This is Lara Croft, the Queen of gaming. Say something nice to her!

This is Lara Croft, the Queen of gaming. Say something nice to her!

Go to bed love. You've been replaced.

She's not even worthy of licking the shit from Laras ass.

>Michael Jackson's nose
>oversized breasts
>unnaturally thin waist
>undeveloped arms, legs and butt, even though she exercises a lot doing her activities

Queen of gaming my ass.

new lara is better. now all they need to do is give her the signature crop top/ booty shorts.

YOUR queen, maybe.

But fine. Something nice, something fought a robot version of the Loch Ness Monster. That's pretty awesome.

Horse semen.

>old lara
>games were fun

>new lara
>crawling in my skin
>cries while gutting a deer
>but slaughters hundreds of people
>cries every step of the way

even if they give her back her old outfit, she wont fit into it

Hey Boco, been waiting to see your ugly trip pop up. What did you do this past weekend? Anything fun? Maybe you stayed in and had a quite evening reading?

Laura is decent
she was destroyed by canadian developers though

Absolutely, objectively, shamefully wrong

This past weekend? Just sat in the house playing some Final Fantasy. T'was pouring buckets outside from Harvey.

>new lara is better
You can stop pretending to be retarded now. This does you no good.

cant wait for TR 2017 movie

She IS the queen of gaming. No other character comes close.

Ahem. I wouldn't go THAT far.

the deepthroat episode is pure kino


I would like to know more.

Who is that guy?

she looks like a tranny

I don't care if this is bait. Nu-Lara is best Lara, and the rest of you should just stick to stupid weebshit if old Lara is your kinda thing.

kys faggot

>it's lifting faggot again
Back to /fit/.

A literal who in comparison. Lara brought gaming into the mainstream on ps1.

Chun Li.


She was known as the token female fighting character at the time.


Long live the queen!


Also /thread

Old Lara is actually a badass independent woman you'd think women would see her as inspirational. Instead they see her as competition and replace her with wimpy nu-Lara.


>AssBlasted Nostalgia Fags
Nu-Lara is literally superior to oldhag Lara in every way ESPECIALLY looks.

Nice tits, Laura.

>canadian developers
Crystal dynamics is Canadian learn something new everyday.

>samus aran
>a literally who
fuck off, retard.

Nobody cares about her aside of nintendo autists.

>So good that Nintendo won't even make Metroid games apart from remakes

Yeah, she's great.

Tits are too big, modern Lara is better

Modern men don't desire big breasts

Come on user, at least try.

She is only good for fuck.

Which is guaranteed to be shit and flop even harder then Rise did.
They're not, they're in California. Looks like they've been hemmoraghing money though, because they're HQ has moved from fag central (San Francisco) to some literally who city (Redwood City). Maybe user is thinking of the new TR developer, Eidos Montreal, who is based in Canada.

Statements like this should be a bannable offense on Sup Forums.

>used to be 10/10
>numale devs make her 5/10
>newest casting choice for movie is 1/10

You can't ban the truth

well I didn't vote for her

Nu-Lara or Lara Lara.
nah never mind Samus

>new TR developer, Eidos Montreal
I thought it's just a rumor.

>Next game they make Lara a butterball feminist screaming at mummies to check their privilege
Calling it. It's the only natural progression.

You have to be 18 or older to post here user

>nu lara
lmao'ing at you right now.

Ass to big. Is it a mod?

Nu-Lara loves to ride Horses

>Is it a mod?
Nope,regular screen shot though it must be the angle.

Damn, that looks much better than when I played it.


Can't wait for Tomb Raider to die so all these nuLara autists can finally stop spamming their shit. It's funny too because there will always be trle and fan projects so the real Lara will always live on, outside of the abomination the main series has become.

Do you get sex mods or bigger ass mods for this game?

Well, what about Morrigan?


Look at the face in the image you just posted.

That's not at all what new lara looks like. She doesn't even look anything like she did in the intro cutscene for the first game.

Its literally NuLara 2013 version in that pic,though I really prefer her Rise version.

She's nice, but far from queen title.

Really? This is the picture you post to try and prove people wrong? I mean, fucking really?

>literally who city (Redwood City)
that's where EA is, dumbass. it's on the peninsula, which is generally a much nicer place than the city and one of the wealthiest areas in the country. you wouldn't know anything about that, cuck

Not that one, silly.


>Calling anyone outside of libcentral a cuck
lmfao get your fucking terms right.

Kill yourself Boco

>What is
>What is the Tomb Raider 2 remake
>What is mods everyone only makes for the real Tomb Raiders
Literally you and all the basement dwellers spamming your shitty waifu and constantly ruining classic Lara threads - and even going as far as to derail them, your autism is so great - are the only ones that actually care about her. nuLara is a shitty fad that will eventually die out (sooner rather then later thanks to Rise's poor sales, and the movie flopping) while the real Lara will always live on.
Stay mad fag.

rise version looks potato faced in comparison

I wouldn't mind a Lara like that. Without the degenerate tats obviously.

>This defensive post
>telling me to ''Stay mad fag''
Only one mad here is you nostalgia fag,keep telling yourself old Lara will return if it helps you sleep at night.

back to Sup Forums with the other cucks, cuck

That's cgi, her ingame model is not really good.


>rise version looks potato faced in comparison
Call and book a eye exam user,its been awhile for you.

You can't return when she's always been there. And it's obvious you didn't read my post, as I gave several places where old Lara is still alive and well. In fact, there's more - I forgot about the mobile and card games that still use classic or neo-classic Lara, or a LAU-classic Lara blend. Meanwhile nuLara is dying as we speak thanks to lackluster Rise sales compared to it's predecessor, and the upcoming movie that guaranteed to flop.
No more (you)'s for retards like you.

Them some HSL's there man.

who would even come up with sucha premise for porno lmao

Because it's not a porno.
The whole video is literally just about how Indy and the two Lara's are looking for an artifact, and while the two Lara's are busy, Indy finds the relic and runs off with it.

>Several places where Old Laras alive
Literally old Lara is NOT even canon so who gives a flying fuck what some neckbeard hangs on to.
>Lackluster sales
Right,thats why Shadow of the Tomb Raider will be announced soon huh?

Assblasted nostalgia fags and their delusions never cease to make me KeK

>Classic Lara not canon
This has to be bait.
>Right,thats why Shadow of the Tomb Raider will be announced soon huh?
Not him, but 4 million sales compared to 13 million from the previous game? That's enough for even the most carefree publisher to start to sweat a little, and Square Enix is known to be very demanding on how much they want their games to make.

>be couple of years ago
>playing TR Underworld on Xbox 360
>pretty normalfag at the time
>have a swimwear fetish
>get more and more horny as I play
>"haha I'm so stupid it's just pixels on screen"
>end up giving up and furiously masturbating

Came buckets that day. Shit was really slipery slopy though, I can barely fap to 3D nowadays.

Sauce on image?

LAU trilogy is underrated.

Rise was literally bought by Microsoft. Stop posting.

>same face and expression as that twilight girl everybodey joked about

something nice

My man. It's a really nice mix of the old school feel of exploration and platforming but with actually good controls and fancy graphics.

Now I need to reinstall.

Please come back, modern Sony and its current fans are total garbage.

And bring your other PS1/2 buddies with you.

She was a beautiful middle eastern mixed with some asian in uncharted 2 and 3
Now she looks like a dirty trans muslim

haha it looks like bubbles are coming out of her butt
just thought it was a funny thing sorry if that offends anyone haha

She looks like a fucking whale

haha she does looks silly in there. imagine swimming right behind her and getting those fart bubbles right in your face and up your nose haha you would look like a dummy haha

lol haha looks like she BRAP'ed xD

Mai Shiranui then

please tell me both end fucked by niggers

t. faggot

t. virgin with low standards
fat bitches like that are dime-a-dozen

t.liberal cuck drowning in white guilty fed by mainstream media propaganda created to encourage social instability during trumps presidency because democrats are butt hurt over losing the white house to republicans and now are trying to destroy the years of presidency trump has ahead of him

Hernandez you have to go back.