What was your first VIDEO GAME kiss?

what was your first VIDEO GAME kiss?

first pixel girl you kissed?

Habbo Hotel. I went to one of the public rooms and began chatting up this cute chick. 9/10 body, she was an HC member so I know she was loaded too. Anyway I was alpha as fuck, just approached her and started talking. We went to a private room and kissed. Shit was cash.

t. the most alpha man on Sup Forums

put me in the screencap

>Habbo Hotel

>we share this board with people who are not only kissless irl but kissless in videogames too
How do we solve this problem Sup Forums?

We kiss them!

But guys kissing guys is wrong.


>Habbo Hotel.
>9/10 body

>not Coke Music



Princess Peach at the end of SMW counts? Then maybe when I was 7

Peach doesn't kiss YOU. She kisses MARIO. We are asking when YOU got YOUR first kiss. Autist.


>not with Yui


Why would he be? He's going to marry and impregnate Iroha.

Maplestory henehoe probably.


are yuifags gonna be this delusional until the very end?

They're already lost

the very end when 8man fricks yui and marries her?

>falling for babbis first edits

He either ends up with Yukino or with no one, Yui doesn't have a chance and you know it

iroha m8

YukiNO yukinoSHITa


>Yui doesn't have a chance and you know it

Why are you guys still talking about this? Series is deader than Haruhi.

Some nerd girl from Thrillville. She was part of a quest, so she never left the park. She was essentially my virtual girlfriend back when I was like 10.

The new arc is gonna be released soon though

No it wont.

b-but we already have a cover user, and it has best girl on it

how does a girl's hand feels like?

>wake up
>see this smile
>wake up for real
>it was all a dream

like a bag of milk

>He either ends up with Yukino or with no one
>not based Shizuka
I can't believe I have to share a board with someone with this terrible taste.

last I checked vol12 was still delayed indefinately

Who even likes iroha? she's LITERALLY a useless slut.

She's the cutest and most straightforward of 8man's shitty harem.
Imouto is best girl but she's not really in the running.

>she's the cutest and most straightforward
>literally the least G E N U I N E character in the cast, a thot that acts like a nice girl

you cant turn a THOT into a HOUSEWIFE

This is not what Hachiman is for. Hachiman was built for elephant-dicked shotas.


my fellow based Shizukabro


are you actually retarded?
you have the series name, the character names and the sexual content of the source and still have to ask?

Tenshi Kawaii Totsuka no Dekamara de Mesu ni Sareru Hachiman no Hon.

yeah im retarded

so is everyone on Sup Forums

Why even live?

i honestly could never develop actual feelings for vidya or anime characters. Don't get me wrong, i'm a complete loser that masturbates to cartoons, but i never actually loved a character, so i never could bring myself to buy any figures or stuff like that. I actually haven't felt many feelings lately, maybe there is something wrong with me.


>tfw will never kiss a cute ginger girl on the rooftop

alpha as fuck

wat anime?



I said video games Chloe is a fucking bitch slut piece of shit good for nothing useless waste of a meh tier body

what an ugly artstyle

>Habbo Hotel
>chat up this 9/10
>I was alpha as fuck
>just approached her and started talking
>we went to a room and kissed
>I went home, the end