Graphics thread?

Graphics thread?

What game has the best graphics right now, Sup Forums?

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Witcher 3 is absolutely beautiful!

What looks to be the #1 lighting mod for TW3 is coming out soon™.

Also there's a mod that improves Geralt's face model that'll be finished soon.

What game?

Also the answer is modded sw battlefront

>improves Geralt's face model
>makes him look even more human

He's supposed to look like a pale freak, A mutant.

it's cod AW the campaign is pretty good

This. It's stupid how handsome he is in 3

>improves Geralt's face
What the fuck did you just say?

>makes him look even more human
He doesn't look any less human on the left.

This. The True Mutant mod or whatever the fuck it's called is the closest thing we have to canon, and even that doesn't give him the truly unsettling appearance he was supposed to have in the books.

>gray eye brows
yeah nah

Battlefield 1 and Battlefront

anyone who says otherwise is memeing


That actually looks like shit. Especially the skybox. Have they never seen a desert sky before?

Modded battlefront

Uncharted 4/TLL


The dark eyebrows were my main complaint. I think he looks much more believable with gray eyebrows.

this looks like ass you fucking retard. look at those textures. look at them with your fucking eyes.

Have you ever seen tatooine sky before? idiot

>Have they never seen a desert sky before?
unlike a regular sky?

are you retarded user?

And this is why your opinion is irrelevant.

Still looks bad IMO. Gray eyebrow master race.

for the love of God, EA, please TRY to make BF2 good.. stop wasting this godly engine for your crappy games like battlefield 1 or Mass Autism: Andromeda


no contest

oh yes user, Battlefront has really shitty textures

give a better example for best looking game then you absolute spastic

>the truly unsettling appearance he was supposed to have
he supposed to have not ugly not handsome face basically average, did you even read it?
also if you shave in tw3 he looks almost like in tw2

How does dice do it?

>pachinko only

It's fundamentally easy to achieve good graphics with an fps on pc

P.T. looked really good. Not really a game though.

Dice are the uncontested graphics king and no user can prove me wrong

Uncharted 4 and it's not even close.

HAHAHA you dumb nigger, those are ugly as fuck

they got true AMD support




I think we've got a close tie here folks

whoever can post the most cherrypicked screenshots from their respective games will win the title of best graphics on Sup Forums ever

>uncontested graphics king
with the worst gameplay for FPS games.

yes they have very good codemonkeys but who would have guessed? what else would you do when Ahmed is fucking your wife while you work in sweden?

I remember there was a commercial for bf3 and it said "is it real or is it battlefield 3?"



still failing to give a better example for a better looking game user, I'm waiting

look at the fucking sand pic related
>every single artillery shell, piece of wood etc is rendered from high above


the battlefield picture isn't cherrypicked at all while the uncharted 4 picture looks like a painting


this is what console kiddies thinks looks good? go ahead, im waiting for the driveclub and the order pics next, hahaha retard.

You don't have to cherrypick with Battlefield/Battlefront

You have to cherrypick with Uncharted 4 to hide it's shitty textures, look directly at the pretty skyboxes

You have to cherrypick with Horizon Zero Dawn to hide its 100 meter draw distance

this is a game from 2011

that grass looks like shit, get your eyes checked


He wasn't described as ugly, just unsettling. Certainly not the Adonis we got in TW3.


its not even open world and it looks worse

doesnt help that they're rendering literal heaps of burnt trash

goddamn cucks, buying EA games in 2017

Crysis 3
Mankind Divided

Stylized graphics > Realistic graphics

>all this bland lighting and awful shadows

Battlefield 1 even beats Uncharted 4 at the best forest environment, sad

nice truck shadow

as fucking garbage star wars battlefront is, it might be the best looking game currently. it even has 10/10 audio. it's a real fucking shame it's hollow as fuck and has absolutely no content outside of it's jew pay wall and dead community.


>he doesn't want both
seethese images have incredible use of color and high fidelity rendering/assets

frostbite engine even trumps cyrtek engine when it comes to vegetation and it runs much smoother

dice really knows how to make a game engine, every frostbite game I have played have always ran like butter


too bad every patch they release breaks the fucking game even further

EA actually has PC centric platform development since there's no fucking point in trying to optimize for consoles since it doesn't affect sales on the platform whatsoever. They develop for consoles secondary and still do a better job than almost anybody else

what is a Sup Forums?


everything in the frostbyte engine moves and feels like it has 0 mass, so its not really surprising it runs well, theres nothing really going on under the hood seems like

cryengine has physics


Better than BOTW

Nature > Some artsy fartsy game dev vision

by making shitty gameplay.

I go on trails all the time and if I wanted nature I'd go there because 9/10 times devs dont know shit about what wildlife looks like


Oh man, Imagine a new fallout playing like this the whole time: at this angle like in 1-2 but with these graphics.


I really love Talos Principle's visuals and atmosphere. Everything's so crisp and clear, so damn well optimized too.

>Removes his sexy-ass eyeshadow

How fucking dare they

Isn't that the guy that uploaded a bunch of mods he stole as his own except worse?



My fucking nigga. I'd pick style over realism any time

True, much better than the boring grandpa war setting.

game looks like it's from 2006


Dishonored has a great aesthetic.

>hand painted textures


>Battlefield 1

I downloaded Battlefield 1 two days ago to see what it looks like on my new 4k monitor and... it looked like absolute ass. Battlefront is way better.

game looks fantastic until you see the strange smooth puppet people

What's this? It looks weird: great lighting and textures, but the models are simple. that somehow a negative statement?

>screen space god rays
>no GI
>no tonemapping
>post 2008


Let me show you REAL graphics, hombre


is there a way to work out if your Processor is throttling your GPU(s)?

I'm pretty shit with computers - i have a 3.4ghz Processor and two 1080s. I think the processor is kinda outdated for that though?

Dunno how "simple" the models are, but I just can't stop staring and aweing in this game.

I do know that Croteam used a lot of photo-scanning for many props and environments. The textures, normal- / parallax-maps and lighting are sweet as hell; none of that muddy, prebaked and flat looks that would be just coated in tons of post-process filters we tend to get with AAA titles these days.

You're saying it as if ANY game would use even half of those feats yet, or that they'd be necessary.