented on.

>>We stand by the small changes that we have made.

>Our opinions are more important than our players'
That's true tough.

They just restarted the servers to add a new map and character, of course it's gonna be low from 13 minutes ago.

There are "twitter activist" of every college major
A company that wants their game or promotions to be more appealing to women would probably have good luck hiring a women study graduate in those areas.

Sam was talking about that in one of the Hyde Wars videos. They send you this fucking YouTube partner handbook once you reach a certain sub level that's basically diet "how to brainwash lemmings".

They say that until the pink slip rolls in.

Is there an uncensored patch? I still kinda wanna play this since I installed it but if they're falling down the meme hole I'll just...not.

Can anyone point them to the Store pages or sales numbers of the Japanese games that weren't censored on Steam and shove it in their face how stupid what they're doing is if they think they'll actually sell more copies by censoring it? Has anyone tried doing that at least?

So they've added a new map and a character and nobody even bothers to try them at this point?


>koreans can handle tits
>americans can't
news at 11
too bad americans ruin the game for the rest of the first world though

Steam guides has one.

WOW yeah I'm out holy shit. That's fucking pathetic. What a bunch of spineless pandering babies.

Who is this semen demon?
