"Can you please smile more and look interested, James...

"Can you please smile more and look interested, James? I only scheduled us for a few more decades of recording J&M Mondays."

Other urls found in this thread:



james has no choice but to simply follow Mike's orders. or else Mike and Ryan will fire him, like they did Bootsy

How much of what people say about those two is projected sadness or conspiracy theories because boredom, and how much is it that they suffer from the so common "duos that grow apart but work together" thing?

Does anyone seriously watch that crap?

I only ever see it pop up in my subscriptions list and ignore it.
Probably about time to unsubscribe. Don't even remember when the last time was that channel had a decent video.

why does he look like a retard

That "what am I doing with my life" look




Seriously, wtf happened. They are putting out the most lacklustre, forced content now. Also, what happened to bootsy?

mike wanted to go in a different ((direction))

therefore Ryan replaced Bootsy

I always assumed they ususally got baked before filming. mike usually looks like hes stoned

Wait. Since when does the fucker have a tattoo?

Bootsy was too left-wing for Mike "Loco Bandito" Matei. They often clashed because of their political views until Bootsy had enough.

I'm sure it's about that time when he said something about punching a Nazi and said the guy was a pussy.

Cinemassacre asked him to stop talking about politics since he was with them.

He said no and that if they didn't like him posting political stuff, then they would just cut it.

I'm sure it happened like that.

What's the context ?

>when you wanted to be a famous film director but ended up making let's play's of shitty games with your cognitively challenged friend

15 years?

I recently watched his King Kong movies reviews and he seems so much happier.

I'm pretty sure he fucking hates games and Mike now.

Mike too retarded to log out of his sock puppet account.


Ryan is an autist, and i hardly ever see him now anyway. All i see is a forced j&m monday that are as short as possible and boring as shit. I honestly think james wants to just do movie stuff, but is now shoehorned into the nintendo stuff because of avgn. Mike has always been horrible.

This. James wants to go with Bootsy but it will lose everything he worked so hard the last 15 years.

He'll be even happier if he gets rid of that blood sucking leech he calls his wife.

>im sure it happened like that
>provides no proof


i don't know which is more hilarous
james' suicide face or mike holding a pistol like an assault rifle?

The only good thing I can say about Mike is he does have dedication and skill when it comes to going through the older NES and Gameboy games. It's a giant contrast compared to so called professional games journalists who nowadays struggle with even a tutorial in a modern day platformer. You can easily tell he actually enjoys and plays a ton of vidya.

He could just be tired. That's pretty much what I look like when I work a double shift.

hello Mike, forgot how you got caught using save states you fucking rat

>cognitively challenged friend
ummm sweetie, JAMES is the one who went to a special ed school.

I hate that ugly fat fuck.
Not as much as Mike though.

shes retarded if she actually paid and made that without the money upfront

Phew. I feel like I'm the only one that can see this. It's a relief to know others feel the same. Fuck Mike, the overgrown child. Using James for his own personal gain.

All of the gameplay is done by Mike.

James is a total fraud.

Every time he suits up in his nerd gear to not play his games he is reminded of his Faustian pact with Satan for internet fame, surrounded by the fruits of aging electronica and dusty garbage that belongs in a trash heap.

he should stop forcing shit and do what he enjoys...but he has a wife and kids now...so he is totally cucked and chained

It really is a shame what happened to the quality of the channel...music reviews without music, movie reviews of some flavor of the month shit, the abomination that is called Ryan, the lost Bootsy, 2-5 Nerd episodes a year and more and more forced j+m mondays vids where they play the same shitty fucking games. What also pisses me off is all that puss-footing around voicing bad opinions about recent stuff. disgusting.

Mike uses save states and throws tantrums like a six year old when a game challenges him, Bootsy was the real talent when it came to video games

>Mikes tries to impress everyone by uploading him playing video games
>Openly admits he practiced several times before so as not to embarrass himself

Man fuck off millennial, at the very least you must admit his basement is a vidya museum

>puss-footing around voicing bad opinions about recent stuff


Now, it's pretty evident that the people who watch this shit have mental problems and can't help themselves. The thing is, why do the jannies let them share these problems with the rest of the board, every day? What does any of this shit have to do with video games?

ecelebs threads have nowhere else to go

It's almost always projected sadness. Looking "bored" is just a normal/default human expression, looking excited is an act for the camera.

I've actually been to his "vidya museum"

It's like an old Bockbusters store and his wife gave me a dirty look.

Yeah, the guy's got a daughter that's retarded or sick or probably both and is constantly taking her to the doctor all the time. Shot like that takes a physical and emotional toll.

Still funnier to say Mike took over his channel and cucked him.

>well I wouldn't call it bad you know what mean but it's just...
>maybe it's not for me but I can see how other players might like it
>what's this this is not...you know how Contra did it?

Try to watch those Mike & Ryan episodes and keep and ear out for "repressed" criticism. It's shamefully obvious which is even more bad when you think about the Origin of the channel...cause the Nerd goes like "what the fuck is this putrid, piece of shitty fucking camera doing now? "

Cant afford to make anyone angry when you know you are past your prime and rapidly losing relevance I guess
All of these youtubers are acting, its insane how many people wathing dont realize that and think they are watching real people

the 2 lamest gamers on the planet

>guy uses a keyboard for his job 40 hours a week
>wants to relax
>"here bro have a keyboard"

What baffles me is also that there views keep falling down and instead of giving their fans want they want they forcing this half ass fake shit out.

I just want to see them chill out together while playing games from all generations and throw out there unfiltered opinions. Edit the shit down to 20-30 minutes and we're golden.

Holy shit, I own an exact copy of those glasses.

Yeah I got some casual gamer friends who just discovered AVGN when the entire Cinemassacre channel went full clickbait.
But those are the same people who only "play" video games which their favorit streamer play.

Judging by his Gameboy video I think he just loathes dealing with J&M and his wife. Not really surprising, people tend to hate having their channel spiral out of their control. Hell even Board James seemed to be something he prefered more.

the return of the LOCO BANDITO

>James ended up with not one but two daughters
>two future harpies that will not give a single fuck about his interests, and not a son who could potentially share in and inherit them
>as they get older they openly mock him and what he finds passion and enjoyment in
>As he finally grows old they will most likely sell all of his shit to pay for makeup shoes and purses
>His jew cow of a wife will probably encourage them to defy and humiliate him as she sells his 'silly old movie junk'

this can't happen, I refuse to accept it, user.

>two future harpies that will not give a single fuck about his interests
The people who still watch this shit in a nutshell.

Imagine hating women this much

D E A D A S S S E R I O U S 1 0 I N C H P O S T ?

he need to do some kind of giveaway for one of his fans or something if this shit is gonna happen