I'm buyin a ps4. What are the best exclusives worth their price, such as pic related.
Best ps4 exclusives?
i am also interested in this
What's with the influx of normies jumping over to PS4 as of lately? Why would you invest in a console without knowing what games you want? Do you at least keep up with the latest vidya?
Crash trilogy is a must
Yeah that it pretty weird. I decide whether or not I'm gonna get a console based off of the exclusives.
Anyways OP, probably Horizon: Zero Dawn. It's pretty good for a Ubisoft game.
Bloodborne only really.
Stuff like Persona 5, Yakuza, Nioh, ect will find thier way to other platforms
I just bought a PS4 and played Last of Us. Remarkable game. Played it for 5 hours straight and didn't get bored.
Bloodborne and The Last of Us.
Nioh is pricy but pretty damn good, better than souls games in every way apart from the setting being a little less atmospheric and with less diverse enemies.
Really? They wont stay exclusive? How come?
He’s talking out his ass
Yakuza 0 my dude
If you're into fighting games you should get them on PS4 since communities tend to die out pretty quickly on PC.
Op here. I'm not jumping to ps4, im only getting it for exclusives. As you said, you should have an idea, and i do: bloodborne, nioh, yakuza, horizon zero dawn, persona 5, the last of us, are all games i plan to get. I just made a thread for it too see what else is out there.
From the current replies, turns out there really isnt much other than what i had in mind.
Bloodborne was worth the 60 i paid when it came out. It's now 35 including the dlc you lucky bastard
Her game.
I plan to get into dbz fighterz, and i was gonna get it for steam but i might get it on ps4 now because i've seen other people say this too.
Gravity rush, right? How fun is it? What do you do?
The Last of Us Remastered if you haven't played it.
Nioh, worse than Dark Souls 2 even but if you really want more Souls, it's the similar gamewhile doing its own thing.
Uncharted collection + Uncharted 4, Sup Forums might hate them but I found them enjoyable.
Exclusives and non-exclusives you should get if you have a PS4 and don't own the games on other platforms:
Bloodborne + DLC
Yakuza 0
Persona 5
NieR Automata
BF1 Revolution
Titanfall 2
Tekken 7
Gravity Rush
MGSV: The Definitive Experience
Dark Souls 3: The Fire Fades Edition
this but replace nioh with god of war 3 and this is my exact ps4 collection
uncharted 4 is retarded shit though. 2 is great so i have the HD collection
Well to be fair Dbz might just be the exception since it has a much wider appeal than most other fighting games, but I would still go with PS4 version just to be on the safe side.
>dark souls 3 on console
I loved bloodborne to death, but there's no way I'd choose 30fps over 60fps for a game based on precise timing
Where's Last of Us!!
How is Nioh worse than Dark Souls 2? Genuinely curious since the game looks really good to me and I'm planning on picking it up soon
Op here, i played it at a friends house and its fine. The only soulsey thing about it is losing your currency on death and the fact that it's an action rpg. It's a different but still fun game, and i'd argue the skillcap is higher than dark souls with ki/stamina management, and different weapon stances
If you don't have a PC that can run DaS3 at 60fps than it's better to get it on PS4 to at least have a bigger playerbase for PvP and co-op.
PS3 game that isn't good enough or old enough to warrant purchasing the HD version.
hey senpai! you havent forgotten about me yet right?
its the best free game in the platform and im bringing joker soon!
I had several problems with it.
Lack of mob variety and most of them are humanoid.
Areas are too repetitive.
The art direction is akin to something like a Korean MMO rather than on the level of Dark Souls, let alone Bloodborne.
Too much loot, self explanatory really.
I didn't finish it due to getting burned out, so maybe it changes near the end? it's not a bad game but it isn't great either and people ignored the blatant flaws on launch. If you're going to play it, don't play it just after you finish BB.
These are the exclusives I've played and would personally recommend
>Uncharted 4
>The lost legacy
>Infamous second son + first light
>Crash N. Sane Trilogy
>Gravity Rush RM
>Gravity Rush 2
>Horizon zero dawn
>The last guardian
>Persona 5
>Ratchet and clank
>Tearaway unfolded
>Wipeout omega
>Littlebigplanet 3
>Until dawn
>tearaway, wipeout, infamous
What are these
>The art direction is akin to something like a Korean MMO
Now that is bullshit, the game heavily relies on japanese mythology and history.
I don't know what you consider "Korean MMO" are direction
>If you're going to play it, don't play it just after you finish BB.
Funny thing is I'm finishing Bloodborne for the first time now, but I understood Nioh was different enough to not treat it like a Souls game, just that they had some basic elements in common like said
Regardless I guess the only way to find out is to try it myself
Tearaway is a fun platforming game with some puzzles
Wipeout is an anti gravity racing game with weapons.
Infamous is a third person action game where you have superpowers
Gotta admit I know little about Japanese mythology (nor do I care desu), but Korean MMOs are generally extremely bland with boring palettes, or colour vomit. Felt the former with Nioh, but if you dig Japanese mythology then you do you. Didn't care much for the victorian theme or lovecraft before playing Bloodborne either, but I felt the general art direction was on point and I was never bored. It helped that BB was a very short game.
Definitely fair, I went it on a recommendation of a friend saying I'd really like it if I liked Bloodborne as he knows I'm a huge Soulsborne fan. I was left disappointed, but if you go in with "It's just another action RPG" then you'll enjoy it.