Bad Company 3

Sequel when?

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It would just be shit anyway.

Hardline was basically it
>no jets
>cardboard vehicles

>what are battlefield 3, 4, 1.

never since they dont make good games anymore

They've run the formula into the ground now. Going back to that simplistic fun would feel like a backwards step.
3 was shit, 4 was good, Hardline was okay but lacked content.


>I'm a retard
Yep, you sure are.

i wonder if theyd turn it into some shitty mobafps clone like every other fps game is doing these days

maybe its better it stays dead

are you serious right now?

>BF3 shit
>BF4 good
they were the same fucking shit

*shits on your face*

Yeh dude they run the same engine, but 4 is a vastly improved take on the new BF formula. It's significantly tighter and more rewarding; and the maps, while biased towards vehicles, are far less prone to becoming irrepairably one-sided.

4 was great

They need to just do a graphical update to this and release it. I'd pay $20 in a fucking heartbeat for this.

This series isn't as profitable as the main series of Battlefield games, why on earth would EA want to invest in a project only a niche group of fans would want?

BF3 has the worst maps in the series

BF42 on modern Frostbite would be phenomenal, if DICE kept elements from the original game that is

Dice doesnt know why this game was so fucking good. So tell me Sup Forums, what made it and BC2 Vietnam so damn good?

Yeah I'm talking almost identical mechanics with new graphics/physics implemented. I'm pissed that a game from 2002 has way more fun shit you can do. In 1942 you could control aircraft carriers, battleships, subs, etc. Why the fuck have we taken a step back?

you need modern warfare theme

people hate bf1 because its too primitive

people hate cod because its future shit

why wont the developers learn they just need to improve their games instead of trying different settings

Not before we get a sequel to the best Battlefield.

people hate BF1 because of how unfaithfully it portrays it's period. people hate CoD because LOL COD SUX!!! xD

>having faith in any product from nu-dice

BFBC3 would probably retcon the main characters of the campaign to be minorities/women

>DICE is too scared to go full autist to make anything resembling OG battlfield
>They admitted to be too retarded to know why people loved the arcadey-ness of the bad company series
>Modern BF is just Call of duty with vehicles and bullet drop
It's not fair lads.

Who AEK here?

AEK was mediocre, M416 was the best AR.


>bad company had both amazing single player and multiplayer

>modern battlefield games have god awful singleplayer and shittier multiplayer

bc2 was really the height of the series

M16 is god


That's why half of it is on BF4.
BF3 had top tier maps.

Shit bois, I think literally every gun was memorable and had something special about it.
Soulless bloat of BF3/BF4 can't even compare.

Sorry I cant hear you over the AN-94.

where my M14 EBR bois at?

I don't remember if it was 3 or 4 that had way too many guns. I was so used to just spraying bullets in COD. When you had to get used to burst firing and leading shots it was like nothing else in BC2.

Come on user, don't be stupid.

Yup. Super deadly in all ranges, even easily taking out snipers on the map edge.

Also love the M14 mod 0

That gif looks like bf4

Spoiled for any other gun in any game.

Was about to correct it but yeah bf4

both games had far too many, as well as a bazillion different tacticool (and mostly superfluous) attachments

BFBC2s weapons all excelled because almost all of them managed to fill some kind of tactical niche in one area or another. they all felt like they had some purpose in some circumstance.

That and C4 = I'll hold this base by myself, you guys go get the others

>all those easter eggs
>still no 2143 in sight
It would probably suck with nu-dice anyways but it still hurts

it is

>modern BF is just CoD with bullet drop
I hate this shit so goddamn much. I'll play 1 on and off but it feels almost nothing like a Battlefield game at all. Vehicles are insanely overpowered behemoths that take half of an entire team to reliably take down, the sentries and flamethrower guys can now heal so they can assrape you to oblivion, hide in a corner for 20-30 seconds, then do it again, most of the weapons aren't even worth the effort of using since you'll just get roflstomped by that faggot with the cei rigotti/selblaster or machine gun sitting on a roof, and the maps don't have that feeling of openness that made Battlefield Battlefield. And forget about winning as the Bongs against the Ottomans, I can count the amount of times that happened on one hand.

I think I will have a bunch of useless xp boosts to unlock/open from BF4

BC2 has leveling flora and buildings as a strategic option.


i hate these fucking kids who have a superiority complex over the fact that they are "true gamers" for playing neo-battlefield which is so clearly better than CoD

these fuckers have been around since BF3 released

What happened to all the gold?
acta non verba

why did DICE never bring BF1943 to the PC?

it was so fun

Medic all the way.

Keeping my boys alive to hold down rush zones is so fun

Preston was Kaiser Sose

Until the 3 maps became really tiresome.

They really should have added some European maps.

And maybe nerfed the planes a little. They are so powerful now it's rediculous

Battlefield was always shit. Bad Company 2 had a fun little singleplayer campign, and that's why everyone remembers it. But that's it.

>that's why everyone remembers it.
t. pirate or autist

Oh god I still remember the autistic fanwar between MW3 and BF3. Made Skyrim/Oblivion/Morrowind discussions look like a meeting between diplomats.

The campaign in BC2 was shit. An on-the-rails COD clone.

BC1 on the other hand was one of the best single player modes on any FPS


Holu fuck this. Hell, I'd even just be happy with a big team mode on Titanfall at this point.

Defibing wookies was a bonus

Assault. M16 with tracer darts. Keep everyone's ammo filled and dart every vehicle.

Teamwork man

I was an ace with the tracer darts. I always switched up classes for whatever was needed at the moment. Sniper with the Thompson with an assault team mate to keep that supply of unlimited sensor pokeballs.

Is BFBC2 still populated on pc? I've been meaning to pick it up again but I don't want to play a dead game



Nobody makes good games anymore

Dat burst fire

>Bad Company 2 had a fun little singleplayer campign, and that's why everyone remembers it
Confirmed for never playing the game. People liked BC2 because the maps were fucking amazing and designed for all the game modes. And they excelled especially in Rush. Rush is fucking hype. Conquest is a fucking slog.

I haven't played it in a few months but theres plenty of full servers

feels bad man

Not really. Just tried playing it the other day and there are only a handful of servers. Outside of the boring 24/7 1 map servers there are 2 servers run by one community that have many people playing on both but they're both fast respawn servers which ruins it really.

yeah, yet another modern warfare Battlefield is exactly what we need right now, the 6 ones we already have aren't enough, oh, i mean 7 if you remember BF1 is a modern shooter in WW1 skin.

I loved how the first Bad Company didn't take itself seriously, the campaign was simple and that was fun.
BC2 with that serious bullshit didn't sit right with me. It was just too serious.

Take that shit!

Sensor balls errywhere. C4'an buildings.
Flank around and shotgunning everyone in the back.

Oh, shit, now I remember these win/lose screens. They were great.

The destructibility was amazing in BC2