How not to hand a N64 controller

How not to hand a N64 controller

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Why the fuck did they just leave a spilling beer there

>that beer spilling onto the table onto the floor

how not to handle a gamecube

Not gonna lie, I'd shag the hook-nosed brunette after a couple of shots.

why are white womyn fugly

what the fuck is going on in that webm jesus

>a fat whore pretends she fell so she can feel a man grabbing her
what did Kinsey mean by this?

That's Kelsey and she's the most down to earth girl.

Kelsey is the little one with mini shorts?
How can you call girl that dress like a whore ''down to earth'' ? at best she is living in her own bubble

Who the fuck are those people?

the girl with the tanktop looks lewd

Found the Sup Forumsirgin dweeb

i know for a fact you have never interacted with a woman thinking that a woman wearing a tank and short shorts is somehow unusual or removes their ability to be reasonable.

But it removes mine if you catch my drift

Fuck Kelsie is sexy, I'd bang her anytime.

>woman that wear that kind of prostitute short
You are the one who never had an experience with women.


Don't bother arguing, the only women he's seen are in burqas


They look like they are the cast for offshoot porn.
You may want to drink more with friends.

>no u

just proved his point

god,americans are so fat.

>You may want to drink more
Nobody should want to do that shit.

>I don't love to show my legs to virgins it's literally hot XD
>It's comfortable as fuck xD

You play vidya for mind altering experience. Responsible drinking can make good games great.

dumb fucking pig.

thats the best part user

I wanna cuddle Kelsey

>you will never play videogames with the metal jesus crew

>They look like they are the cast for offshoot porn.
damn you're right

I'd just wanna play with Metal Jesus really
>you will never watch a porno featuring the metal jesus crew

>she will never blowjob you while you play Mario Kart 64

Reggie is never seen on the couch for some reason

>down to earth





half jew half asian

Fun Fact: this fat pig doing this actually fried Metal Jesus's Gamecube

>drink more with friends

Not even that guy, but how is that supposed to excuse people drinking at your house and shitting up the place?

It was a flaw in the HDMI adapter that caused it to arc out when it was jostled.

>not drinking hipster beer brands
Its plastic foam meant to look real for aesthetic

I've seen videos of Gamecubes being dragged behind cars and still functioning. If that little fall killed it then the only explanation is God hated that Gamecube and had to intervene to wreck it.

Metal Jesus has a modded gamecube

Oh no that poor man's toy

What even is this supposed to be a picture of?

This upsets me.


It was one of those dumb finicky HDMI mods people are jerking off over these days. Like, just play on original hardware you fucks

i'd come from behind and squeeze that little porky waist of hers

man, she's gonna be a little porker in 5 years. Happens to all short women. There's nowhere else for the weight to go.

That pelican brewing cream ale is dope on hot summer days tho

I don't understand how we even played with the N64 controllers back in the day. I played the n64 over the labor day weekend with a bunch of friends, and after like 10 minutes, I had to take frequent breaks cause the control stick hurt my thumb.

White "people" plus one milk dud

wouldn't have happened if miss piggy didnt drunkenly leap across the room

>autistic heavy metal rock music starts playing

Yeah but who are these people, is there something I missed?

I wanna lose my virginity to Kelsey!

Aww are you ok now though princess?

there's an asian jew in there

I don't know, some normalfag youtubers probably

Yeah I am, thanks for caring bby ;p

Modern Jews are still white.
One drop is all it takes.

>super metroid

>he hasn't lost his virginity yet

>man, she's gonna be a little porker in 5 years. Happens to all short women. There's nowhere else for the weight to go.
That's not true, I'm 26 and still skinny.

jews are less white than hispaniards or indians

you're an idiot

I'm an actual jew, we're not white

>just buy the 300$ original Kiketendo component cable you fucks

Still, Zelda X Pro's prototype mod should never have been sold with that faulty design

>not white
99.9% of modern Jews especially in America have mixed heritage

It's called a social gathering. People leaving their house and going to meet other people to enjoy each other's company.


kelsie is very out of place with that bunch of fat autists. she needs a real chad like me

Chad the fad

tha'fuk you saying user?!

>those fucking shoulders

Nice trips but thinking a small amount of foam is "shitting up the place" is retarded. It's like you have never spilled a drink never mind opened a bubbly beer.

>when Kelsey was younger she had little to no friends because she played games all the time and was indoors.
>got bullied by girls for being really short
>she said she just wanted a friend to spend time playing games together

>tfw no gaming time with kelsie to slowly seduce her and end up raping her tight asshole

I would bully her with my dick

I want to marry Kelsey to bad. She is so cute/sexy to me.

I want her to punch me in the dick like that

None of that would matter if she would turn down a guy for being short.

this is bowser

>try to be her friend
>Shes snubs you because you're not the exact kind of friend she is looking for
there is no pleasing women, so who cares?

So she's the one who pushed out the Koopalings from her womb.



What a crybaby. Looks matter, deal with it

Fucking embarrassing.

wow boswer sure let himself go


he needs reggie on more he's the only person on there who even fucking plays video games he buys

is this dsp's house??? he finally threw a party?

modern women are useless what do you expect

>mod something
>surprised it isn't as durable/stable as it was when you had it before

how tall is she? she looks like my ex who was like ~~~ 4'9 (i'm 6'5 xD)

Man I hate fat people

To be fair that was her attention seeking female brain that did that but yeah fat bitches are useless

From the very start I would have expected that to happen. You can't trust this type of person with your shit.

And yet they don't identify as white except only when roleplaying on twitter to chastise "fellow" white people.

I-Is she asking me to kiss her feet?

True. My experience the only time I did this shit.

>people know I have old vidya
>ask me to bring n64 over to some get together
>roped into Mario party fucking 1 on n64
>constantly dodging wires, feet, miscellaneous obstacles every few minutes I stand up to get a beer since I hate the game
>after a while don't get a beer since I'm actually winning and having fun
>fat girl stands up, wobbles
>stop during my turn and look
>trips over every fucking thing imaginable as she lumbers to the kitchen
>system pulled forward, hits the floor and freezes
>everyone laughs as it happens
>few minutes later
>"mariiioooo kart"