What's the best Elder Scrolls race and why is it the Altmer?

What's the best Elder Scrolls race and why is it the Altmer?

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>Best anything



>inhumanly beautiful
>adepts at magic
>single-handedly buttfucked the Empire
>their land is an ethno-state, no dirty foreigners allowed
>they have the most powerful mystic order in the world

They just don't have any competition

>forgets when humans conquered elven fucking shits and started their empire without any magic or other fancy gay shit

Even in non existence, the Dwemers are still the best.

Altmer were never conquered.
They gracefully surrendered when Tiber Septim got his bullshit deus ex machina giant reality-bending robot.

humans are merely pawns

Why don't the Wood Elves have one of these? Altmer and Dumbmer have one.

If autismal robot was so good, how come there are still mer around?

They have, though.

Breton since the magic resist is always useful and who cares about starting stats?

What is that, Antmer?

Been looking for a decent res version of that pic for days, thanks mate.

Dunmer > Chinmer > Altmer > Bosmer

Reman conquered them. Unlike that siss Tiber he doesn't need a robot to do so

The genetically uplifted lizard hive is really cool tbqh.

How long do the elves of TES live?

If the Altmer are so great why did they all get killed by a fucking dwarf centurion lmao like shoot some lightning nigga

Is there any good reason to pick Khajiit as your race in any of the games?

Khajit sneak thief stealth archer ftw.


Manmer >>>>>>>>>>>> Bosmer > Orsimer > Dunmer > Altmer

>stealth archery

Bretons. Huge mag resist gets you places

>Bosmer and shit-of-daedramer
>better than anything

>Ashy Khajiit and Argonian sextoys
They're the worst

>shoot lightning at dwarf centurion
>get spell reflected
>50% weakness to magicka
>25% weakness to shock

Too long.

You're putting a race made of shit above other ones.
Do you realise how wrong you are?

I'm more amused by the fact that they for fucked up by morbidly obese ocean slugtoads.
Hell the entire world got fucked up by the morbidly obese ocean slugtoads.

Does the Sload hold the highest number of kills compared to all other races?

Because they ganged up on him like the niggers they are after he obliterated their king.

I don't use any time slow effects if that helps. I tried it once the first build and decided it was too OP and reloaded without it.

Also since all my perks went into sneak, pickpocket, archery and speech, if I was spotted or caught in close combat, I was fucked and had to run.

If you count suicide, then I guess you could say the Dwemer.

dunmer wins cos of these two cuties

>has to post fanart to prove how beautiful they are

>even the fanart make them look pretty wonky

They're supposed to look weird.

Reminder that Lorkhan did nothing wrong

>Be a race of shit people
>Still bitch and moan less than Dunmer
Pragmatism > Dogmatism

And yet OP prefaced it by calling them "hot".

They're weird but hot.
>implying you wouldn't fuck an alien
Human bitches are just plain boring.

You can't prove me wrong

>I'm fan of a race because I masturbate to original art of their females!

It's actually Breton. Fucking knife-ear.

well no, he didn't.
not for us mortals

I already gave my reasons on Meanwhile all men fags can say is
>there was this dude and this robot 105413541513 years ago that were kinda powerful, which for some reason makes my race not fucking boring

>Using Red/Orange/Black "evil" colours to depict Lorkhan

More fucking M*r propaganda.

Breton women got fucked by "knife ears" a lot.

What race can conquer argonia?

Such superior creatures.

>couldn't conquer sand niggers
They are failures.

Argonians are the cutest, strongest and most intelligent race.

How can mortals ever compete?

Reman II. Conquered in war

Humans conquered them twice.

I fucking hate elves so much

Because Breton women are made for breeding.




mods are the best race

the melee animation works well with daedric armor
but you still look like a bitch clawing at everything

*gets invaded by Argonians*

Argonians will cause the extinction of all other races through stealing their men.

Are khijit really elves?


>Daggerfall, Morrowind, and Oblivion all take place within 30 years of each other

Why is Tamriel such a shithole

I wish people would not talk about Breton ladies, life is hard enough being the shortest possible character.

it's because they refuse to implement common sense magic control


Why does skyrim make nords look bad?

We wuz Atmorans n shiet

Orsimer and Dunmer are the only acceptable mer. Any others must be purged.

Breton ladies are the perfect cocksockets.


Pelinal Whitestrake
>Bland armor
>Have to use divine artifacts
>Body is mutilated after death, never return
>Crazy and is a huge problem for his allies
>Virgin loser, never touch Alessia

Umaril the Unfeathered
>aesthestic armor
>make deals and research for his power
>never know death, returns eventually
>smart tactician, let his fellow Ayleids kill Pelinal
>Meridia sucks his dick daily

Humans only "conquered" Argonia once. Reman threw a bunch of troops at the poison swamps, said "fuck this", and just declared that it was conquered, but they only got the outskirts, and Tiber Septim only got it through a treaty.

Why anyone would want that shithole as part of their empire is beyond me.

Race is always that of the mothers

>Why anyone would want that shithole as part of their empire is beyond me.

The people. Argonians are crazy fucks who scare the daedra so much that they closed their own gates in Blackmarsh during the Oblivion Crisis after getting bullied too much

But he gets killed by Pelinal then killed by some guy playing dress up as Pelinal for good as soon as he wakes up, Umriel is a fucking loser mayne


That's because of the Hist, and I don't think you can control the Hist user


There will be no one left to breed with non-Argonian women.


That's because the Hist decide to act and manually control their pets. I'm pretty sure Hist can survive the Empire if they can survive Alduin swallowing the universe and shit another out

Fucking N'wah

The Daedric Prince Azura turned some Wood Elves into Khajiit.
Yiffre, the most important god to the Bosmer got pissed off and turned the forests where the Khajiit lived into the deserts of Elsweyr.
The Khajiit survived because Azura gave them the ability to change their shapes dependent on the phase of the moon when they are born.

But because Bethesda is lazy, we only see one type of Khajiit when it ranges from Cat-girl to a big House Cat.

>the people of Tamriel want to breed with worthless scalies that have never done good
>instead of their own women
come on senpai even the *ltmer are hyper-autistic about this

>Go to get slaves
>woops looks like I caught triple aids
>woops a wamasu killed my manservant
>woops, I got caught by argonian extremists
>today is just not my day
brilliant plan

>it's because they refuse to implement common sense magic control


>worshiping daedra

reminder that the altmer are trying to destroy mundus

>Go to get slaves
>come back with slaves
>sell them in Morrowind
>make bank
Nobody said slave trading wasn't risk free.

Just raid the outskirts if you want Argonian sleeper agents in your backyard. No need to conquer the whole thing.

>argonians, dunmer, orsimer, and khajiit die with mundus
sounds like a good plan desu

>he says while posting the only remaining Chimer

What race would even want to conquer Argonia? The place is a fucking shithole.
Saying Argonians are cool because they were never conquered is like saying bedbugs are on top of the food chain because every other animal finds them too disgusting to eat.

>worshipping the Tribunal
This is another level of retarded