Are we gonna have another Star Wars game golden age Sup Forums

Are we gonna have another Star Wars game golden age Sup Forums

>Empire at war gets an update 11 years after released. multiplayer and steam workshop enabled. Strong hints to EAW2.

>its actually fucking populated, people playing vanilla and mods.

>Battlefront 2 looks like its continuing the battlefront tradition by being better than its predecessor in every way.

>Smuggler game still in development

Plz let it happen

Other urls found in this thread:

>Strong hints to EAW2.
But that's false.
EA has monopoly on SW vidya.
Disney has been simply on a milking spree for a long time now, releasing compatibility patches for old shit to milk it.
Petroglyph even explicitly confirmed they aren't working on EAW2 or any new game for Disney.

You and your stormtroopers are chilling at a build pad when this guy comes along and slaps your bacta tank, what do?

>thinking this is a threat in any way

>star wars game golden age
>in a time when people actively defended the removal of entire factions, vehicles, units, planets, game types and combat from battlefront

short answer: no
long answer: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

>wanting lots of dead weight


Reminder that two most important mods, Thrawn's Revenge and Republic at War, are now on Workshop.

Get raped by niggers and die from AIDS you underage shitstain OP.


>not yodenmod

I have no idea what that trash is considering I never heard of it.

Ive played every Star Wars game ever made except kinect and the VR one, I think I have a bit more athourity than you to speak about it ;)

droid works is the best game

its actually shit

Then you're a mindless fanboy drone if you play and enjoy trash.

I enjoy fun games above anything else my friend.

You're a mindless hatefilled drone if you wont give a game a chance.

I already knew it has to be shit considering it's a not well renowned mod.
The only mods for EaW/FoC worth giving a shit about:
EaW: Conflict in Space
FOC: Thrawn's Revenge, Republic at War, Rise of the Mandalorians, Awakening of the Rebellion, Phoenix Rising, Battlefront Commander

Out of those, only AotR and RotM aren't on Workshop yet. Although Battlefront Commander isn't uploaded properly so its custom AI isn't working because the devs are too retarded to realize custom AI won't work unless you pack it into a .meg archive.

I don't need to give a game a chance if seeing video of it (Kinect one for example) is enough to make me vomit in disgust. I actually remember playing Droid Works demo forever ago though.

So how do you play EaW?
I always just build hypervelocity canons on every planet and wait till i can build Venators.

You can't do that on non-vanilla AI, so basically in mods like Republic at War you'd get fucked.

star wars fpskino needs to return

I hope battlefront II 2017's campaign is good

>le ebin Sup Forums contrarians treats Disney supporting old games as a bad thing because "fug le disney jewz xDDDD"

fuck off

>putting words in my mouth
I never said anything about it being bad, I simply said that there is no grand super secret tie-in reveal to all this, it's just (((Didney))) being (((Didney))) and milking old things, and you can't milk them properly when people bitch about it not working properly on modern systems and whatnot.


>EA in charge
No you idiot

>Are we gonna have another Star Wars game golden age Sup Forums

Most star wars games made back then were shit, and most of the ones that still get praised these days were really mediocre (like empire at war) or just straight shit (republic commando)

>hello, im so blinded by the past I cant look forward to the future please rape me

>Le edgy contrarian opinion

ow the edge

>most of the ones that still get praised these days were really mediocre (like empire at war) or just straight shit (republic commando)
You couldn't be any more contrarian even if you tried.

take those nostalgia goggles off famalam

if you're even old enough to be able to wear them

is dead user, there was a point in time when we had a new SW movie on people's minds and EA completely fucking failed at capitalizing on that by releasing a low effort BF game, they are too stupid and incompetent to create something good with this brand
This is also about variety because EA only really has dice and bioware on the AAA level, they can only crap out shooters and "my wife's black son" RPGs.

>you will never get a new dogfight game
>you will never get a new AG racing game
>you will never get a new RPG game

>RCII done by EA
god no, it's better off dead and so is sev.

>battlefront 2 looks llie its continuing the battlefront tradition by being better than its predecessor in every way
>implying battlefront 1 was worse than 2

the new battlefront 2 will only be good if they reskin battlefield, put in 3rd person, and offline bots because that was what the originals basically were.

space battles were the only good part of EAW and they weren't all that great to begin with

RC was just another shitty halo clone with a super shallow squad gimmick that didn't allow for any tactics beyond press button to target bullet sponge

>space battles were the only good part of EAW and they weren't all that great to begin with
I never tried mods: The Post
Petroglyph deliberately made the base game more accessible to wider audience but included a ton of moddability to vastly increase complexity of the game for enthusiasts

>RC was just another shitty halo clone with a super shallow squad gimmick that didn't allow for any tactics beyond press button to target bullet sponge
Yep, you never played the game. It was literally Brothers in Arms: Star Wars Edition

But nu-battlefront had 3rd person

Everybody wants to be a Jedi, why can they not capitalise on that by making some more fucking Jedi Knight style games.

>unironically defending EA
Lets go down memory lane of what they've done since they've got the IP, we have a bunch of mobage, a really shitty battlefield clone with the "Battlefront" title slapped onto it that had basically zero content at launch and even today isn't that content filled, a sequel that doesn't look like a substantial improvement in any real sense, and some outsourced game that probably won't be that good in spite of Amy Hennig's writing. Also, lets remember how bad of a company they are on top of that, with all the studios they've killed.

>huge ass fleets duking it out in space
>super star destroyer comes out of hyperspace
>orchestral music starts playing

>It was literally Brothers in Arms: Star Wars Edition

now this is nostalgiafagging

What mods are absolute must haves?

I want a Star Wars Armada video game adaptation BAD

There's a complete adaptation of it on Tabletop Simulator's workshop.

Are you even trying?


sold. I love my minis but playing a game without 90 minutes of list-pulling and setup sounds fantastic

How does Armada play? Is it kind of like Warhammer?

>It was literally Brothers in Arms: Star Wars Edition
>no suppression mechanics
>no flanking routes
>no tactical view

It was only like Brothers in Arms on a superficial level.

>things done in the past reflect the company now.


Also Battlefront 2 has added pretty much everything missing from Battlefront that people were pissed about.

Yeah user, decisions don't just last in the moment and then go away

I play X-Wing and SW: Destiny, but agreed. Would love to try Armada someday. Also kind of hyped for Legion, but probably won't have the time or money.

>literally one button for context sensitive squad commands
>comparable with any sort of tactical shooter

okay friend

I wouldn't know as I've never played Warhammer, but you build a fleet of ships, either Rebel or Imperial, and battle it out. Your ships move a set distance forward each turn (you can adjust the pitch when it's your turn, but you have to designate adjustments to movement speed ahead of time), and you have other actions that can be programmed a few turns in advance. There's a lot of prediction since so many actions have to be planned several turns before they're executed, but by and large it's about maneuvering large ships with limited mobility around each other and keeping your opponent in firing distance. There are smaller squadrons too (X-Wings and the like) that have much greater mobility but in general don't dish out as much damage. It's dense, but it's so much fun

More like Battlefleet Gothic, but way better. The Star Wars version of Warhammer is coming next year to kill off GW and Warhammer for good.

> Concentrate space fleets in one big group or more if the territory can't be bridged easily.
> space invade every planet and leave a single fighter squad in orbit so they can't buld shit and only one or two planets make way for enemy fleets to my territory
> build up ground army and auto resolve that shit because ground combat always forces you into bottlenecks or even better, right into turbolaser towers whose generators you can't reach without suicide running through the towers
> don't forget to build the maximum amount of mines on every planet

That will never happen, but we can dream. Fuck that company.

>Battlefront 2 looks like its continuing the battlefront tradition by being better than its predecessor in every way
cross era shit because Dice said they want it to feel like your playing with your star wars toys
no vehicles spawning on map
no battlefront 2 is still shit

Problem is that you need friends to play with obviously, it has no AI.

All of Fantasy Flight's games are outselling GW's shit at least 10 to 1, which is why GW pulled their license away seeing FFG's 40K board game was vastly eclipsing actual Warhammer sales, and come February when Legion launches it is going to destroy GW at their own game. Star Wars is thousands of magnitudes more popular and loved than Warhammer.

KOTOR reboot will definitely take over Mass Effects place completely after Andromedas failure.
Them not finishing that Boba Fetts Level 1313 Uncharted clone was a bad choice, would have been much faster than waiting for whatever that Ass Creed clone is supposed to be.

> Battlefront will forever cockblock the chance at a stand-alone dogfighting game

>tfw Racer 2 never

> in mods like Republic at War you'd get fucked.
Playing RaW right now on hard mode.
So far i've lost a shitload of planets, but the ones with hypervelocity canons can easily take anything the CIS throw at them.
The only problem with the tactic so far is the lack of funds. Getting 20k for new canons takes a very long time.

>tfw Gungan Frontier 2 never

"things they've done in the past" includes things from A FEW MONTHS AGO

>wanting prequelshit
Glad Disney put you fucks in your place

Go to bed JJ, the prequels were better than nu-SW.

Bad movies=/=bad games

Reminder that RaW hardmode gives the enemies weapons 40% more damage output than yours and the enemy gets 10 times the money from mines than you do.

Yeah, sure. Name one good thing about them

They weren't shameless copies of the OT with a trendy political agenda shoehorned into them.

completely original setting with a very different visual style versus TFA rehashing the plot and style of the OT, going so far as to make every part of the victory from episode 6 entirely meaningless.

I said name a good thing


While the prequels were garbage, at least they tried. The new films are just lowest common denominator capeshit in disguise.


I literally can't remember a single track from TFA.

>another SW game golden age
>Star Wars games have always been shit
>another golden age

You know, I'd never thought about it, but the prequels were just as good on that front.

inferior to the OTs in every way. PT doesn't have a single memorable track
Trying isn't a good excuse for bad films, need I remind you that the PT was so bad none of the actors enjoyed working on it, none of the films made any money and were all poorly received.

I as well enjoy the taste and smell of other men's anuses.

You couldn't be any more of a tasteless faggot.

no but when you have to choose between shit that had passion put into it and shit that was designed to be shit, it's not hard to appreciate one more than the other.

>PT doesn't have a single memorable track
You best be joking
Duel of the Fates, Battle of the Heroes, Droid Invasion, to name a few

ST isn't shit so your argument is invalid. Shit is still shit by the way, doesn't matter how much effort was put into squeezing it out.
Can't even remember the music

>Force grips your path

>ST isn't shit
Are you from the future?

You can tell from VII

I'll be honest. I only care about old empire era. Lots of sith and lots of jedi. I don't care for modern stuff that much. I want high fantasy in space. Preferably of the rpg variety.

Are you bored? Because this is some 9fag-tier trolling.

VII is only beaten out by IV and V in quality and even then not by much

No Mary Sues that kill all thrill or suspense.
My list is huge but you only said wanted one thing.

And VI
And I

Obi-wan, Anakin, the entire Jedi order that shouldn't exist because said order contradicts the OT when they should have been wandering monks

>ST is good
>You can tell from VII


>No Mary Sues

Wandering Monks can be part of an order.

There are problems with the Jedi Order of the prequels but thats not one of them.

It is, the problem in general with the order is that it exists and there a millions of jedi wandering around 20 years before the OT when there should have been only a few dozen. Making them generals in an army was retarded too

>another star wars vidya thread turns into movie shitflinging

>there should have been only a few dozen
According to whom, your headcanon?

>this one desperate XV-kun tier (((Didney))) shill
Either bored troll or underage Gen Z shiteater.
Probably both actually.

>there a millions of jedi
There were literally only like few hundred of them at the time of prequels.

Don't worry user-kun, I'm here for you. Best Jedi Knight game and why, Go!