How can Germany have enough manpower to occupied America and the world?
How can Germany have enough manpower to occupied America and the world?
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It's fiction. The germans have science fiction level technology, like time travel, anti-gravity, trans-dimensional reality manipulation, and gene therapy.
They did conquer a good amount of the world for 20 years, not hard to imagine they probably gathered enough manpower and magical jew tech to do that.
When you occupy an area it's only a matter of time before the locals will join you.
Especially when the children get indoctrinated it only takes a couple years before they are old enough to join your forces.
All they managed to do is conquer bits of Europe. That's not a hard task.
magic concret
in one of the diary logs its menioned people starting to join them
Yeah like this guy said, people start to join out of fear and indoctrination
The same way the Koreans did in Homefront.
kraut jew space magic
The native populace realized they were the good guys and stopped resisting/joined them.
Majority of white people in America have German ancestry. Through Nazi German propaganda, they managed persuade most white people into Nazism
Oh and dont forget the nuclear deterrent, they nuked NY and effectively broke moral
tbf in Homefront the midwest was uninhabitable because of radiation or some shit. So the Koreans were only occupying the west coast.
I'm not sure how I remember that.
>reverse-engineered technology given to a religious sect developed by communication with the Almighty himself
>decades ahead of most other countries
>literally have fucking robots
>dieselpunk power armor
Anyway, it's not like it's a perfect occupation. Much of the northeastern US is irradiated from the atomic bombs. They're just walling up cities like New Orleans instead of bothering with occupations.
And of course, there are still a notable number of resistance movements since the US is so large and it'd be difficult to track them.
America aside, there's still the African front.
But that's kind of the point of a lot of these scenes. Not every character is an incorruptible beast of a man like BJ Blazkowicz. A lot of people just are perfectly happy to acquiesce because they won't suffer so much under the new regime. Some people will be uncomfortable, like with the milkshake Nazi interacting with the mother and her child, but some people will just casually talk about the slavetrade like they're buying clothes. Apathetic symbiosis.
I bet you a lot of the drama isn't going to be the abhorrent and monstrous behavior the Nazis get up to like in New Order with its vivisections and concentration camps, but rather just how much of the US just rolled over instead of rallying behind a resurgent resistance.
>in one of the diary logs its mentioned people starting to join them
Why would people join them if they are bad guys?
Homefront's story is more fantastical than Woflenstein's. They tried to make NK as real a threat as they possibly could, and in the process the entire invasion is a huge joke that could never happen in real life.
Because they're not the bad guys.
>poland starts killing germans
>hitler pisses off international bankers
>80 years of "nazis are literally the devil" propaganda
Just like in tMitHC, the defeated military were offered positions to continue the only thing they know how to do. John Smith was given the dream life anyone could ask for.
Stockholm syndrome
it's been 20 years
BJ is killing nothing but young native children of the countries he genocides his way through, innocent young men and women who honestly are trying to protect their homes and country
Read the refrencied post.
besides what was it 14 years since the BJ went in to a coma? plenty of time to subvert a population
because you don't want a bullet through the back of your neck
Simulation games
master race
The local populace probably realized the germans are the good guys.
What happened to the Japanese? did they get destroyed? join them?
and the Italians for that matter.
Were losing the war and eventually ended up German puppet states like everything else.
I still don't get the African front. How can the magic jew tech overwhelm the the vast distance and population problems of Russia and central Asia, but not Africa?
It's basically 'Nam.
Maybe they just shifted focus to them recently
nazis are just that good, nigger
Anybody excited we're finally getting villain action figures from Elite Hans?
Foreign volunteers and conscripts just like always
a foreign legion of arabs/indians and whatnot
Not meming or going anti-american or anything but I genuinely believe America would crumble under most full scale invasions. The national psyche just can't stand up to the slightest affront on american soil. Look at 9/11, Boston, Pearl Harbor. You had people the opposite end of the country that had nothing to do with anyone involved with the attacks breaking down and crying.
When you're told your whole life that you're the special snowflake nation that's different from everyone else (american exceptionalism) it'd be difficult for your mind to comprehend that "special" country being attacked. The vast majority of the population would be curled up into a ball rocking back and forward humming the star spangled banner.
why would the germans even annex/occupy the US? it's better to just kick their asses and put Pelley in power
America couldn't even conquer vietnam LOL
Are you implying that the only victims were americans?
besides mass loss of life that came from a surprise attack was what put people crying, not because it was in america.
>How can Germany have enough manpower to occupied America and the world?
If the germans had the stealth flyers ready, they would have won the war. No country was prepared against this technology in that era.
Pelley was pretty much insane though, there's no way they would've trusted someone so eccentric
Super science.
We've got a plan
>surprise attacks are the same as an invasion
Are you actually that dumb?
I mean they're not going to bloody phone ahead. "Alright pals? We're just going to come over for a spot of raping and pillaging and installing our own government and that. See you at ten."
>trans-dimensional reality manipulation
Do you need anything else at that point? Sounds like they're gods.
The insane number of gun owners in America alone would create an almost impossible insurgency situation.
They got a lot of their man power from the countries that were formerly Germany before WW1. I don't think they'd get as much as they pushed into America.
The Nazis believed in the Aryan race.
They did indeed run into manpower problems and were even forced to recruit goddamn Croatians.
I'm not so sure. Like I said it'd be far bigger of a psychological issue for most americans. Most countries have had centuries and centuries of brutal war in their own and other countries. America just doesn't have that.
I'd imagine most of their manpower comes from occupied territories
They stole ancient Jewish technology and developed the atom bomb first. They nuked New York.
Ok, so, you think any nation would be able to transport troops and arms over the Atlantic or Pacific without the US noticing it in time to prepare their own military? And that's not even considering a situation where they would already be in a declared war with someone and have the whole thing planned out just in case. Fuck, I'm sure they have a contingency plan for that already.
And if it came to the regular citizens to fight, most would certainly do it. You don't need to be a patriotic badass or something like that to fight for the place you live in. And we're talking about a country with a lot of fucking guns spread through the civilian population too.
Too be fair originally it was supposed to be China but it was changed for reasons I don't recall
The real question is how the fuck did they get there. A naval invasion of the British Isles was fucking impossible. Let alone going across the Atlantic.
France had centuries of war, didn't stop the Germans
The American public is the biggest army in the world, it's the only army the American government fears.
then who? I cant think of any other fascist parties inside the US during the 30s/40s
The French government was the one that gave up quickly. Not the French people. They just didn't want another long gruelling war.
If De Gaulle had his way earlier they'd have pushed Germany out very quickly.
They have masive U-boats, i can only imagine battleships
>Red neck charges out of his shack at german infantry
>Dies to a quick well aimed shot.
>How can Germany have enough manpower to occupied America and the world?
It's really not that strange as a concept. The British army was about 100,000 strong when it controlled like 1/4 of the world
>building battleships
>when the royal navy is right fucking there.
Germany gave up on having a navy quickly for a reason.
I think the publisher didn't want to hurt China's fee fees, basically.
Remember: the KKK was featued in anti-American Nazi propaganda. To suggest, as this game does, that the KKK would be free to roam the streets in uniform under Nazi occupation is far fetched at least.
This is EXACTLY why the US lost from Nam to Iraq.
The US army can literally not function without a McDonald's on base. Not even joking. The Taliban doesn't go home after a tour of duty.
Don't forget space nazi/Jew tech. i man for crying out loud they put a nuclear canon on a U-boat
It's an easy to spot "difference" from the real world. That's the main reason they went for it, of course in reality basically any none party based organisations would be gone. but then again, maybe that's why it's working in the US, they let them keep doing all that shit and haven't broken up every organisation they can.
Because there is nothing else far-fetched in the world of wolfenstein, right?
Because the Nazis have won literally every part of the planet bar china, by virtue of taking britain alone they've won practically the entirety of africa, and the entirety of oceania, all of north america bar mexico, the only places not under nazi control would be asia and south america, two regions too poor to defend against nazi aggresion.
If you don't quit you're not fighting a losing battle, you're fighting a lost battle.
Anyone they could get their hands on, Petain wasn't a fascist ethier and he still got vichy france.
Manpower gets stretched pretty thin. Hell IRL their manpower pool was fucking slim by the end of the war.
At the end of the day it's just a video game, don't think too hard on the logistical realities.
A naval invasion of the British Isles wasn't impossible, in fact if was imminent after the fall of France. The only reason it didn't happen is because Hitler is a moron and they didn't want to overextend themselves vis-a-vis the Russians.
All the supernatural stuff in that world doesn't change the fact that nazi's are nazi's. Having the KKK walk around is simple but ahistorical virtue signaling/ pandering to political sentiments.
Well yeah, their man power is slim but they've got that magic jew tech, it's hard to mount a resistance in london when you've got massive eye lasers that could murder you at any second, or robodogs, or robomen.
Traitors like that bitch in the trailer that said America had no culture.
Hitler's navy wasn't strong enough to create a force that could've made a beachhead, Britain's navy was still the largest in the world bar and continued to be so until the end of the war.
How are they the bad guys if they won? Bad guys don't win.
>A naval invasion of the British Isles wasn't impossible, in fact if was imminent after the fall of France.
With what fleet? They didn't have a real surface navy any more.
There's nothing they could do to stop the RN from sailing a destroyer through their landing attempt and capsizing the whole thing. If the Battle of Britain was lost the RN would have simply beached a few ships and then told the Germans to "come at us bro"
Puppet governance. You know, how virtually every competent empire managed to run an empire.
They tucking harass them in the gameplay that was shown a soldier literally tells them the "separate the wheat from the chaff" line.
>redneck maymay
Half the adult population of the United States is not rednecks dummy. If rice farmers wielding fucking AKs can drive out the American (and chinese army for that matter) during a time when it openly didn't give a fuck about melting children to goo in fire bombings, then people with actual shooting range practice with carbines and sniper rifles will probably reap havoc over time.
I'm not debating the practicals of the game's plot itself. It's a fantasy game. I'm just pointing out the general impracticability of an invasion of the United States.
Reminder that Germany had no ambition to "conquer the world". This is a meme.
If you're interested in more of this though, read Fatherland by Robert Harris and The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick.
This, and at the time Africa was mostly european colonies, so I wouldn't be surprised if the colonial powers (UK and France) formed some kind of temporal governments in them (Like De Gaulle wanted to do in Argelia). Also, the magic jews started to do technology transfers with the resisting governments, so this technology would be transfered to them.
>The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick.
but that literally shows that the germans and japs conquered the world
i.e. fiction
Once Britain got it's airforce together an invasion became impossible. The one advantage they had at the start was air superiority so the British navy couldn't just sit in the channel.
Before WW2 the Netherlands considered creating a huge army in Indonesia.
But the minister of finance thought it was too expensive, and the Germans wouldn't attack anyway.
oh shit I misread, sorry I fucked up
I'm pretty sure it's implied that there's still war raging in Africa, at least. One of the guys in the work camp you meet in TNO was a captured soldier from Africa.
>impying millions of drunk rednecks in monster trucks with ar15s wouldn't obliterate the germans
The premise of the game is already one drunk redneck singlehandedly massacring Nazis en masse and decapitating their leadership.
I always find it funny when people act like nations have this long memory of experiences that just adds up. Generations of people living in peace is a bunch of people living in peace, doesn't matter if the hundreds or thousands of years before that were constant war, the people alive didn't experience those.
>over 15% of all military material was sabotaged by French communists
If you ask me the people were actively trying to lose.
B-but my fantasy of defeating merica...
I wish you could play wolfenstein as the good guys
Yeah, imagine being able to play as the dude who says "Pick up that can" in half life 2, it'd be epic.
BJ did nothing wrong.
I know right? Americans were too cowardly to bomb the shit out of the military bases that the Vietnamese put right next to primary schools, fucking losers.