Bloodborne Byrgenwerth

So, in the beginning of the game you're told how important Byrgenwerth is, being the birthplace of all the knowledge regarding The Great Ones, and how a schism between two of its scholars ended up being the foundation of the Healing Church.

Then you actually get to Byrgenwerth and... it's a 20 min level with a shitty boss fight (Rom). I mean, even Castle Cainhurst, and optional area, is more interesting, more explorable, and has a better boss than this level, which was supposed to be a "big deal".

Not shitting on Bloodborne, I love it, but this was just lame. I mean, in Dark Souls 3, trying to get to Aldritch, you fight your way into the Cathedral of The Deep for a while, before unlocking any form of shortcut. Byrgenwerth in comparison seems... lacking.

So, what's your favorite level design in BloodBorne? Research Hall for me in the DLC, fuck Nightmare of Mensis

I love Rom

yes, indeed

Honestly central yharnam was the best for me, gave me the vibes of the trailers, tons of optional routes that looped back onto eachother that weren't just short cuts, cool new weapons and armor to find

Fuck the forest, goddamn i hated the snake balls and the general lack of feeling lost before learning the area

rom is cute


I always saw Bygenwerth as just the end of the woods instead of it's own thing.

I felt the same way. You figure it'd be bigger, and have some form of Lecture Halls as well

if you want to think of it charitably you can see portions of byrgenwerth transported/re-imagined within the nightmare frontier. it's a shame the area that you can access in the waking world is so minor though.

>the graveyard in the woods with the snakes
Just what in the fuck were they thinking? That had to be the hardest to navigate area in any souls game. Trying to get all the items there was a nightmare, everything looked the same, looped back on itself and had too many paths to go down.

I think the university floating in the nightmare realm is supposed to be part of Byrgenwerth, as well as all the chalice dungeons being beneath it.

I guess, but the nightmare doesn't pull physical things like buildings into, right? Why the hell is actual brygenwerth so tiny?

This. But desu, I'd rather just have the Research Hall connected directly to Byrgenwerth. It would make it a much more interesting place. DaS2 killed the "teleport to this completely unattached area" meme for me

That forest kills my desire to replay BB, especially the gank squad at the end. DS3 has a similar problem with exploring areas with branching paths that look the same, but it never gets as bad as the woods in BB.

I really liked Cainhurst. I guess I'm a Soulsfag at heart.

The Chalice dungeons were beneath Byrgenwerth? I know they were the ancient civilization they got the blood from, but I thought they were beneath Yharnam. Hence the name.

Unless you want the items in the area, the forest is quite easy to run through the 2nd time around.

Or any ranged weapon can make the place a cakewalk like the Beast Cutter or the Threaded cane

I think it's because the people are more important than the place itself. Also isn't the lecture hall area supposed to be part of byrgenwerth or am I mistaken?

The only levels I dislike in Bloodborne are the fucking Nightmare of Mensis' first part and Yahar'Gul's first part.

I agree about the college and in general believe the game could have used a bit more flavor in those areas. Once you know the map, you realize how straightforward the levels are. I would have liked a few more atmospheric areas that weren't just glorified corridors.

It is but that's in Micolash's nightmare, not the real world

Yeah true, I dunno I for some reason thought it was a piece that was torn out of reality for some reason, but it's probably just a construct.

We have no reason to believe that buildings get brought into nightmares. And we don't see any obvious damage at Brygenwerth in the real world. Not sure what is going on with that

The description says now it floats in the nightmare implying it wasn't there originally

Byrgenwerth WAS important, you get there late to the party, pretty much everyone is dead or dying, all the really primo knowledge had been taken by Lawrence or destroyed by Willem
It's a pretty common theme in modern FromSoft games, everything important already happened, you're just the clean up crew

>tfw realizing if byrgenwerth did have a bigger level design that something like isz would have been perfect for it

Because it was just a university that got some dank shit to study, it wasn't some huge institution, it only became important after the discovery of Kos in the fishing village and people finding the chalice dungeons
Why would it be more than a couple of buildings?

everything after vicar amelia is a slog

this becomes even more apparent after the first playthrough

Things rarely get physically pulled into the nightmare, the nightmare technically exists in the same place as the real world just on a different layer of reality

I think the real problem is that it takes forever to get interesting weapons.

What's an interesting weapon? And when can I get the OG Moonlight GS? I justice beat Gascoigne

For you, a long time

After you beat Amelia you can go to the DLC area and kill Ludwig. If you talk to him with church gear on and lie about the hunters he gives it to you

>Go to the DLC and fight Ludwig right after Amelia on your first playthrough
>No really, it's a great idea


You still can go to the DLC area and get the Pizza Cutter, or the other powderkeg weapons

Am I the only one that hated everything BEFORE Rom? Everything looked the same and wasn't very interesting. Forest onwards is great.

BB was my first souls game.

But it advertised itself as a victorian horror monster hunter game. Why would you expect anything different thats what made the sudden cosmic horror twist so good

You are alone

>not a premise made blindingly obvious from the ministration onwards

need more insight

Quick rundown of the lore on the giant snake of Forbidden Forest?

They get like that from eating beasts

This. The DLC is accessible early on so you can get its gear whenever you feel like it. It's great to have the Moonlight Greatsword for more than half the game.
You've got this!

It was a small exclusive school. No need for it to be some sprawling campus.

If he can beat Ludwig after Amelia, that is...

Plus, the Moonlight Sword looks cool and all, but unless you run a high Arcane build, it's mainly fashion.

Yep, you are alone. Amelia is fucking amazing, and Shadow of Yharham is fun. Plus, you could get to Hypeon Gaol early and listen to the Mensis scholars summoning The One Reborn and that is really wicked.