I never understood why Sup Forums hates it

I never understood why Sup Forums hates it.

Black guy

>I never understood
I'm pretty sure you've said this a lot throughout your retarded life.

Makes me nostalgic for how good BC2 is (gun behavior, class design/setups..)

You don't belong here. Stop trying to, you fucking newfag. Go away.

Forced Niggers

Every bf after 1942 sucks dick

>black germans

Black guys in WW1

Was it?

history revisionism
shit maps


Campaign was too short desu

i don't care about blacks and historical accuarecy so my opion may help, it's slow, shallow, uses steady weapon dmg with multipliers for hitting a headshot, has no weight, forces some teamplay but in practic no1 cares for his squad or the others. The only good think about it is the graphics

>sniper rifle OHKOs
>lootcrate system
>little to no actual, co-ordinated teamwork in a match environment
>gas is a gimmick
>shotguns are extremely powerful
>forces you into using guns purely based upon damage range and falloff instead of anything else
>airships and trains are underwhelming and barely help
>matchmaking is absolute turds
>hardly any viable counters to tanks
>If the enemy steals your vehicles you are utterly fucked
>operations are unfun and boring

also does race matter that much to americans that they can't get past a black character? i mean the game obviously doesn't try to be historically accuarete as most ppl run around with machine guns or even smg's and it's suppoused to be WW1

looks like he struck a nerve

too much CQC
shotgun have shit range unlike bf3/bf4
LMG are a joke a pistols have a lower ttk
tank sniping and sniping in general are more present than in other opus
few good maps (i wish we could get a new seine crossing )
medic have the best guns and grenade launcher so people play medic without revive kit (this isn't new thought)
the maps in general are quite bad

i like their new game modes though the rush 64 player with the train and zeppelin are pretty nice

I've probably been on this site for longer than you've been out of middle school.

>he unironically complains about the hellreigel
>he doesnt realise that automatico is the real cancer gun

forgot to add the SMG meta is stronger than ever
bayonet charge is a bit too much useless
and i wish melee weapons where more useful if changing weapons was a bit slower an reloading too it could make them better i think

Pathetically short single player, online only multiplayer.

This is the correct answer.

There's Michael Bay scenes in the campaign, but no minorities shoehorned in, except maybe that female Bedouin rider, but that's kinda believable when put next to Lawerence of Fucking Arabia.

In multiplayer, ethnicity doesn't matter because it's no longer a historical saga but a FUCKING VIDEO GAME

gas was great but now that it's 1 grenade only you can't really use it correctly but it work fine preventing people to aim is pretty nice
spotting makes everything too easy though they should only display it on your minimap

The only fun I have in this game is when I play with a squad of friends or with at least one friend. And the only reason I bought the game is because I made a friend buy Arma. I still prefer BF4 if I just wanna kill people on a decent map with armored vehicles.

It's fun, but team balance is fucked up.

Also, a lot of cheaters on pc (at least they get banned)

game has its flaws but the reason Sup Forums HATES it is because there is a black guy on the cover thats all

I don't play too many FPS shooters so I'm pretty casual when it comes to that genre, but I found BF1 fairly fun.

>In multiplayer, ethnicity doesn't matter
Most mp you can customize your dude,skin is just another tone to be mucked with.

Maps are garbage, vehicle spawns are retarded. Other than sniper, where every rifle is just a slight flavor of each other, every class's weapons are very clearly tiered, making the majority of them completely pointless. Then there's the fact that DICE Stockholm is still in charge of development, and can't put an update out without fucking something up. And the lack of private/custom servers means that Sup Forums faggotry runs rampant on pretty much every server.

>shotguns are extremely powerful

>using a webm of the post-lupkow patch were all shotguns were broken as evidence