Are there ANY good games where the female protagonist isn't hot/sexual, but just cute?

Are there ANY good games where the female protagonist isn't hot/sexual, but just cute?

Hard mode: no pedoshit

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Real life


Gravity Rush

You must be joking

You consider this hot/sexual?

shion uzuki

no, it's pedoshit

Guys consider cute things to be sexual

Maria from Castlevania. She has animal friends and just wants to save her sisters from mean ole' Dracula.

The first two Trails in the Sky games
Grim Grimoire

Get the heck off my site.


Roll from Megaman Legends 1/2.

Puyo/Madou Monogatari series
Summon Night series

is she sexual?

I'd say there are more of those games than ones where the protag is hot/sexy. Usually, due to the rule of the protagonist needing to be 'relate-able' they are as bland and inoffensive as possible, which leans much more towards 'cute'.

Certainly more than she is cute.

Well it ain't hard mode.

Her introduction is literally her being sweaty as fuck looking like she just had the sex of a lifetime, and Tidus is pretty much thinking
>damn what a hot babe, I sure wanna tap that

In b4

Is she a gai?

Ys Origin

Twintails are handlebars, user

sometimes i wonder if 4ch is just a honeypot site

fuck off

Ys has no pedoshit you uncultured fuck

Are all characters in the anime-aesthetic lolis to you? Frick off back to Polygon.

Oboro Muramasa: the Demon Blade
If you dont count promotional art, Momohime isnt sexualized much at all in the game. Other characters are, but the MC is someone the player comes to care for as a daughterfu, and she is an adult.

But the point of the thread is to post non sexual girls.

>expecting me to know some obscure ps1 jrpg
heck off weebs

Many RPGmaker games have cute girls as protags.


Silent Hill 3
Misadventures of tron bonne
Legend of legai (all3 are mains, you can have female as lead)
Valk profile
Valkyrie chronicles
Odin sphere
Fatal frame 1 thru 5

Just to name a few

PSP and PC, actually. Do you even know what PS1 games look like?

Sonic Advance

Never specified. She is either a masculine she or a very beautiful asian male. Clothes implicate its a she but the way game and all characters treat it indicate it to be a he.

Ys is obscure now?
It has like 8 games to it and the newest one comes out in a week baitanon.

your loss

>expecting you to know a 30 year old and still running series
how dare we

>Grim Grimoire
You're gonna have to help me out here a bit, lad.

>but just cute?
naw impossible since like in the west we have the distinction of cute and sexy. In the faggy land of nippon there is a weird thing of them seeing CUTE as being sexy. So from nippon at least you wont really get anything like that.

Now for the west the thing exist that you got to make shit so it appeals to as many as possible and while many will tolerate a sexy babe more will be attracted than repulsed to the product. So buisness wise naw shit is a bad a idea given anyway how they got to make designs as appealing as possible to as many people as possible. So everything everywhere even hoping to be mildly successful got opt for adding a bit of sexy for the sake of money and appeal.

It's a he, no question about it.
He's based on visual kei artist Gackt.

Horizon Zero Dawn

>not cute
>not sexy
i dont think you get the point of the thread user

>>not sexy
I think you don't get the point of this thread.

Aggressively ugly girls aren't cute or sexy.

If you consider Gurumin hot/sexy, then you really should be wary of honeypots.

>Odin sphere
fuck no
>Valkirye profile
fuck no
>Fatal Frame
fuck no
Haven't played the rest, but considering how much you fucked up already, I doubt those are credible.

Perhaps you should fuck off from Sup Forums to a less obscure community.

Is this pedo shit

Not really, more like regular-looking.

Erina is cute!


Mercedes in comparison to the other Odin Sphere girls is much cuter than sexy

Yume Nikki

lol loli make OP mad

it's a he, they took gackt for the character design.

Dykes aren't cute

>not sexual

american mcgee's alice , the first one

the newer one was really shit in comparison

Not in the game.

delet this

the original is shit too, don't kid yourself.
explain this shit.

honestly all the quake engine/unreal games are god-tier

yeah she had some nice outfits but story and gameplay wise the first one was 100% , way better direction...the newer one was too forced and the gameplay was shit

but that's just me , you can still enjoy it :)

You only remember the good ones.

star trek voyager elite force fuck yeah

name a shitty one and i'll play it just for you user

Horizon: Zero Dawn

Night in the woods (does furryshit count?)
Life is strange

Ys Origin was PC only and only recently got ported to the Vita, not PSP

if it looks exceptional it can't not be sexualized

>real life
>good game

Right. I guess I got it confused with the remakes of 1 and 2.

Think about what being a protagonist implies, user. Heavy-mild physical exertion and they'd probably also know a ton of useful shit that warrants them being the protagonist. Imagine all of that clamping down on your dick. You can't get away from sex.

Yes, she's 14


>Is there any female protagonist that some male player hasn't thought about sexually?


you sure bout that?

I guess i like the cheetah camo.
Its sort a fun line, even if its a trend.

Sir I disagree

Isn't this girl the strongest existance in the entire Dragonball universe?

Probably, yes.

Shit, there was a third?
Now I have to learn japanese.

>FFVII invented ominous clock chiming in music
whoa, learn something new every day


super looks ugly as shit

>being tone deaf
the tubular bells are playing the EXACT same notes in the exact same sequence. the only (slight) difference is the rhythm

No discussion there.
There you go instead.

I only played the first game
Is the screenshot with the summer dress undoctored?

son you have no idea


Yup, 3ds and japanese only.
Guess the sales of the previous ones weren't that good, which is a pity. They were quirky and charming, but the problem is that it's hard to have a series where the focus is on logical problem solving when everything is batshit insane.

Women are made for sex, get over it Anita or build your own game.

The girl on the bottom left has a big fat, double cunted, ass laying on top of her head

How about Mirror's Edge?

the perfect woman

Faith isn't cute.

She's cute and knows how to have fun.

I'd say you were imagining things, but the series is so weird I can't actually rule it being unintentional.