Bethesda VP Pete Hines disputes the very idea that the Creation Club constitutes ‘paid mods’

> Bethesda VP Pete Hines disputes the very idea that the Creation Club constitutes ‘paid mods’.

> “We have been supporting mods and making the mod community grow and be viable since 2002, and we are going to continue to try and do new things,” Hines told Tek Syndicate at PAX West. He acknowledged that paid mods didn’t work, and then tried to explain why the mods that you can pay for now are not, in fact, paid mods.

> “One of the reasons this is not paid mods, when they’re working for us it’s a job. They’re not getting paid only if the stuff sells, they’re getting paid like an external contractor all along the way, so the risk is removed for them.”

>bethesda pays modders a couple of bucks for their rights on the mods
>modders don't even get credited for their work
Not even modders can defend this

Anyone involved or supporting this should be hanged.

From the production/sales point I can sort of, if-you-squint, see where they are coming from when they are saying it is not paid mods. It is third party content checked, published and licensed by them, done in a different model to the previous paid mods idea.

But from the user perspective the difference is fucking negligible, typical hairsplitting bullshit while trying to sidestep any concerns or disapproval. The modders are fucked over, people who are not even going to use the Creation Club are fucked over, no actually worthwhile or substantive new content is created AND this might mean the end of Script Extenders thus a good chunk of how much people can salvage the games Bethesda makes and expects the modding community to make less shit.
Not only is this a fucking retarded idea to push, it is hilariously ridiculous of the PR department to not be fucked enough to even try and spin this thing better. Have companies not learned from the Mass Effect shitstorm or the dozen other cases where simply handling your fucking paying customers better would have meant a world's difference?

Even the vaultboy and dragonborn know it's a shit idea. They can't even fake being happy to be in that picture.

>"These mods that you pay money for are not paid mods because..."
Just stop.

We're paying for mods.

They are paid mods.

Technically you are paying for outsourced DLCs.

Outsourced mods.

What's the difference between a paid mod and a Microtransaction?

Bethesda gets some other loser to do the work for them.

Pete is right though. These are add-ons, not mods.

Wow, that changes everything.

>implying I'll ever give money to bethesda again

Calling it something else doesn't change what it is

Agreed. In practice it absolutely is. But that is the simple, basic logic that is completely absent from their production, or most internal company handling of things, whether vidya or other shit.

It's understandable how in-house they might moan about customers treating two things the same from the outside that don't work the same when viewed from the inside, and that they might view the Creation Club shit as not paid mods, but it is also absolutely retarded for the PR team to try to push that small detail most people would completely ignore in the face of the blatant fact that it IS, at the end of the day, paid mods.

It does, because paid mods are a fiasco, our new system is completely different from that.

I hate pete hines, he ruined bethesda.

He's just doing his job. He's a good employee.

>PS3, 360 and Switch Skyrim are now the only "good" versions of Skyrim

why did this post made me shudder inside

Because Bethesda is just a puppet of Zenimax, thus every higher up at Beth are just Zenimax employees.

Sometimes I wonder what it's like to be a PR man

>Hey Pete, we're making paid mods a thing and we need you to smooth it over
>Wasn't there a big shitstorm on the internet about paid mods a while back?
>And now we're releasing a system that is basically identical in all the ways the consumerbase cares about?
>Yeah okay I can bullshit our way out of that one, no problem

Can I get a quick rundown?

Is the creation club basically the only way to buy mods for consoles, and you can download like normal from nexus? If so who cares?

A bunch of modders are putting crap on the Nexus and selling the "high quality" version of it on Creation Club

As far as I know, the XBone gets some mild, basic mods. Nothing that would need the Script Extender, and severlely limited in size, asset use and scope, but they do exist. The PS4 is even more gimped, I think they don't get mods at all (could be wrong on this).

He's absolute shit at his job.

>tfw I've pirated every Bethesda game and put 100+ hours into each of them without paying a dime
I wish there weren't legions of retards keeping them in business so that literally any other company could buy out their IPs

How the fuck can't they understand. There is a fucking transfer of money required to legitimately obtain these mods. Fucking obtuse motherfuckers.

You love their games though, why would you want them sold?

they do understand
they are hoping that the uninformed wont

Not that guy, but I love their IPs. The only value their games bring is as a moddable sandbox so you can kind of squeeze out an ok experience via the hard work of modders.

"people" will still buy their shit so who even cares anymore. most of the elder shit fan base is on console these days so they look at this as a good thing

Bethesda are the most incompetent motherfuckers to ever succeed in the games industry and their games are carried on well-written settings that are still interesting despite how badly they butcher every detail of the actual implementation. I'm a gigantic lorefag so I still play just for that, but I wish the actual games weren't shit.

There's already mods on the nexus that fix the creation club mods.

>implying it's a matter of understanding
This is Public Relations, user. Pete Hines is paid to sit in his office and think of ways to sell products and put a spin on controversial decisions

There's currently a stigma against paid mods. Just admitting that it's a paid mod system wont do them any favours, no one's going to give them money for admitting they're just greedy assholes. Draping a web of bullshit over the whole matter to convince some dipshits who are wavering between listening to the internet or supporting Bethesda will at least make them some money.

That pic reminds me of a funny typo I found in my BIOS menu.
>Enter BIOS
>Go to one of the options
>Enable something-something booooooot
Like fuck, how the hell do you miss a typo where you accidentally have several o's in a line for the world "boot".

is there any mod that allows you to use Creation Club shit without paying for it? I remember there was something for Skyrim when they tried pulling this shit there.

>outsourced DLC
>is not a part of Season Pass
it's not DLC

>it's not paid mods because we're paying the modders a small amount

>making everybody download 2 gb's of pay2unlock content will surely change their mind

Can't make this shit up

Creation club means if your game ever connects online (and expect it to with Denuvo), you get a MANDATORY DOWNLOAD OF EVERY MOD ON THE CREATION CLUB STORE to your system and it's kept hidden and locked until you pay up for fucking BethCash

Fuck off pete

your firmware is haunted

>they’re working for us it’s a job. They’re not getting paid only if the stuff sells, they’re getting paid like an external contractor all along the way

So basically the modders get a one time fee and even if it sells like hotcakes then Bethesda keeps all the money, great fucking deal there Pete

>Bethesda VP Pete Hines disputes the very idea that the Creation Club constitutes ‘paid mods’

pete hines is a lying cunt. bethesda is a pile of shit. what do people expect from these assholes? they've got form at being top cunts to all their fan base.

Whatever it IS, It's not exactly well liked, Pete. Whether the content is mods or not is irrelevant to the question of if it should be done.

>that banding
it hurts

Except so far some of the content was literally copied from free mods with a different color palette


Thus turning it in to a legal minefield that Bethesda shouldn't want to have anything to do with. And the fact that they directly push the copyright infringing content to PCs and consoles means that they're actively complacent. Dosn't seem like the hosting exceptions would work in this case.

Absolutely nothing wrong with it. Only people complaining are millennial poor fags who want everything for free. Typical cuck mentality desu

>creation club downloads all the shit to your computer even if you don't buy any of it
>nothing wrong with it

What is this 1999? I've got 6tb of space


What is this 20000? I've got an SSD.

I think it goes by milestones. You get a flat sum at release, then another at 100k, 500k purchases and so on.