(((South Park)))

The difficulty slider in South Park: TFBH changes the color of your skin.

Ubisoft's comedy RPG South Park: The Fractured but Whole features various levels of difficulty, from easy to very difficult, much like most games. What's different though is the difficulty affects the colour of your character's skin.

During the character creation section of the game, which you can see in the video below (skip to the five minutes and 40 seconds mark), you're able to change the colour of your character's skin, as you'd expect. What's interesting is the easier the difficulty, the lighter your character's skin. Conversely, the harder the difficulty, the darker your character's skin. It means if you want to play The Fractured but Whole on a harder than normal difficulty, you have to play as a person of colour.

During the process, South Park stalwart Eric Cartman will comment: "Don't worry, this doesn't affect combat. Just every other aspect of your whole life."


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That is insanely retarded. So if I wanna play as a black dude I have to play on hard. Fuck that shit.

Inb4 "dude that's the point lmao"

Thats actually pretty funny.

I hate that scene in an episode where they rape Trump to death

>It turns out, if you pick a non-male character, Ubisoft will use the conversation with Mr Mackey as a smart retconning of The Stick of Truth.

>"So the whole King and Stick of Truth thing, she was actually a girl the entire time?"

>Mr Mackey then asks you to clarify exactly what you mean by a girl. You're then asked to select whether you identify as cisgender or transgender.

>Aoife and Chris picked transgender, and Mr Mackey once again calls your parents. "It still tracks with The Stick of Truth, yes it does. She was definitely a girl the whole time. Yes of course. I get it."

uh oh

Sup Forums BTFO

What if you're actually a black dude and don't wanna play on hard?



While I actually think that's kind of funny that sounds fucking dumb if that's for the whole game and not just as a gag while you can set difficulty yourself


>nu/pol/tards getting triggered over south park humor


Then don't self insert you stupid fuck.

>Was gonna play a white boy
>Get more money

Cool. Hmm, might play a niglet if I get bass powers.



Doesn't affect anything but some dialogue and money you get apparently.

Most black dudes wouldn't wanna play as whitey

>During the process, South Park stalwart Eric Cartman will comment: "Don't worry, this doesn't affect combat. Just every other aspect of your whole life."

so it's just a renamed skin color slider with a joke attached, actual combat difficulty will be set somewhere else

As hilarious as that shit is it's a pretty fucking stupid design decision for a game that has character customization.

Everyone in the thread is finding it funny though Reddit.

>white people are oppressed

It's not being made by Obsidian anyway, it's in house Ubishit

>its okay when they make fun of things as long as they don't offend me
Thats a pretty original way of fucking with people, I like it

Most black dudes are busy stealing shit to play video games.

That's fucking hilarious.

we are which is why we'll have an ethnostate soon

Having a lower iq definitely makes life harder.

That's funny I must say.

A stupid balance decision, but funny nonetheless.

I feel like an idiot for not getting this off the bat
There's probably not even an actual difficulty slider, the first one didn't have one iirc

>it's a "generalizations are only okay when they're negative generalizations about white people" level
>it's a "homeless, ugly paraplegic midget virgin with AIDS has it better than a multi-millionaire NBA player with a harem because his skin is white" level

thats great
looks like someone can't take a joke

The modern internet, especially twitter, has taught me that what most niggers actually do is sit around talking about spongebob and DBZ

Great. Just saved me $60.

>playing privileged white person is easy mode

When did South Park turn sjw? I remember South Park being offensive to everyone.


Kinda funny actually

>"homeless, ugly paraplegic midget virgin with AIDS has it better than a multi-millionaire NBA player with a harem because his skin is white"

No one has ever, ever fucking said this. It's just what snowflake bitchboys from Sup Forums hear whenever someone suggests being a nigger has unique downsides compared to being white.

Because they're brainlet fucks who need to get off my board and go back to their shitty subreddits.

Seems to still be offending you my dude.

We're not so different after all.

That's actually quite funny tho. Why are you mad OP? You even quoted the part where they flat out say that it doesn't affect combat so what exactly is the issue? It's probably more like an in-game joke where many of the NPCs will act like assholes towards you if you're black or you get smaller rewards for doing quests or something like that.

it is offensive to everyone, it's just that everyone includes you


first one had a slider but it wasn't selected during the character creation, you had to set it in the option menu

Everyone includes you. Seems like they still got it.

When Trump won and all the liberals decided to go full force.

I see no problem with this. It's a pretty South Park thing to do on the devs' part.



I guess they're not aware of the term "white man's" burden.

That's pretty clever.

>South Park still virtue signaling to liberals
Guess Matt's wife is still influencing him.

So then why is race a uniquely negative form of discrimination only when you're discriminating against non-white people, even though literally every other form of discrimination is socially acceptable?
I don't see any activist groups crying over how badly short men are treated compared to tall men.

>shitskins who live in a first world countries are oppressed

Yet another developer that hates white people. What did we do so wrong?

this was probably a Ubisoft idea

You sound upset.

Did South Park hurt you?

Manlet detected

wtf I thought they were /ourguys/!?

>When did South Park turn sjw?

They had a whole (bloody awful) season of "politically correct" material.

Black people aren't oppressed. White people are.

Does it actually affect difficulty or no? That's all that really matters.

But matt and trey aren't libtards.

>Always design the character to look like myself
>Stuck on easy mode because of it

I almost want to make a satirical and ugly character with yellow half-shaved head and black skin, just so I can play on a reasonable difficulty. I'm not too bothered, but character appearance should only matter if you're too tall to fit through holes or too small to get up steps. I don't want an ironic Dark Souls character to play correctly.

No, it's Angela Howard's idea
South Park has avoided doing things that would offend blacks like the fucking plague since 2008 when Matt married her.

I doubt they would be that stupid, so it's probably just a gag

but there has been people who have outright said a homeless white man has more privilege than a rich black man

It makes the game harder by giving you less resources. Either there is a seperate combat difficulty setting or there aren't any combat difficulty settings, we don't know.

Reading the OP might help

They have been since they got married.
The comment where they said they hate liberals and identify as libertarian was from 2006, before they were married to the chink and nigger.

go back

I love this place.

>get into college easier
>get job easier because diversity

Hard mode for sure.

Answer the fucking question. Why is racial discrimination even a relevant issue in 21st century western countries when it's trivial compared to every other factor that determines your opportunities and ability to succeed in life? It seems like you assholes are just flogging a dead horse because you want an excuse to justify your bigotry toward white people.

I think that's pretty funny

>x offends me so it's no longer offensive to everyone

Make me
I can't hear you, you're too small.

That's what (((they))) want you to believe

>Sup Forumstards triggered
>SJW triggered
my fucking sides, literally perfect

This sort of sucks for creating a character but if this offends you then you're no better than an SJW. It's fucking South Park.

damn when did south park get woke

definitely getting it now

Reminder: in order to play this game you need to go through Steam, Uplay and Denuvo at the same time.

>When you’re white, you don’t know what it’s like to be living in a ghetto
t. Bernie Sanders, exact words

well you literaly making yourself worse so it make sense to the game to be harder

>this doesn't affect combat
That doesn't include prices of shops or rate of money dropped.

I'm over 6 ft tall, but I'm aware that this affords me privileges that are not available to short white men. Answer the fucking question, brainlet.

They aren't retarded Sup Forumscucks either. They have always taken shots at everyone.

>telling people to go back
>because you are offended

get the fuck out faggot you couldn't be more obvious if you tried

Sounds like it's better to just buy a ps4 version

>Had plans to buy this game
>This happens

After putting up with the pitiful nature of the streamers, I see what they mean by "difficulty". That's clever, and I wish more games had the balls to do that.

>the dude tries to get up and walk away after a WOOOOOOW
Cringy is right, jeez.

>I'm over 6 ft tall
Yeah sure

get deported carlos

more like not buying it at all

>Haha, take that whitey!

But what if you're a nig and you want to play a nig and have to get less resources throughout the game

Not a surprise. The (((western))) media is filled with leftist propaganda.

There weren't activist groups for trans people until somewhat recently
Don't worry fellow manlet, our time will come

Or it could be the other way around and Cartman just being racist towards you. Game gets harder because your beginning stats suck thanks to you being black or something.

I told you to make me leave, not repost your collection of Sup Forums images that everyone has seen 1000 times already.

What did South Park's last season do to offend liberals?
Nothing. I was waiting all season for something and it did nothing. The previous season was great because it carried something that offended everyone.
Last season barely even attacked Hillary Clinton. It didn't lay a finger on berncucks. It didn't lay a finger on the rest of the DNC. It didn't lay a finger on lefties in general.

South Park is falling into the easy mode trap of just appealing to one side of the political aisle, something I would have laughed at anyone suggesting possible years ago.

Trump wouldn't approve so I'm not buying it.