Valhalla Thread

Watch the journey of user marveling at cute girls and deal with sexually-starved cunts in their journey to maybe find a QT or two.

Sup Forums, a Tan 'Gal suddenly falls into a seizure right infront of you, what is your first thought?

Other urls found in this thread:

Best song

Her granddad is supposed to have been their since before it was called Glitch City, and if it's literally just future Caracas then he's presumably Venezuelan

Tan-Chan has recovered from the seizure, even though she has not, in fact, drank the shit I gave her. Thanks for the rape charges, Boss.

I really liked this girl when she first came. So funny. Also
>This isn't Starbucks

Click jukebox so I can judge your tastes in music picks.

I am still reasonably convinced this is a trap

so is there a sequel planned and why havent they made it yet?

Oh God plz no

No sequel, they are working on some sort of horror game now which has early PS1 graphics. Or maybe its not a horror game I dont fucking know.

I think they've got two prototypes going and neither is related to this. I might be wrong, I just remember it coming up on some site reporting on this

user is unsure how to bring up the full menu again, but have at least one. The previews all took like five seconds to load, so I just threw random ones together.

Yeah, you can't bring up the full menu in between sessions. I just wanna see as you go. I know you don't really know the soundtrack yet anyway.

user came expecting the most latina name and instead got fucking this

Do you not see that she has Asian a e s t h e t i c s?

She didn't quite seem latina to me

Maybe one of those inexplicable Japanese-Peruvians. For those who do not know, that is an actual ethnicity of note.

>not hiring groups of lilim escorts

>mfw finding out her backstory

Was a surprise, though finding out what happened with the white knight girl and cat boomer was worse

>people are still trying to shill this shit

if that's the case I hope another company picks up on the comfiness of this game and makes a similar one. ps1 graphics horror game is going to be shit lets be honest

given all the other /m/ shit I've seen here, maybe it's another fucking gundam reference, honestly, but this went full turn from 'tan QT' to 'full asian'

We just want the devs to be remembered after they starve/ are gunned down in the street/ get dissapeared by Maduro's Chavistas.

>"someone somewhere in the world is playing a game/VN I don't quite like"
Just ignore it. Stop being a child.

given all this literal dogshit, user needs to ask: aside from maybe like, ears, this game doesn't contain furry, right?

>not playing the superior Venezuelan gaming masterpiece

preferred at a stretch but most of the OST is great if nothing else.

Still need to get titty hacker good ending, lilim idol and the other stuff that needs the undocumented drink

Not unless you romance Rad Shiba

There's a cat ear girl but they don't even reference furries. That's as far as it goes.

I still can't get over that red comet line, christ.

reminder that queen sjw supports this game

>you didnt get kim drunk

What did we told you about getting everyone crushed on alcohol user

Yeah, the devs love their Gundam.

Reminder she had nothing to do with it and the anti SJW shit flew over her head. She just assumed it was SJW shit and didn't actually play it much like yourself.

heh, funny enough

i love va-11 hall-a. did anyone else get the limited run vinyl?


she didn't ask for anything with the option for Extra Alcohol, user.

I bought the game day one and didn't know it was a thing. And it just made its second run, I hear.

buy the Tea from the shop


You only have to play it for an hour to see how sjw it is. The game can't wait to tell you every few lines about how someone is gay or how a white guy is a creep.

yeah i got in on the second run

"Quinton Hayter"
Quinton Flynn and David Hayter.
Oh and rules of nature. Didn't see that.

I posted it in the last thread, yes. Also, did the devs ever see a real Sup Forums thread?

So you didn't play it. It's not good bait if nobody can believe you.

You have to ask?

If they don't ask for anything with extra alcohol you can make their drinks "big", that way they will contain more alcohol as well.

and sometimes they dont ask for a particular drink, so you can always look for something that could fit the criteria and has more alcohol

If you're talking about the guy thing, that's the joke. Danger/u/'s main userbase is female.

no I get it, but it all sounds like a vague attempt at this shitty site more than anything, can get close enough at times though but then like

would any user more versed in morse code and or less lazy than me care to translate

I don't think it'd be funny enough unless he exxagerated it and made fun of Sup Forums with stereotypes. Or else it would look too serious. He shilled here for years before release

aaaand you don't always have to fullfill their request, so yeah, you can try to go nuts and serve tons of alcohol

It says "the retribution is co" and cuts off there

is it coming to PS4?

do they want my money or not

You could run this on a netbook

for you, user

thank you kindly

and finally, you could probably get this shit to run on a 98, you have no excuse

nig detected

>2(two) Sup Forums references are an integral part of the story line and one of them was already dated by the time the game
>yuri shit is at the core of what drives the protagonist and story
>reference to nu-male earth bound cause the devs are friends or something

The references to Sup Forums memes were hamfisted at best, but the association with the self-insert cuckbound game were more jarring as it was blatant advertisement for a game destined to be shit. Overall it's a 7/10, a glorified visual novel(which is not a bad thing by itself) but the game is more story than gameplay and there is very little to warrant anything more than one play through instead of just save-scumming for different endings(again, like most VN's).
Soundtrack was aces tho.

>no "Every day is night"

Umemoto, A. Rene, Welcome to Valhalla, and Everyday is Night are essentials for me

I hate him with a passion, help

>*teeth hiss
What'll you have nig- I mean sir?

After a few more visits he thankfully fucks off forever, IIRC.

I think there's one more after this one, and its short

thank god

>Hating J. Jonah Jameson
What's wrong with u

user would gladly learn Japanese or any other shit if it was that easy

Get me pictures of the *Kira* Miki!

Fucking augmenteds




What if he's trying to fuck your dad?

Did I stutter?


Fucking robots


you got it wrong

I had to order the Euro version because the US version sold out an hour before I had the money.

I really hope my order doesn't get canceled or something.

Betty was being a bitch there and she was drunk.

Ahhh fuck you

>skipped for this
Luckily the skip button is fucking greased lightning

To be fair, only the ROM reference was planned since Dana cameoed in ROM. YIIK reference was forced in by the publisher. It was pretty out of place either way, though.

she's always a bitch but he knows how to roll with it.
Plus he's only Lilim, only a cold-hearted monster could resist this

wait what skip button

Is that Jizz?
I never knew I liked the idea of haughty girls drinking jizz from a champaigne glass

>Shiba inu

Ah you poor thing. I think its shift


oh shit hello


Continue to do God's work user. Gonna be in class for 3 hours. If your still going, make another thread.

There's also keyboard controls for the drink mixing. Ice and aging, too. Its all near wasd

Time for best bot.

Fondle her feminine penis.

Thank you, user! If I don't collapse from 24 hours and up of no sleep, I probably will.

As much as people shit on her for always talking about sex, she's a likable character.

>ironic nu-weeb:the game

ill pass. check your pals at reddit

honestly, this shit's still better than infinite circlejerks about 'console vs emulation' like I saw when I made this, not to be rude

anyway, user has seen at least one image of zettai ryouki on an invisible girl, with filename mentioned after someone realized it was digging into the Invisible Thighs.