The fact that so many Sup Forumsnons still name Halo 2 as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" FPS...

The fact that so many Sup Forumsnons still name Halo 2 as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" FPS ever only tells you how far FPS still is from becoming a serious genre. Stealth critics have long recognized that the greatest stealth games of all times are MGS2 and Deus Ex HR, which were not the most famous or viewed or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Puzzle critics rank the highly controversial Puyo Puyo over Tetris which was highly popular in gamers around Europe . FPS critics are still blinded by commercial success.Halo 2 sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Stealth critics grow up playing a lot of mecha of the past, puzzle critics grow up playing a lot of puzzle of the past. FPS critics are often totally ignorant of the FPS games of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that Halo 2 did anything worthy of being saved.

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It's no longer Halo anything, but instead Brutal Doom

I only think Halo 2 is the best Halo game in the franchise. Its light years away from being the greatest FPS ever.

>Not a serious genre
If you're going to bait at least put in some effort

I think it has the overall strongest campaign of the franchise. 3 had the two best campaign levels bar none though, those being The Ark and The Covenant.


Halo 2 fags are the worst part of the fanbase. They think Halo 2's campaign, ODST, and Reach were good, they also would mind playing the shitty Power Rangers again. They need to do the Halo fanbase a favor and just read the books and comics and stop playing the games. The only thing Halo 2 had going for it was the multiplayer and was nowhere near as good as Halo 1 and 3.


Combat Evolved was great, Halo 2 had an great story but ruined a lot of what made Combat Evolved so good (the campaigns first half has great level design, particularly the wide open space after landing on Halo), Halo 2 is decent at best, why the fuck did they get rid of health? Retarded.
Halo 3 and all others are pretty substandard imo.

>2 was never made available on 360 marketplace

really hustles my bones

With a campaign that bad, what did you expect?

This is just an edit of Scaruffi's critique of The Beatles, adapted for Sup Forums

halo 2 came out at the right time. It kicked off xbox live, something consolefags had yet to experience.

fuck I loved halo 2. Stayed up for days playing halo 3 online when it came out.

>"the greatest or most significant or most influential" FPS
who says this? the only thing 2 really influenced is that it helped make xbox live popular

3 > 2 > 1 > ODST > Reach > 5 > 4

This, the campaign was a massive disappointment.

The wide open spaces in CE were shit though. It was a novelty, in terms of actual gameplay and level design it's not as good as what Halo 2 did.

Also the endless repeating corridors that CE had were garbage also. It's tedious and repetitive.

Only to shitters with no taste

The whole Halo franchise is one of the most boring FPS series and overall is mediocre at best and is only praised because console players didn't have anything else to play, prove me wrong

But by that logic, Call of Duty should've become "the best shooter gaem evur" because it sold significantly more in the future after Halo 2 & 3. But it didn't, people still consider Halo 2 & 3 the peak of console shooters.

There are games with far better campaigns, far better worlds, etc. But Halo packaged it up tight with a solid campaign, the best fucking multiplayer and a great community.

There is the perception that Halo sold the most held by the masses which isn't true, read my post again.

Only to shitters with no taste
Nah, Halo 2 is what Halo 5 is now, a game with a terrible campaign with the multiplayer being its only saving grace. Nowhere near as good as Halo 1 and 3. You need to go back to reading the Halo books, comics, and play the Halo Wars series if you want an expansive universe so bad.

>I don't have a counterarguement so i'm, gonna keep spamming the same sentence over and over again

Halo has

>effort put into both it's single player campaign and multiplayer suites, rather then only caring about one and not doing/half assing the other
>great visual design that makes use of the entire color spectrum
>fantastic music
>tons of modes, options, and user created content tools, tons of bang for you buck
>some of the most expansive lore in the medium

The only reason Sup Forums and people like you AREN'T shilling the fuck out of it and love it is because it was on console and got popular

Yeah, my counterargument is that Halo 2's campaign is shit and only faggots that started with it like it. It's funny how in your next post talks about Halo not half assing its campaign because that's exactly what Halo 2 did.

2 > 3 > CE >>>>> ODST >>>>> Reach >>>>> 4

3 > 2 > CE >>>>> Reach > 4

2 > CE >= 3 > ODST >>>>> Reach >>>>>>>>>> 4 = 5

Forgot to add Art Design and overall visual quality. This doesn't mean solely mean graphical quality. The battlefield games are fucking amazing looking but pretty boring visually. With that said.

3 >= ODST > CE >= 2 >>>>> Reach = 4 >>>>> 5

even with pretty much everything going wrong during its development, halo 2 still ended up having the best campaign

The only correct point is about music
It's a shitty dudebro pew-pew FPS with 'murican patriotism, empty levels, laughable aliens design and sleep-inducing gameplay loop
Don't care about multiplayer

>best stealth game
>Deus Ex HR
Ha ha

so, why are you so bitter about it?

>murican patriotism

>empty levels
Give some examples?

>laughable aliens design

>sleep-inducing gameplay loop
>power weapons
>varied enemy placement and area designs

It's actually one of the few FPS games where the only viable playstyle isn't either wall hugging, face tanking, or stealth

Calling it shit isn't an arguement because you aren't explaining why you think it's shit

>with 'murican patriotism,
You obviously have no shit about anything with Halo, then. America doesn't even exist in Halo's setting, and the UNSC is consistently said to be a totalitarian surveillance state.

I'd be curious if you could clarify why you think ODST and reach's campaign is worse then CE's's, and why ODST's soundtrack is that low, and why reach's visual design is so low. Also, did you not play 5's campaign or MP?


2 > ODST > Reach > 3 >> CE = 4 > 5

>Core Multiplayer
2A > 2 = 5 >> CE > Reach > 3 >>>> 4

>Forge, customs, etc
5 > 2A > Reach >> 4 = 3 > 2 >>> CE

ODST > 2 >> 3 > CE >> Reach >> 4 > 5

>Visual Design
Reach > 3/ODST >> Wars > 2 = 2A > CE > Wars 2 >>> 4 = 5

No, it didn't. In your warped imagination it had the best campaign. Halo 3 had the best campaign followed by Halo 1. Halo 2 is the worst in the trilogy.

>Only to shitters with no taste
And I don't plan too, you should know Halo 2's complaints look them up you entitled eurofag.

>empty levels

You what? Compared to most other 90's/early 2000's shooter franchises the Halo games have a huge amount of detail density. CE not so much, admittedly, but the rest absolutely

So, again, you don't have an arguement. I've already explained CE's flaws, you are just going W-WELL 2 HAS MORE BUT I'M NOT GONNA SAY WHAT

>ODST and reach's campaign worse than CE's
Because there's nothing standout of them. They are a fucking bore to slog through. No big battles, in ODST aside from the safari mission literally every level is in boring urban cities. Which were also the shittiest parts of Halo 2's campaign. Reach is somehow even less memorable than ODST with the only highpoints being in fucking cutscenes. A CoD tier campaign.

>and why reach's visual design is so low
It's boring. Most of the color palette consists of Grey, and brown. Which is fucking awful in a game series known for being colorful and unique looking. Reach's armors also suffer from being overbloated. No armor sets are really that memorable just like the game itself. For some reason they also went with the "more pockets and belts = better design" meme.
I always find it funny when the only 2 good things I ever hear about ODST and Reach's campaigns are "muh atmosphere" being ODST and "muh Mission: Survive".

Yeah, you explain the same shit every single fucking day of the week like a broken record. You want to know why your favorite shitty campaign sucks so fucking much, it's called do research on it in 2004. Maybe if Halo 2 wasn't your first Halo game then maybe you would understand why it's the worst of the trilogy.


>m-maybe if I call him a newfag enough I won't look like such a loser

I get what you mean regarding the campaigns as far as lack of variety and lack of super memorable moments, but I don;'t think the former is a bad thing if it does the one theme really well, which I think ODST does, and while there's no super standout moments in ODST or Reach, I think their average mission quality is better then CE and 3's.

Regarding reach's visual design, it's certainly paler but there's still plenty of color, they are just more muted tones

What about the other stuff I asked about?

You're the only one looking like a loser, m8.

>no one can recognize this pasta
was Sup Forums always this pleb?

I hope this isn't implying CE isn't a massive chore to get through

Literally the one bad level in CE is The Library. I'd take 1 fantastic level like Two Betrayals in a sea of shit over the mediocre pile of garbage that was ODST and Reach.

Lol Halo babies are funny
Unreal =quake >>halo

The only real argument that can be made when comparing the mainline Halo games to each other is that CE had the best balanced difficulties out of them all.

Aside from rocket launcher flood (which only showed up in one or two places and were still generally easy to kill), the game was still fairly challenging without having total bullshit deaths like some of the latter entries had.

mfw starts playing

>Literally the one bad level in CE is The Library.

More bad then good? Sure, but almost every other level has the same sort of issues, just not to that extent.

>Sure, but almost every other level has the same sort of issues, just not to that extent.
What issues? Re-use of rooms? There were 4 repeats of that tiny circular room in AoTCR. Which is also balanced by it's fantastic exterior battles.

Enjoy your shitty corridor shooter.

Halo 2fags like to ignore that along with Cortana being the only bad level in Halo 3. They like to put their golden turd campaign, Halo 2, along ODST and Reach on top. when none of them were good and the only good campaigns Bungie made for the Halo series was Halo 1 and 3.

Hey I'm that user and I thought that 2's campaign was the best. Atleast it had the best levels, but it also had some of the worst. Delta Halo and Regret are bar none the best levels in the whole series

>not The Ark
>not The Covenant
Delta Halo is top 3 though

>another halo nostalgia thread
halo sucks, it has always sucked, it was hyped to fuck and xbocks nerds had no other point of reference, if you'd been playing fps games before halo came out then the vast majority of you would never have liked halo

>if you'd been playing fps games before halo came out then the vast majority of you would never have liked halo
Here's the part where you say that quake/doom clone #445 is your favorite shooter of all time. Not every shooter needs to be 60mph half naked man insta gibbing brainless enemies in endless corridors.

>Assault on the Control Room backwards and with flood is better than NMPD HQ and Long Night of Solace

>Sup Forums doesn't know scaruffi

this is truly the most pleb board

>Sup Forumsnons

>endless corridors
blinded by nostalgia, user forgets that halo ce was the worst offender of all time in this regard
also, not every shooter is quake or doom, just goes to show how little you know

>Long Night of Solace
>lmao awkward flying while killing the same banshees/spirits over and over again: the mission
Fuck no. Just one outside battle in Halo CE is better than the entirety of that piece of shit

The only good levels that came out of Halo 2 were the Chief missions but even the CE missions were better than those.

Why don't you give some reasons as to why Halo is a bad series then? Maybe name some better games?

>not every shooter is quake or doom
Yeah, not every game has to be good either.

Tetris is better than Puyo Puyo though.

>greatest stealth games of all times
>Deus Ex HR

Crow's Nest was pretty bad, mainly because the level was literally going from point A to point B to point A again to point C to point A yet again to point B again

also the last level, which was just three segments: flood skirmish (shit), boss fight (shit), and warthog run (great)

>the level was literally going from point A to point B to point A again to point C to point A yet again to point B again
A lot of Halo 3 levels were like that. And then the people praising 3 deduct points from CE for reusing levels in the same post.

How the fuck did humanity win the war again? Was it literally only because of the Covenant Civil War?

Wow, you just explained why Halo 2's campaign is shit, congratulations. Crow's Nest made up for its level design with its awesome encounters, that's what really made the level fun plus, I loved fucking around with the sandbox.

I think Halo Reach's campaign and multiplayer were the best, what does that make me, other than a faggot?

A euro faggot

it's enemies are boring as fuck, and completely brainless, them being bullet sponges for the impactless guns was quite the added bonus, boring and incredibly repetitive levels and a difficulty curve that meanders up and down like a fucking drunk, slushy and slow movement, and no movement options coupled with high ttk makes it boring as fuck to play, and the jumping/floating is indefensibly bad, and if you're looking for better fps games then alien vs predator, tribes 2, and unreal all mop the floor with it, if you absolutely must be bound to a console, then timesplitters

Why european though

They're for the most part the only ones that love that game so much.

>Stealth critics have long recognized that the greatest stealth games of all times are MGS2 and Deus Ex HR

I have a copy of Halo 2 for the original Xbox should I play it knowing I have no specific interest in the series and only played a bit of CE like 15 years ago on PC?

First person stealth is the cuckery in genre form.

(The original) Deus Ex was a great game because it never chose to force you to sneak at any point ever (except the stupid ass training mission).

General lack of variety in pretty much every respect.

Lack of weapon variety, lack of enemy variety, lack of visual variety, reuse of geometry, hallways out the ass.

The outdoor areas almost always feel empty and too wide open for their own good and indoor reas are almost always mazes of cooirdoors, in both cases CE very rarely has envoierments that feel like actual places, just blatently designed locations.

Overall it's just a very tedious game.

I have played other shooters, I played plenty of quake and UT, Halo has a lot they don't See
>oring and incredibly repetitive levels
This is only an issue with CE

I think reach had great armor and why would you complain about having more customizability? Also I think the best part about reachs campaign were all the Spartans that were with you the whole time, you get to see them all fight and die with you until you're the last one and you go out in a blaze of glory fighting an endless wave of the covenant. It felt different then Master Chief soloing everything.

try it and find out

shit, I mean I thought it had one of the more effective campaigns narratively because I love suicide mission stories, I liked the dynamic qualities armor abiltiies gave to the game even if they weren't 100% balanced, the sick ass forge mode, and liked the covenant vs human invasion mode even if it got old eventually

that being said, maybe I should just move to finland, open a bakery, become an alcoholic, and play WRPGs on a shitty PC for the rest of my life

>it's enemies are boring as fuck
Not true at all. They were all more reactive than any FPS enemies before hand. Half life 1 is the only one I can see even coming close. Enemies dodge grenades, suicide run, drive vehicles, take cover, sniper from afar, and are constantly aggressing on your position. Before this most if not the vast majority of FPS games had literally 2 types of enemies. Those that run up to you, and those that don't.

> them being bullet sponges for the impactless guns was quite the added bonus
Elites and hunters both giant, threatening enemies are the only ones that take more a magnum shot. Elites die in one shotgun shot, 4 - 5 magnum shots, and one hit to the back.

> boring and incredibly repetitive levels
Silent Cartographer and Two Betrayals are unironically both endlessly more fun than the entirety of the Doom campaign.

>drunk, slushy and slow movement
Why does every shooter have to be fast?

I always thought that first person anything besides experimental "art" games or balls to the wall shooters were cuckery.

You have a very limited view through a window that is nothing like the real world and awkardly placed hands. It's the opposite of immersion.

Do you prefer Halo Reach Elites or Halo 3 Brutes?

how is this even a question

>having more customizability?
Because the overall design of the armor's went down the drain. Every piece of Halo 3's armor was unique looking.

>Also I think the best part about reachs campaign were all the Spartans that were with you the whole time, you get to see them all fight and die with you until you're the last one and you go out in a blaze of glory fighting an endless wave of the covenant
How about the actual quality of the levels themselves?

Need to get the console on the shelf, the HD upscaler, the power suply cord, find the cables, hook all that shit together, put the game disk in and if that wasn't enough set date and time for the 100th time again.

Would be nice if some non-pozzed user could tell a bit about the game and how it plays/compares in the current year.

Wow. It's rare to see a non 343 shill in one of these threads. I don't agree with your exact rankings, but I respect them.
Carry on brother.
Can Halo 5 have best customs if it has no community to enjoy those customs with?That trailer is still my favorite of all time to this day. "What if you miss?" "I won't". MFW

Reach didn't feel like an invasion, Bungie lied and stated that the game would combine everything massive battle they did in the Halo trilogy. So I'm thinking levels like AOTCR, Two Betrayals, Metropolis, Delta Halo, The Ark, and The Covenant taken to the next level but I didn't get that, I got a very small scaled game.

I prefer anything over that piece of shit prequel.

Halo Reach conveyed the "alien" aspect of elites well for the first chronological "main series" game where Noble Six would see them, hence they look more beastial. Halo 3 Brutes were a replacement for elites hence they couldn't have an entirely niche animation set. Regardless I preferred the variety of the Halo Reach elites, the Ultra Armour is top tier

The invasion mode felt invasion-y, but yeah it mostly felt like a Spartan green beret operation rather than warfare. I didn't really have much expectations going in and thought it was going to be significantly worse than Halo 3, and was already disappointed in ODST's campaign

The whole military charade of "we lost one of our best" and handing out medals in the middle of war just reeks of it. They are basically a US military just with a different name

>Give some examples?
The entirety of CV with The Library I believe being the worst offender, the entirety of 2, didn't play other games because no Xbox and don't care

They just have to not be ewoks

Spam fire button to win
>power weapons
Dunno what that is
>varied enemy placement
What the fuck does that even supposed to mean? If you levels are not a copy of one another of course they will be placed differently, doesn't mean that it makes it any more fun to fight them
>area designs
Big empty room or big empty outside area, wow so varied

> Reach

A grounded war drama that follows a group of the few survivors of a secret government military research project through their valiant, desperate last stand

> CE, 2, 3, 4, 5

Basically Harry Potter in space, plot is driven by an endless parade of magical ancient artifacts (all addressed by mononyms in a desparate attempt to sound more cool and mysterious).

> Oh no, an Ancient Evil has awakened! The Didact has taken the Tessaract from the Oracle! If the Warden activates the Composer of Requiem, the Forerunner will be locked in the Cryptum! Go, Chosen One! Stop the Rampancy! You are the only Redeemer!

Me too, when Bungie hid Noble Team before the VGA 2009 trailer I was excited believing it was Blue Team but then the VGA trailer happened and my hype dropped. When they stated they were going for what they did with ODST where you weren't going to be as strong, I knew the game wasn't going to be that great. I just supported the game because it was Bungie's final Halo game, I wished I would have listened to my gut feeling.

In terms of campaign (since that's probably all you'll be playing), Halo 2 is generally regarded as the strongest story in the trilogy. Half of it is told through the pov of an elite called the Arbiter which some people liked and some people didn't like. Bungie was extremely rushed in development so expect some funkiness in the AI, graphics and level design. Overall I consider it my most enjoyable halo campaign even if it falters in some ways to CE (like weapon usefulness). Also legendary difficulty is notoriously frustrating, so be warned.

> Reach
>A grounded war drama that follows a group of the few survivors of a secret government military research project through their valiant, desperate last stand
> CE, 2, 3, 4, 5
>Basically Harry Potter in space, plot is driven by an endless parade of magical ancient artifacts (all addressed by mononyms in a desparate attempt to sound more cool and mysterious).
I guess this explains why I like the main numbered games over Reach.

Halo CE 2 and 3 focused on the aspects of humanity vs a foreign adversary and the trials and tribulations of that. I don't want to say it's a "war game" but that's the closest comparison. There is a reason people compare it so heavily with a movie like Aliens.

Halo 4 and 5 are about muh magik prometheuns. Halo Reach only expands on what the original trilogy (+ ODST) built on.

>Halo 2 is generally regarded as the strongest story in the trilogy
That's all it's known for with that campaign, in terms of gameplay and level design in the campaign, it was a failure.

>Halo Reach only expands on what the original trilogy (+ ODST) built on
No, he's right, Reach and ODST felt like Bungie trying to rip off Gears of War and COD.

>The entirety of CV with The Library I believe being the worst offender, the entirety of 2
The Library is literally riddled with flood, unless you're referring to the level design itself. Although in that regard I don't know how it's any more empty than say Quake. And 2's level design was fucking amazing.

>They just have to not be ewoks
Are you referring to the grunts? I'd take silly enemies with neat designs that are fun to pummel the shit out of over generic enemy that homes in on your general direction with unreactive behavior like so much FPS games before CE.

>Spam fire button to win
I guess the shotgun in Doom is just a dumb gimmick because it's also spam fire to win?

>Dunno what that is

Rocket Launcher, Shotty, Sniper rifle, Needler, etc...

>Big empty room or big empty outside area, wow so varied
>empty buzzword again
What do you even mean by "empty"? The outside areas have plenty of enemies to fight and vehicles to use, and most interior areas have you fighting up to 20 enemies in one room at once.