It's time to discuss the best RPG ever

It's time to discuss the best RPG ever

Deus Ex thread?

Deus Ex is dead simple amurrican shit compared to the best RPG ever

It's time to stop spamming this shitty thread you fucking mongrel


Let him be, we need someone to look down on.

Wow, looks absolutely awful.

I took all the time to install Gothic 2 get all the patches running and never played it. Just did the same with Morrowwind and mods.

But Gothic is not an RPG.

>painfully generic fantasy setting
>painfully bad gameplay
Yes it is.


>falling for the meme and play it
>graphics looks terrible and not only because is aged, but there are too many elements without an artistic direction
>controls are also terrible
>combat system is a joke
>writing is poor, litterale 5 yo fantasy shit

Why does this game become shit in 4 and 5 chapter?


honestly this

>talks about poor writing
>can't even spell the word "literally"


I love gothic but come on nigga

Ich bin total high, mann.

If this is supposed to make Gothic 2 look good then I have some bad news for you.

>This is the only argument Gothicfags can muster
The game is trash, I honestly don't understand why people lose their minds over it

If a single image from the best RPG ever made by our lord and saviour Kai Rosenkranz isn't enough to get you to want to play it then I don't know what to say, man.

Sorry OP derailing your garbage thread

What are some good RPG's with a rich story that can either make THINK really long or make me feel really good at the end

You're in luck, I have just the game for you

Oh, it's just a meme, you niggers almost tricked me into thinking this game was worth a play but you're completely unable to provide any reasons why this game is good

Deal with it oldfags, your games are old and outdated

You didn't look at the daily spam of completely identical threads that all die with less than 20 posts and suspect it might be bullshit?

I always figured there might just be some really hardcore fans out there, why pick some random bullshit like Gothic 2 ffs

Earthbound is alright