What are their best games that ARENT final fantasy related

What are their best games that ARENT final fantasy related

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Star Ocean 2, Parasite Eve

Front Mission

Life is Strange, hands down.

I will keep defending this game until my last breath


Secret of Mana, the two Chrono games, and Xenogears.

Finaru Fantashi

Vagrant Story, the mana series, Einhander, the SaGa games, Chrono Trigger, if you're into the genre Racing Lagoon, Bhamut Lagoon...

SE used to be gold, there was a time you could buy anything they released blindly and it would at least be good, most of the time excellent.


Square Enix didn't make Nier

BtS and still going

sure but they still own the franchise

Deus Ex Human Revolution
Hitman 2016

OP is ambiguous in that it doesn't state whether made or published by SE.
As such Nier is an acceptable answer. Even if I don't agree with it.

thats a massive gap
so for an example with an even shorter gap example

Alll of this youtube.com/watch?v=j-Fhx2IEztw&list=PLTSIqhWP1gKWbtSaAFCz5erPddH--7D6L

is made by microsoft

I's like to put a good word in for Ehergeiz despite it having a few FFVII cameos.

DQ III is Enix's best game, Chrono Trigger is Square's best game and Square Enix is just shit.

Tomb Raider

Deus ex Human Revolution and Mankind divided
The Hitman reboot
Nier games

motherfucking EINHANDER

It was ok

Better than Tobal no.1. Except for the soundtrack, Tobal has a fantastic ost.

>.gif of Sephiroth belly-to-belly suplexing cloud
Jesus christ, the things in this game.

Mother fucking Dragon Quest, Robotrek, SaGa, Actraiser, Paladin's Quest, Ogre Battle series, Soul Blazer series, Jyutei Senki, EVO, Hemeln, Front Mission sans the last game, Parasite Eve, Kingdom Hearts, Secret of Mana series, Treasure of the Rudras, Chocobo's Dungeon series, Brave Fencer Musashi. Probably a few others I'm forgetting, but there you go.

is that the yoshimitsu grab from tekken?

>forgetting one of best ps2 rpgs

>Chocobo's Dungeon
That's final Fantasy related and you know it.

Considering that Namco helped develop it and used Tekken 3 assets a lot, I wouldn't doubt it.
>Ken "GODHAND" Mishima

A bit upset no one has posted anything about Threads of Fate yet.

Combat wasn't very good, but I do remember liking this game especially for NPCs having actual schedules for stuff they do during the day and being able to kick anybody and anything. More games need a dedicated kick button.

This masterpiece deserve sequel.

Yeah I had kind of a brain fart there. Can't fault me, though, considering I had over 10 listed in there.

As an aside, I don't think I've ever heard anyone talk about Senki or Rudras on this board before.

You could also recruit almost everybody in the game to your party, from useless people to the strongest knight in the lands that breaks the game over her knee.

Unless you side with Ridley, in which case you kill almost everyone instead, person by person, throughout your remaining ventures.


I never managed to beat the game and only got a little bit after making the BIG CHOICE since all of the party members I was using got locked out since I went with the waifu. Is the other one better story-wise? Also, does Gawain live in that one?

Valkyrie Profile 3 fucking when??

>More games need a dedicated kick button.
Say no more.

I can't say i'm familiar with Senki, but I do remember a thread months ago talking about Rudras before. That's the one where the god is going to destroy all of creation in three days right?

You should try Resonance of Fate. It's made by the same team and has a lot of gameplay similarities.

one of the best handheld games ever desu

15 days, but yeah. How sad that I missed it!


Not him, but I just picked that one up. Haven't gotten around to it though. Most of what i've heard is that it's kinda bad.

I was way too casual for this game and couldn't beat the big golem in the volcano.

>all those good franchise that died
This thread is depressing desu

You kick EVERYTHING. It's fucking great. As for Treasures, it looks cool, but I've forgotten if there is a translation available for it.

Sleeping Dogs was squeenix, wasn't it? It's a pity the game wasn't developed to its full potential nor got a sequel.

I think Gawain dies in the Human route but not the Non-Human, but I may be wrong. I do know Ridley dies in the end of the Human route, but on the flipside,
all of humanity besides Jack and Ridley die in the non-human route.

Not him but I liked it, plot was a mess but combats were pretty fun though a little repetitive

Square was good, Enix was good, but Square Enix never really was.

Damn, and I thought humans were the bad guys. Guess I know which one I'm siding with next time I play.

There's been a translation for it for like 10 years now.

Note to mod: That links to the translation, not the rom, but nice try!

Square did parasite Eve dirty.
>3 games
>1 of them is good

>omnislash is a throw command and costs no special bar
this game was awesome

I think it's great personally, but you have to put a lot of time into it to get the most out of it. The opening hours will probably be confusing and frustrating but once you've figured out how the combat works everything starts to fall into place, and doing new game+ runs to piece the story together and clear successively higher difficulties makes the game better the more you play it.

It's mainly Cross. Cross is an absolute dickweed.
But make a save right before the choice anyway to see both through if you can.

The fucking last remnant

I like to think Cloud and Sephiroth settling their dispute through ridiculous beach games is canon

Legend of Dragoon

Did anyone notice that Persona 4 also have Square Enix logo in it?


Most of these games weren't made or published by Square Enix you faggots.

That's pretty par for the course for Tri-ace though.

Cool shit user, thanks. I think i'll try this after i'm done with Star Ocean.

To be fair, the franchise got caught in in a lot of legal red tape with Hideki Sena.

Well, I got through Nier, I think I have another multipart game run in me. The manual made the combat seem really strange, what with scratch damage and all.

Published isn't the same as made.

Can you point out which ones in order to clear up any confusion?

No. Do your own research.


As it should be.

Oh, I see what you're saying now. You don't count games made by Square or Enix.

You all forgot the real masterpiece made by Square.

Rad Racer

This. Hitman 2016 is objectively the best stealth game of the last decade. Host knows why they ruined it with shitty always online drm.

Resonance of Fate isn't like Nier in the sense that you get new story content every time you play it, it's always the same, it's just that the way the game is structured there's often really long gaps between cutscenes which, coupled with the already confusing nature of the plot and the unconventional premise, make it hard to follow what's going on your first time through, but subsequent playthroughs make it easier to figure it out because you'll be better able to pick up on when the game's foreshadowing and understand things better. Also, after beating it once, you can do a NG+ run on the same difficulty that you just cleared (instead of going to a higher one) that lets you keep all your levels and equipment, which makes it really easy to just blow through the game going from one story mission to the next, and the story's a lot easier to follow when you do that.

A game that got royally fucked over by Final Fantasy VIII's development by butchering its second disc via taking most of the staff off of the project.

Everything seems to come back to Final Fantasy, doesn't it?

Well, Final Fantasy did save Square from bankruptcy then put them close to it several times after.

Oh, I like that, when the second time around is just as fulfilling as the first because you're privy to knowledge you didn't have before. I'm on vacation from work next week, so I have a lot to catch up on, and this is on the list.

Hella sick post shaka bruh I'm so fucking lesbian~ right now *rewinds time* [Hipster noises]

Shame that FFVIII devoured it's budget so only one disc was actually a game.

>NES Square title
mah nig.

Well Chrono Trigger is the best game ever made, so there's that. Super Mario RPG is bitchin'.

I'd love to see SE and Nintendo do another Mario RPG collab.
The optional superbosses would be Shinryu and the Adventurer from Bravely Default, obviously.

>this is what some people consider valid criticism

No one mention einhander?

Didn't they make grandia? I really loved the first one.

Both sides are the bad guys, actually.
If the humans live, the world is doomed to waste away VERY rapidly.
If the humans die, ALL of them die including the people who wanted to unite the humans and nonhumans and make the world healthy again.

The leaders of both groups actively want these outcomes to happen knowing the bad consequences.

No, that was GameArts.

>No one mention einhander?

Reminder that Mana series started its life as Seiken Densetsu: Final Fantasy Gaiden


So did the SaGa series as The Final Fantasy Legend.

Eh, SaGa had no relation to FF in Japan

The Last Remnant.

>Series that are still alive:
SaGa, Lord of Vermilion
>Dead series:
Front Mission, Mana/Seiken Densetsu, Parasite Eve, Tobal
>One shots
Einhander, Ehrgeiz, Rings of Fate, Racing Lagoon, Wild Card, Internal Section
SaGa was called Final Fantasy Legend in US only in order to get marketing power, it was never related to FF unlike Mana, which was called Final Fantasy Gaiden in Japan and did in fact start off as a FF spinoff, though it already became its own thing by SD2.

And since we're here, friendly reminder that The Last Remnant is literally a SaGa game under a different title

Yes, but it has that connection to Final Fantasy now because it was brought to America under the Final Fantasy banner.

>Yes, but it has that connection to Final Fantasy now

I still can't see what people see in Secret of Mana, the gameplay is tedious and the spritework isn't anything special compared to the beautiful artwork, the only thing I liked about it was some of it's music tracks and the dancing merchants.

>Want to get into Vagrant Story
>Fail every single time
God damn, I love the presentation and the style of this game, but I'm too much of a brainlet to understand how shit works despite reading the damn inbuilt manual.

>blast through the wine cellar and the tomb in the beginning
>suddenly nothing takes damage anymore but everything takes half of your health if you don't block half the damage
>have to keep switching between weapon types every time you engage an enemy
Before somebody calls me out, yes, I'm aware of Risk.
Send help.

I always forget Enix existed as a company outside of DQ.

>Send help.
>Set Reflect Damage/Absorb Damage as counters
>Set Raging Ache as Chain
>Stay at low HP
>I am the reinforcements
VS isn't as complicated as you might think.

VP2 is great but I always burn out trying to make sure all my Einherjar stay leveled along with the main cast.

>Want to try playing Vagrant Story again
>Remember the shitty risk system

>Getting fucked up by Risk
>Getting over 25 risk

I'm pissed that the world crafted in SMRPG was utterly abandoned. God I miss that rendition of the Mushroom Kingdom and the areas surrounding it. Much better than what the regular games do nowadays.

Legend of Mana