Hopes to see another game?

Hopes to see another game?

I can't believe EA shut all down only for the failure of DS3

>Hopes to see another game?

DS3 was fucking garbage and ended the series in a sour note.

DS3 was still miles better than 1

EA ruins game franchise
News at 11

It can only get worse from here.

You need to hang yourself for having such wrong opinions.

>EA games

Story was shit but the gameplay was fun as fuck

>I can't believe EA shut down something
how new are you to video games?

>i hav shit taste therefor ur wrong xDDD
You are a ginormous faggot and I hope that you choke on rats while you are sleeping
DS1 was shit purely because it marketed itself as a "LE EXTREME SPOOPY ALIUM MUTANTS WOOAH XDD" but ended up being call of duty in third person, with no horror in sight
DS3 simply accepted that the DS series is not horror and is just shitty action and is therefore better in that department

the DLC ended it badly. should have ended with isaac dead

>but ended up being call of duty in third person
So you didn't play the fucking game, especially around 2009

>call of duty with no horror in sight
kill yourself

>I have no argument and I must scream
I've played through all three games a multitude of times, it's just a glorified action game, there's literally 0 spooks despite marketing itself as such
DS was a cashgrab from the beginning, but you retards fell for it because "OMG LE SPOOKY HORROR XDD" when it's literally just you walking down corridors until something pops out of the vents, out of the door or out of the wall, repeat ad infinitum
Combat was literally the only good thing about this atrocious game, mainly because cutting off limbs and stomping on someones skull wasn't exactly featured in a lot of games, but that only strengthens the fact that it's just an action game

>gameplay was fun
>dude tacticool duck and roll like my action games lmao
>lol fuck inventory management, universal ammo
>goodbye armor stats
>weapon modification added absolutely nothing
>except microtransacations what a great addition lmao
>oh yeah you can fight humans cuz fuck you and fuck horror games

literally took away all the things that made dead space good while at the same time bloated it with unnecessary garbage because you gotta make a quick buck off of the action-hungry ravenous retards the industry seems to like so much. you can easily see this due to the amount of plot holes and general awful writing found in the game. fuck.

I'd agree with you if you were talking about DS2 and DS3.

Ds1 had amazing atmosphere, and yes there were jumpscares, but it wasn't nearly as bad as later sequels. the combat was also in no way similar to Call of Duty of all things. DS1 was great

And that's rich saying I have no arguement when you fucking scream LE LE XDD over and over, get the fuck out faggot

Atmosphere alone doesn't make a game spooky
Yes, it had good atmosphere, but it was not spooky
And attempt at actually scaring the player was just a cutscene with "MASH X SO ISAAC NEWTON CAN DROP KICK THIS BAD GUY XDD"
Instead of doing that cutscene shit they should have actually implemented a mechanic where you have to struggle to get an enemy off of you
As I said, the combat was the only good thing about DS and no amount of fanboyism and circlejerking will change that

Jesus Christ your """"arguments"""" are nothing but ironic shitposting

>I don't agree with you, therefore you are shitposting
Great argument there, mongoloid
Don't strain your brain too hard, though, maybe you'll come up with an actual reply

I just popped into the thread to tell you that "LE EBIN ARGUMENT XDD" is a shit way of arguing
Fuck off faggot

I haven't played DS3, but I remember playing DS1 and 2 because they were fun and satisying.

The "cut off their limbs" worked, the danger of dying because the ship itself and it's engineering, the gravity, the space, nice monster designs...

Everything worked fine even if the monsters and the suddenly spooky waifu faces doesn't scare you.

I remember DS3 being just EA milking another series, don't know if the game has good ideas but I thought it wasn't necessary and ignored it.

>DS3 was supposed to be even more horror based than the first two
>When you were playing Co-Op, enemies and sanity effects like Eternal Darkness would occur on one player that wouldn't show up on the other player's screen
>Devs wanted it so that one player would be flipping the fuck out on one end and the other would have no idea whats going on and create tension.
>Sometimes there would be effects that would happen to both players like getting surrounded by necromorphs and suddenly the game starts telling you it's losing connection or signing you out of Origin
>EA management said "lol no", forced more shooter crap and microtransactions in and told the devs to drop the horror aspect almost completely
>Game bombed so hard there's no chance of it ever coming back especially since whats left of the DS team at EA is making Star Wars forever and the fucked off to Sledgehammer and The Coalition.

Fuck EA.

This meme will ever ends?
Microtransaction are totally optionals in DS3

>mankind wiped out by the moons
>no sequel ever

I miss him.


Didn't you play the ending DLC?

To save dead space, dead space 3 must be retconned.

Make isaac wake up on a prison colony and have him killed ellie in a schizo fit.

The dlc ends with the moons arriving on Earth.
Everybody is dead unless they continue the series, and I can't see how they could save Earth anyway.


I bet 90% of the people who talk shit of DS3 ha never played the game

Remember, turn off all musical cues for a superior DS experience.

Ah, I didn't play it, so its ends like the game basically

not onlyi did but i played on release in a friends house.

it was fucking awful and was basically a worse version of arm of two, but in space.

It was all a dream. 100% serious.

Yeah, I did.

The moons found Earth and devoured everything, most likely Isaac and the other dude as well, judging from the ending cutscene.

The series is pretty much over. They would have to try REALLY hard to pull another game out of their ass after an ending like that.