Literally forgotten

>literally forgotten
What went wrong?

It was boring as fuck dog shit that people only bought since it was the first switch exclusive that looked decent.

Motion controls.

The Switch had nothing but ports and people bought Arms because they couldn't wait for Splatoon 2

I never knew it'd even came out until a couple weeks ago

>motion controls

Wow that was hard

If you don't use motion controls you're at a huge disadvantage.

You don't actually have to use motion controls

Motion controlled party game

What do you think

>literally forgotten

this is what made babbies honestly believe

It was pretty dumb to release this so close to Splatoon 2. They should have been released a year apart.

Nintendo doing monthly updates and no timed events like in splatoon.
Im just patiently waiting til Lola apears. Have 600 coins waiting to farm up her arms

Clown game for clown babby with clown dlc

>Bad marketing
>HORRIBLE branding
I bet this was the last game that was branded and marketed by the Wii-U team. "Arms" is a terrible horrible no good very bad title.
Should have been called "Punchout Ultra" or like "Punchout: Springloaded" or something. "Arms" is a completely retarded title. Came from the same people who thought pic related was a brilliant idea.

Thats all.
Its a fantastic casual fighter.

That + the aliens would have been more interesting than BotW though.

This isn't a Puch Out game though

Why does ninty use bright as fuck overly vivid color schemes for everything? What are they trying to distract from?

>why does a cartoony game use cartoony visuals
Really activates the almonds

Could have been. Its less different from Punch Out than BOTW was from traditional Zelda. It actually has a lot in common with Punch Out.

My hardened dick

But it isn't. You may as well say Fire Emblem is Advance Wars in that case


>Sup Forums is STILL trying to say that ARMS failed
So when are you guys gonna eat those crows?

It's just not very interesting to play. Fighters are superficially different. Anti-airs don't exist.

Why are they ALL cartoony?

>Gimmicky Nintendo shit that doesn't really do anything interesting

It's gimmicky nintendo shit that doesn't really do anything interesting. I still don't know how Splatoon is even really a thing.

Why not?

>superficially different
>anti-airs don't exist
What the fuck am I reading

Well ARMs is a thing. It's even in evo japan

Literally playing it right now. Stop falseflagging.

I feel ya, it's just gimmicky nintendo shit that doesn't do anything interesting after all

Which is also a port.

>a sequel is a port

>if I port the a game,. but then add 2 as a suffix, it's a brand new game!

>different story
>all new weapons
>all new characters
>all new gameplay mechanics
Surely my little user can't be this retarded.

Splatoon came out and people realized that Arms was a content-dry game as shallow as a puddle.

>a game with no story
>a game with no new weapons that matter, tri-slosher existed in the first game.
>what characters
>all new dodge the tri-slosher mechanics

>getting nerfed in approximately 9 hours

no it fucking doesn't you goddamn casual.
Punch-out is puzzle game with a sports theme

ARMs is a multiplayer 3d fighter

>i-it doesn't exist because I choose to ignore it!

They cant all be hits

I didn't say it didn't exist.
I said it's port with a new number slapped on it.
It's Malibu Stacy with a NEW HAT.

I bought the new hat on day 1, I enjoy the new hat greatly (except the shit tri-slosher)
But to deny that it's a port simply so you can sleep better about paying another $60 for a content patch is moronic.

About. Fucking. Time.

>port with new features, mechanics, maps, weapons, and design philosophy

Is it actually dead or is just nobody talking about it?

Nobody talks about Pokken either but it's still got an active online and competitive scene. Granted, Pokken also has way more complexity in terms of it's gameplay systems and mechanics then ARMS does.

We get it, you're in denial.

What makes a good multiplayer shooter sequel?

>What went wrong?

its fun...for about 20 minutes, then you stop playing and get something else

>All these people shitposting pretending they played the game

It was a success you fucks, we just had a thread yesterday


You say that for every game

Seriously fuck off

~6 years.

So people should be forced to play the Wii U for another 4 years?
I guess Quake 3 sucks, too.

no need to be mad because your game was a time waster until a good game came out like splatoon

ARMS and Lethal League are both great games with a lot of deoth despite having few actual individual moves. But Sup Forums only shitposts aboit ARMS because Nintendo made it.

No reason to talk about Lethal League when it came out so long ago and was forgotten about.

Sup Forums has daily threads about it and it has never been dead. It is 100% anti Ninty shitposting.

It is getting a sequel or new version of some kind. Lethal League Blaze has just been teased recently. I am pretty excites for it and the ARMS 3.0 update.

Played the testpunch demo for about half hour and it got infuriating very fast. It's not a good casual game for starters - the game punishes you for playing offensively and there are no power ups like in Mario Kart that would help the less skilled/younger players. You often feel like you have no control over the outcome of a match since your every attack ends with a massive recovery lag, so if you whiff your punches (which happens about 3/4 of the time) your opponent is free to do whatever the fuck he wants. Grabs are especially frustrating for being surprisingly hard to dodge.

I deleted the demo with a feeling that a simple boxing game with goofy characters and MK-style power ups would've ended up much better than the complete mess with no real audience ARMS turned out to be.

>people dont like ARMS because they are against nintendo
Can you have a coherent thought without thinking it's a "us vs them" situation?

No because that's exactly what it is. Arms is an easy target of "it's dead jim" posts because it's made by a big company and it's a game with a less vocal scene compared to other fighting games. If it were any other big company like Sony, it would get the same shitposts.

>but sony!
Was waiting for this

I don't think you even read the post you're replying to

i didnt lol

>the game punishes you for playing offensively
Nope, but that is a common casual claim around here. The top players are heavily offensive.

See this is what I'm talking about. You faggots don't even bother reading, you just use ctrl+f to find buzzwords and big company names just to dismiss them instantly.


i have had enough waggle for this life time after the wii

so no thanks

There were "online is dead already what happened bros" type threads already in the week of its release even though the online is active even now. It's obvious shitposting.

>game told to be a fairly serious fighter with focus on competitive play
>idiot expected just a brainless party game
>blames the game for not being what it was never meant to be
Are you that guy who can't play Cuphead? You are, aren't you?

>thought pic related was a good idea
>until they rejected it

The Switch is a fucking disaster and there is no point to arguing otherwise.

>literally can't make them fast enough to keep up with demand
I wonder how many unsold switches drowned in the hurricanes

Yup, total disaster, almost as bad as the PS2 disaster, no one bought that console either, it also had no games!!!!

The #1 ranked player is literally playing with pro controller only

Then play without motion controls

>literally one good game
>idiots won't stop buying it

please explain

Kill yourself normie. Punch Out!! Is goat and arms is boring trash

>Splatoon 2
>Mario + Rabbids
>MK8DX (enhanced port, feel free to not count it)
Not to mention a bunch of multiplats, but those are mutliplats.

The two are absolutely nothing alike.

its on xbone pace

so pretty fast for a nintendo console especially compare to Wii U but way behind market leaders

game thats fun to play with your friends in the same room but not fun on your own against strangers

Alienated their fanbase by putting actual clowns in the game

Which is a problem, you can ask the playerbase of an entry level fighter to play as top players, the game punishes offence unless you are really good, goof fg's are otherwise, cause that allows casuals being more free in their decisions while in pro play beng aggresive is a reward of intelligent play, otherwise you make low level players feel like winning is imposible or really boring, so they never bother on getting better

No, at a casual level nothing fucking matters in good fighters, and good defense is the best thing you can have because it means no matter how crazy anyone goes with offense you can counter it with simple blocking and punishing. ARMS is no different. Try actually playing fighting games at a respectable level before shooting your mouth off.

we have multiple arms threads every day

cultural phenomenon it's not, but is it really "forgotten"?

>the game punishes offense unless you're good
Like literally every fucking fighting game? Mashing buttons will get you blown up if you don't know what the fuck you're doing 100% of the time against even the shittiest player who's trying.