Why is he still alive?

Why is he still alive?

Does he post about video games?

he found a way to increase his life to 60FPS

> I'm still a teenager: the post

Because he's a better person than you OP.

I'm just asking questions.

Just to suffer... sub-60fps games.

Because he exaggerated what cancer he actually has, if he really had what he said he would be dead by now.

Because the life expectancy he got was based on the average person with his type of cancer who are usually way older and weaker.

Because he has money.

God works in mysterious ways.

He joined GG and that kept him alive. Everyone knows the more people that despise you the longer you live. The universe had to give him a new lease on life to piss off all the SJW.

The most simple answer is usually the truth.

I find it amusing people don't even entertain that people can lie or embellish on the truth.

That guy who was in lazy town for instance, had late stage cancer and yet mysteriously gets the all clear.

because his cancer situation is probably a scam to bleed money out of cultists

>The universe had to give him a new lease on life to piss off all the SJW.
He's been drinking so much sock juice that he's become one of them now.
I was hoping he learned his lesson after that election freakout he did but apparently not.

Infighting between cancers.

More seriously, because his treatments are working ? They are probably just delaying things but they are working.

It's just that all those oncologists on Sup Forums 3 years ago were bad at their job. I remember those
> Do you know what terminal means ? he only has two or three months left at most.

We saw the result of some of his medication, he was completely disfigured at some point.

A lot of people with cancer refuse to change their lifestyle or only change their lifestyle until they are clear of cancer then go right back to eating unhealthy and shit. A lot of cancer is caused and can be linked to the awful shit we ingest daily and other bad habits. Most people refuse to stay away from it which increases the likelihood of getting cancer again or accelerating regrowth of cancer.

Until we admit our food supply is the problem (a big fucking part of it anyway) there is no way we will see a drop in cancer rates. Go look at areas with less pollution and who eat super healthy shit and you'll see cancer rates are a TINY fraction of what you'd see in big cities where people are exposed to non-stop pollution, unhealthy foods, stress and unhealthy lifestyles.

British genetics

American science

he has a cancer with a 5% 5 year survival rate

so while they were correct in assuming he didn't have to long to live, he apparently is one of the "lucky" (sofar as one can be lucky with metastatic liver cancer) few that might make it half a decade

He's dead inside.
He got infected by something worse than cancer, liberal lunacy SJW-think.

he found out the secret to survive cancer.

be a cancerous person yourself

Well, this isn't an anime OP. People cant just suddenly die because you don't like them

it wouldn't have been clean

Stats are in his favor though, since stats show that he is on the outlier side when it comes to age and general health compared to most people having this kind of cancer.

That said, I guess only his actual oncologist can say what's actually the case.

>tfw everyone with slightly different opinions from you is sjw
I believe that being trans is pretty much a mental illness but I honestly couldn't care less that he has a different opinion from me.

It's not about his opinion, it's about the vehement way in which he virtue signals it.
>some guy said something I don't like
>should I kindly inform him that what he said was rude?

Dominic Vanner get out

Did that sound funny to you when you were typing it out?

Each time you buy a console or console exclusive game, he gets a little bit closer to death

There are FPS games without FOV sliders and support of SLI, you know niche PC issues that affect only a small fraction of a small fraction of gamers. His soul cannot be banished,

I want vegan faggots to go

I am not done yet.

His liver is peppered with tumors, he likely has small tumors in his lungs at this stage.

He's giving it the good fight, but this is something that is near impossible to beat.

I'm betting he'll die in 2018

Is that book series any good?

Virtue Signaling has given him a second wind.



IIRC cancer stats tend to look worse then they are cause most people who get cancer are already old as fuck and already suffering from a bunch of other shit.

Mr. TuBerculosis is like 33 and despite being overweight seems to be in otherwise good health.