ITT: Aesthetic and cool-looking screenshots
ITT: Aesthetic and cool-looking screenshots
>computer games
>posts this
>tfw you'll never take a khajiit's barb
AND cool-looking
rome doesnt look cool man
looks cool enough for me
maybe you want to post something you consider good?
came here to post this
What mod?
id just post hearthstone
now THIS is cool looking
and this
Rome Total Realism
and some of this!
Here's my standard battle formation
Postan some ArmA 2 screenshots
How do you get RTR to not run like shit on your PC? Mine can run Warhammer without an issue on Ultra but I get like 20fps tops in a 5000 man battle with RTR.
And then we got this
I always keep terrain on low grass off as that seems to hurt the most, also having high single core speed helps as it only uses 1 core
Looks like Warhammer art
My carpet
Is this one of those NTW3 historical battles?
Best aesthetics coming through.
wat gaem?
This is cool
no, I think LME mod with 40 man army mod. Was one of my campaign battles in Italy.
Napoleon total war
that would be stalker: call of chernobyl
the screenshot is obviously edited
>that feel when you pull a huge stick out of your ass by surviving a clearly one-sided battle
thick stacks of praetorians is never fun to go up against but damn do they look good while then run at you
Is the aesthetic your looking for a garbage fire?
Gotchu covered, senpai.
replaying RTW1 atm, is R2 worth playing?
What game?
Here comes the boss
Yes, despite the shitty launch, most of the glitches are fixed by now and the game isn't all that bad anymore. Plus, lots of good mods for it out in the workshop currently.
Its good but Atilla is better in every aspect.
>captain Vaggio
I can't say I'm sad that I won this battle, but I'd feel better about it if the AI understood it could break down encampment walls
it still has its issues but some of the overhauls are in good shape now, the only real noticeable improvement I can really advocate for the newer titles is units generally being more responsive to orders and looking shinier
AI still has its problems and walled siege battles are incredibly hit or miss
which games?
>childrens games
fuck off horse niggers
my man
Never managed to kick off Huns when playing Atilla on Very Hard.
They always fucking show up in worst possible moment of Campaign.
Truly the best.
These units look beautiful, is it from Warhammer?
How do you save quality pictures of games? I press print screen and use paint so save my screenshots but I guess it's not the best way. Should I Grab photoshop or what?
nigga just use fraps
>We are born for a darker purpose than that of mere existence. There will come a time when stygian night never ends, where dead stars will spread before us like islands that slumber on the ocean, and when the beings that hid like shadows will feed on us forever.
Only Empire and Karl Franz my nigga.
To be fair I had some mods active to give me an edge in siege battles because they were my favorite part of atilla but felt as if they were either not thought out thoroughly or just didnt give you much to work with for balancing reasons
Am I a bad person for wanting to have two sets of wooden barricades and slightly larger garrisons
>this isnt what I expected when we were told they used pike squares
anno 1404 and robin hood.
>Capture Your Finest Gaming Moments With Fraps For Only $37!
No thanks...
a) pirate it, big deal
b) use the free version, you can still save screenshots
The only thing I changed with sieges is automatic rifle siege towers. Trying to do small unit size campaign playing as vikings is impossible with their default fire rate.
Are the romans an easy faction in EB2?
Stop pushing your shitty meme everywhere, you autistic moron