Make Sup Forums a better place

Make Sup Forums a better place

> Upper right corner of browser
> Settings
> Filters & Post Hiding
> Filter and highlight specific threads/posts
> Edit
> Add entries from pic

Enjoy your fresh and significantly better Sup Forums experience without the virgin losers ruining it.

>no what went wrong

What are some games that let me filter out ideas I don't want to be exposed to?




I'd rather pin things that I want to see instead of risking missing something because of a false positive.


add "I love Junko!" and "her stinky sister"

Yeah, I'd hate to miss all the insightful comments from some shitty Nep waifu thread.

>not filtering the cancer
>making a post that should be filtered
Wew, lad. Somehow you managed to be more cancerous than almost everything on your list


>no "now that the dust has settled"

You can tell from glancing at the OP that something is worth hiding, so you just shift click it.

> wew
> lad
> logic this retarded

On to the list it goes

Filters aren't case sensitive. You don't need caps and lower case like that.

Oh fuck you're right. I read it "case-sensitive" and not "case-insensitive". Durr.

why do you even need to hide anything, you dont need to interact with everyone on here and dont have to read every thread just because it exists

fuck off back to tumblr with your snowflake censorship shit

I prefer skipping that step, through filtering, and then I don't have to do a damn thing. I just never see them. It's fantastic and I wish I had started doing it sooner.


what are you, gay?

It's about curating your own experience by filtering and focusing only on topics that interest you. It's like walking into a bookstore, passing straight by the Romance and YA sections to get to Fantasy/Sci-Fi section, then browsing that section to find something you like.

By your logic, you must walk into a bookstore, walk through every single section in the building, and at least glancing at the cover of every single book you pass. If that's the experience you want, then have fun. I'd rather read what I want to read without first digging through greasy virgin shitposting.

Zero interest in anything Blizzard-related. If I wanted generic anime porn, there's multiple boards for that.

filtering out threads where people ask for games with cool mechs or something seems like a bad idea
filtering youtube links also seems like a bad idea, Sup Forums is the main place where i find out about new trailers
>filtering webm threads
now thats just wrong

I unironically come here for girls threads.

I've never once clicked on a YT link posted on Sup Forums. Not once ever in my life. I get vidya news and trailers from countless other websites, so I don't need Sup Forums to keep me informed. Plus, about half the time it's just a link to some autistic faggot's 90-minute dissertation on why POPULAR GAME is actually shitty garbage.

show your catalog, how many threads are still left?

Congrats, you are cancer.

Every single time, there's this retard that thinks using filters means the entire catalog disappears. Even with all my filters, I still see a good 70-80 threads at any given time. I'm very sorry if your epic bait thread got hidden.

meh, my chrome extension tells me what youtube links are before i click on them.
and from my experience its videogame music or videogame trailers 80% of the time, and 5% reviews 5% funny videos and 10% autistic analysis videos.
from my experience it's fine.

Eh, I enjoy swimming trough a sea of piss just to find that occasional good thread.

I just went and counted. Even with 51 filtered threads, I still see NINETY-NINE (99) threads right now, almost all of them actually related to vidya instead of autism, bait, and waifus. Stay mad, kid.

>go to bookstore
>its been curated to my previously read books
>never discover anything new
>live in a book bubble

I'm impressed you fucked up the analogy so badly. That's not even remotely how filters work.


Why don't you go on r.eddit if this place scares you that much?

Do you guys live in a hill or something? Coz I think you're quite tilted there.

"her game"

>muh safespace

>It's about curating your own experience

You mean like tumblr?

>reddit brings in shitposting
>tries to make it the norm
>tells anyone who doesn't like their worthless threads to go to reddit

I've not used a single filter since first stumbling onto Sup Forums back in '08.

No, like Sup Forums, using the built-in tools given to us by m00t.

Imagine actually filtering ass or booty.

Filthy phoneposter. I bet you're a Leaf, too.

I'm here to talk about video games. If I want ass, I can visit multiple other boards or just fuck my wife.

The "You did buy her game right" are probably the shittiest on the whole website.

If you're really really good this year, maybe mommy and daddy will buy you a smartphone for Christmas.

My parents are dead, you cunt.

I want to get rid of seeing this fucking shitheap on Sup Forums, why aren't the filters working? I still see this piece of shit in the catalogue.

Good. They didn't have to see the worthless piece of shit their son became.

That's why, I don't have to read every thread, it's just tiring to watch the same threads popping up over and over again


more filter lists

/suicide watch/i;

###Sup Forums###

boards:v,/characters that are literally you/i,op:only;
boards:v,/did nothing wrong/i,op:only;
boards:v,/file name/i,op:only;
boards:v,/find a flaw/i,op:only;
boards:v,/its happening/i,op:only;
boards:v,/it´s happening/i,op:only;
boards:v,/now that the dust has settled/i,op:only;
boards:v,/prove me wrong/i,op:only;
boards:v,/Smash Bros/i,op:only;
boards:v,/so perfect?/i,op:only;
boards:v,/so this is the power of/i,op:only;
boards:v,/went wrong/i,op:only;
boards:v,/went right/i,op:only;
boards:v,/went so wrong/i,op:only;
boards:v,/went so right/i,op:only;
boards:v,/what did he mean by this/i,op:only;
boards:v,/what did she mean by this/i,op:only;
boards:v,/why is this allowed/i,op:only;

This is good shit.

That's the comments filter not the thread one

threw this into a notepad file for when I get unlazy

You're projecting your own circumstances pretty hard there.

Thanks to this thread, I learned I can filter things to the TOP of the page, so I'll never miss any of that good shit.

posting some previously saved images

Oh right I see, how do I filter threads then?

Look at OPs post you fucking retard

That too! There's a lot of negativity about HIDING threads but it's very useful for highlighting stuff you find extra interesting.


this, pic for you OP


>Not having Todd on Top

some for the 4chanx users

Ah right from the catalogue. Thanks niggas.

do you honestly think people are going to type all that shit. Post the text man

>AR MS in filter

I don't filter anything.

as someone who is on Sup Forums for every waking second, filters are the best thing m00t has done.
people are some happy being angry and shitting on each other all the time.
but there are also people who are starving for yous and "funpost"
too bad fun is a subjective word and could mean anything.
to a serial killer, killing is fun.
there is very few good nuggets in this cesspool of shit

>spoonfeeding newfags
cancer desu

> being this retarded

You do realise that just is an actual, regular word? That way you filter out "Just" in it's every form.

>leddit spacing
makes me think

Person who asked here, I've been here 11 years I've just never used filters. Kill yourself.

> Don't snap something

sure you have buddy
you do know that filters have existed at least since 2009, right? Sup Forums X you fucking newfag nigger, kys

> leddit
> Being this retarded

Onto the list it goes

fireden archive
check op only
make Sup Forums a better place.
dont be lazy

I've known about filters I've just never bothered with them. Also why the fuck would I lie about how long I've been here, it's not a fucking badge of honour by any stretch of the imagination.

> Don't worry I was only pretending to be retarded !

>waaah sjws are censoring my games!!!
>goes on to censor half the board
sasuga filterfags

You can say "ARMS", nigga. I only ever filter OP posts, not comments. Basically, as with most of my filters, it's not so much "REEE ARMS IS CANCER" but more like "I have no interest in ARMS in any way and I never will so I might as well just never see them". Same reason I filter Blizzard shit - I'm not angry or anything, I'll just never ever care about them so why bother even having them show up?

What the fuck are you talking about?

> being this retarded

>i only got tired of seeing generic, repeated, meme threads after 11 of browsing - and even though I've been here all this time, I have never used the up-until 2014/2015 essential Sup Forums X extension or bothered with filters
I doubt it.

Find me a thread with "JUST" in the OP that isn't shitposting bait.

It just doesn't happen. And I'm willing to miss the 0.05% of threads with "JUST" in the OP that's actually a reasonable vidya discussion. More than willing to pay that price.

Not every person who filters shit threads complains about censoring. Stop projecting. Also those two aren't even comparable, as one affects you and others, and the other only affects you.


You have no idea how fucking lazy I am. I only just started hiding threads that pissed me off last year.

if you start a thread with memes you don't have the intention to talk about games, it's not that hard to get

How do you block a thread only if the OP contains a keyword ?

Remember to blanket filter all tripcodes

Can't wait until machine learning is a little further along so I can automatically filter all the Reddit frog and Reddit man posts too

life's so much better

Joke's on you, I'm not an underaged alt-right virgin. I loved Horizon:ZD and have the new Dishonored preordered. I'm 100% onboard with SJWs """""ruining""""" your games. AND I filter your bait threads. Holy fuck, I wish I could see how red your face is right now.

for the lazy people who use filters, ive decided to fish the archives the copypaste.
hopefully the contribution is not treated as spam

/what (does|did) (he|she|they|it) mean by this./i;op:only;
/Now that the dust has/i;op:only;
/is (he|she) (still our|our) (guy|girl)/i;op:only;
/(what went.*\s(right|wrong))|was\s(he|she)\sright/i;op:only;
/what the fuck was (his|her) problem./i;op:only;
/How (do|did) we go from this/i;op:only;
/Who .* ((\u002F)[a-z]{4,10}(\u002F))/i;op:only;
/(\u003E)(boss|final boss|the final boss|hardmode|hard mode)/i;op:only;
/blocks your path/i;op:only;
/((it.|it)s up)|((he.|he)s in)/i;op:only;
/This is a Japanese/i;op:only;
/What the (fuck|actual fuck|Hell) (happened|happen)/i;op:only;
/Who was in the wrong/i;op:only;
/(buy|buying) (my|her) (next game|game)/i;op:only;
/say something nice (to|about) her/i;op:only;
/(What am I in for)|(what does .v.)|(wha(t's|ts) the (.v.erdict|verdict))/i;op:only;
/Who ((\u002F)[a-z]{4,10}(\u002F)) here/i;op:only;
/What exactly was (his|her|their) plan?|Can we all agree/i;op:only;
/Why are(n.t|nt) you playing the best/i;op:only;
/turn on your mic/i;op:only;

Use the filter on the CATALOG.