Daily reminded that you deserve this fate. You shit on evolve without thinking.
You deserve the onslaught of rehashes and gouges in price.
You deserve Gordon Freeman's death.
Shouldn't of killed the Messiah.
Daily reminded that you deserve this fate. You shit on evolve without thinking.
You deserve the onslaught of rehashes and gouges in price.
You deserve Gordon Freeman's death.
Shouldn't of killed the Messiah.
Other urls found in this thread:
(You can't kill the messiah)
>a bloo bloo bloo you should have bought up the 60 dollar game plus 120 dollar's worth of DEE ELL CEE
Fucking kike
>Shouldn't of
Which I mean, I guess is fine, but people could of done their fucking research.
Lacking in content my ass.More than TF2 and L4D on their respective launches COMBINED
i wouldn't play evolve even if it was free
I would say you have shit taste, commander.
OPS Out!
Hey kid, you know video games used to let you unlock things right?
No way! Imagine that! Being able to unlock everything including cosmetics without having to pay!
It's almost like those were complete products, fuck those games though right?
It's almost like they already existed in-game!
It's almost like gaming tech hasn't changed and it's not as simple as a slider anymore!
It's almost as if the price of game development has skyrocketed because of "MUH GRAFFIX!" fags
Yet you buy these all the time
Really makes ya thunk
Literally made for hot xeno-sex
dude lm and ao. One fuicking monster with a bunch of ehalth and 5 classes, classes... What for? Itgets better, they call it a l4d clone, on what basis? How is it even compareable. The concept is unfun, the footage ive seen was unfun how is it even possible to fuck up so badly. next example, that shitty 40k vermendite game, lets make l4d , keep its shitty combat intact and lay a heavy emphasis on it BRILLIANT. Copycatshitter can fuck off reall, id rather eath another 5 left 4 deads than THIS SHIT
Please take the shit off your fingers, and try your post again, because nobody understood that
Yes literally. Original model was pregnant too.
How much did all of the Evolve DLC end up costing? Like $400-$500?
You again, faggot.
She never was, i already fucking told you. You are confusing it with Parasite Broodmother monster that never made in.
There is no official mentions anywhere of her being pregnant and it alone says something because Evolve devs fucking loved to spill lore and background details on forums, all of which ended up in awiki coz Evolve community this much autistic
Far less. 150$ and most of the extraneous was miscounts from bundles.
Pretty pathetic attempt at bait. I'd ask how much the developers are paying you but this utter failure forced them to shitcan the studio. lol
Who are the "nobody" (plural) you speaking of? Your dad and your gay lover?
You're still fucking wrong. Proof is here:
Game was shit, devs were retarded.
It died because it was bad, the devs only have themselves to blame.
Now fuck off and go circlejerk with the other faggots on the turtlerock forums, you retards killed your own game.
Yes she fucking was.
Host was NEVER pregnant. It was parasites.
No I'm not.
> Evolve (2015) (Additional Development)
>(Additional Development)
Not even a fucking low-level artist, I dont even dare to mention Lead. All he did his own concepts that never made it past his senior artist to the team to discuss seriously, probably, kek.
Now, would you be so kind and take a look at lead artist portfolio?
Hate the devs and players, not the game, you stuck up faggot.
Blown the fuck out and still subscribes to his "wraith not preg lol" delusion
I've never seen this level of vehement denial. The game was bad. Why are you defending it? It's dead and has been for a while. It's faded out of whatever brief light of relevancy it once had. Move on. Jesus.
So, you have nothing to prove your claims beside some guy that wasnt even in the core team who did his own fanart concept art?
Should I take seriously every other piece of fanart out there then? I mean, just like this one, it never ever made into production stage but it does not seems to bother you to consider seriously. I dont mind adopting your ruels because there are some bad-ass Goliath design by fan-artist out there with great backstory that directly contradicts official one but who cares, right?
> The game was bad.
No, it really fucking wasn't.
Maybe if you thought it was a "chase the monster" game, but it's fucking not.
I'll hate all three because they're all abysmal piles of shit.
But who cares NOW? It's dead and buried. Why do you give a shit?
>Wasn't in the core team
Lmao, right, explains why he's one of the modelers and why that's the ORIGINAL wraith model; Telepo
Because I, unlike you, actually give a shit about the GAME, the INDUSTRY and not the MONETIZATION.
Thank god I never gave a shit about this series and am a fan of a patrician series that is actually getting a 3rd game like System Shock and Shenmue
Yes it was.
There was no balance to speak of.
Pretty much every character was broken in some regard, and instead of working on fixing them they just kept churning out new, more broken characters and game modes until the day they stopped supporting it.
The devs were the definition of incompetent and the trash fire that is Evolve is the result.
The only good thing about it was the art.
Dude, I literally asked you a simple question: find me a quote from actual member of core team (TR) saying it on a forum even if it just 1-2 words.
It is simple as that. Every piece of Evolve lore came from:
- ingame material and promo
- forums posts by devs, mostly their writer (he literally posted long-ass mini-stories)
it is a simple question to answer, instead, you give me some guy who was in outsource team in "additional development" department who made his own designs, may be even tried to pitch them but they clearly -- and I'm judging it by the fact we never see them anywhere else -- never made past his deviantart/artstation page.
So, your answer is..?
>Implying those won't be ruined due to your Karma
i don't give that much of a shit about HL either, but I won't stand for Valve's backstabbing of it's userbase
I don't buy games that nickel and dime the player with DLC, and whose entire purpose as a studio is to sell that DLC.
That IS a member of the core team you fucking dunce. Look through the concepts.
As I suspected, your answer is "I like my preggies fetish who cares if it i undertale-level fanfic"
Duly noted. Hopefully next time you will be smarter
>Taking a misquote as fact
Jesus fucking Christ just go play with your autism spinner
but there has always been original IPs that died a fast death for being shit, it's just that big companies are banking on established franchises and nostalgia because it's so much more safer bet
Remember Rage, Brink, Homefront and all those other so mediocre it hurts FPS games? Yeah no one else does either
You must be at least 18 to browse this site.
And if they had their way; you never would remember the good ones either; only the ones they deliver less for a higher price.
Not being adumb degenerate (who cant read simple credits in the game) is a part of that rule too.
Bought 30 copies of this game for $6 each because of Steam pricing error.
Sold them off for $12-20 each.
Played for 2 days, got bored immediately. Played 2 days after it went F2P, still got bored.
Game;s garbage but at least it made me some amount of money.
Neither can you, you fuckwit. He's one of the primary concept artists. ZBrush and all. It's not a fucking fanfic if it's official material you subhuman wankstain.
Shouldn't *have*
*H A V E*
Not "of" you moron.
This is also further quantified AND PROVEN by Behemoth's Toothy Asshole.
By stephen oakley
The HEAD concept artist.
Pic related. Stephen Oakley's Assmouth
Belive me,. Wraith was preggo.
>shouldn't of
Opinion discarded
Delicious autism
>Responding to the same fucking thread every single day
Then you should have no issues finding him stating anywhere he was part of the core Turtle Rock Studio. Note: not worked for Evolve project, because every janitor can say so, every translator for Pajitikistan who translated few lines in the menu.
No, I mean the TR team itself, the guy who make decisions, who actually flesh out concept into game.
it is a simple game with simple rules: find me this source, preferably from the guy himself. All his media cross-linked on every his social site, go nuts, take your time.
As a side note, just for educational purposes: watch the documentary about "Unnamed Disney artists" who worked on famous Disney animated movies behind the scenes and only were credited in the credist in a LONG-ASS LIST WITH SMALL-TEXT THAT MOVES VERY FAST AT THE END section. A LOT of them had great talent and while working on cult classics they produced their own concepts for characters but these concepts never left their desk. I'm pretty sure that given few years you will eventually understand why.
>Implying it won't be every day every month every year until the game is revitalized
Fight me faggot.
>doesn't understand English
>talks down to others
>until the game is revitalized
Shouldn't you be in class? You're too young to browse this site.
wew lad, There is some intense shilling going on here.
I'm still not going to buy your shitty game though :^)
your Sup Forums tier of argument is leaking
you should go back
>thought game looked okay on release but didn't buy it because of the ridiculous price and amount of DLC
>played it a bit when it went F2P
>it was actually fun as fuck despite some balancing issues
>dies because the community was too small at that point and they took too long to fix the balancing
I feel like the game deserved better from both the devs and the community. Maybe if they'd dropped it to a $10-15 price tag it would've made enough money to stay alive, I definitely got $10 worth of entertainment out of it before its second death.
>ridiculous price and amount of DLC
Exept it really wasn't ridiculous. 60$ got you the whole game, and any skins were post-development.- which what most of the DLC was.
If you don't think $60 is a ridiculous price for a multiplayer only game which was barebones at best then you're loco in the coconut
It was free. It was also shit.
okay but how is any of this relevant to l4d and halflife? i came here to trashpost opinions and not reading some dialogue between an autist who likes a shit game and an autist who dislikes it but knows as much as the other about it for whatever retarded reason
Not an Argument
I really have a passion for terrible games that crash and burn a few weeks after release evidently: I reached 203 hours in evolve and just a week ago clocked 100 in for honor.
I made bad purchases, there is no way around it... my friends stopped playing completely after a few days, so did most of the playerbase, leaving the evidently inept staff dealing only with the opinions gathered on the respective subrettits which, as you may expect, are populated mostly by people who don't have a clue.
I still think they are really good games with a huge potential and while I'm not sad about making a bad purchase, I'm sad to see such potential wasted in favor of actual shit games like PUBG or whatever meme game is favored by the twitch audience nowadays.
I'm particularly upset about for honor, it really hurts my brain to see such incompetent devs coupled with total denial
THANK YOU BROTHER. Our sentiments exactly. Kane bless.