Look, I know this isnt a shill thread, but I think you guys would really enjoy my stuff. I use LSDJ and ripped soundchips from various consoles to make my sounds/songs.
Man... I never thought I'd have to beat you I beat tons of demons, and now I'm fighting humans... But eh... I'm not human anymore. No point in thinking like that... Guns, swords... choose your poison, man. It ain't gonna stop my claws Now c'mon. Let's finish this. I'll stomp you and carry out my real duty... The duty to save those poor schmucks who had the bad luck to be born human!
I have the Jet Set Radio/Future, Sonic Rush and Outrun on my phone. I'd put a lot more, but I don't have a lot of space on my phone for music so I just have a few essentials and albums. My old phone had 32bg of storage and I used to have Ace Attorney, and Ghost Trick, as well as every track from Inital D which took up like 10gb of storage.
Not what I expected from the title, but that's not a bad thing
Huh, hearing it isolated from the game, its pretty gud
fuck you, posted it like 10 seconds before I did
good character, good music, never seen again. What went wrong?
Jeez, it's been a while. I forgot about that random ass final boss. Not bad for a theme, although, looking back on it makes me think it shoulda sounded more 'glitchy' or somethin
That game alone makes me want a switch. I'll snag it when I get one (when pokemon comes out on it)
Nice, sounds a bit similar to Persona, didn't notice any similarities to Alundra tho. Great remix, I probably like it more than the original. Are these two songs supposed to wring tears out of me when I play the game? Because they are doing exactly that without any external help. Shit, I need to get to Ace Combat ASAP. Shit. Sonic Team seriously should have just made a Gorillaz-type band. They'd make millions. The song is OK. Heavy TOP GUN vibes from these ones. Does the atmosphere of Ace Combat games differ from title to title? Zero music seemed much more somber and dreary. From the composer of Kingdom Hearts. Wouldn't sound alien in Kingdom Hearts. Breddy good, but like the other poster, I've expected a second movement. The hook is powerful, but not powerful enough to carry the song without an additional gimmick. I thought tuhus were electronic and shit, huh. Live and learn. A bit generic though. I like it, but it sounds a bit cheapo and plasticky. HELL YEAH This is my jam Fun and funny. Good comedic music is kinda rare. What is this FF X doing in my Xeno? Only salvaged by that dope keyboard. More like El Pito Negro, amirite? Catchy tho. Sounds like souped-up main menu music from 1998. This is the most cliche Japanese shit ever and I love it. Probably has a YOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hidden somewhere in there among the other samples. No sad pianos for ugly goblins ples. Big in Japan? Am I tripping or there's a similarity? I'm more of an inky-rock guy myself but this squid-pop is p decent. There was that one time I literally couldn't shit until I remembered how this one went. Power of the music. Appropriately grungy/southern for an empire of space truckers. I can't help but anticipate raspy vocals to start any second.
It is okay, a very bad start though, way too serious. Sega Racing Music should be its own genre really. This one is solid, but it doesn't have the oomph of more well-known tracks. Great for a breather though. OutRun: I'm in love with synth saxes. This is frankly amazing. Phantom Crash: Never played it, but this is a very different track for a mech game. Love it tho. A lot of these Jap composers work in a style similar to Meguro, pity he's the only popular one. YU-NO: Weird and bouncy, but not much else to say. Ristar: It's fucking Ristar, nigger, I don't need to say shit. Round 3-1 was even better tho. Skies of Arcadia: A variation of this track was in every JRPG and every shonen anime in late 90s - early 2000s. Not a criticism, this is awesome. God Hand: Funny, sounds like early Rodriguez. Very nice. Ghost Trick: Takumi games always have 10/10 OSTs. Sounds a bit like the thinking theme from AA. Gitaroo Man: It's not one of my favorites from the game, but still a respectable choice. Advance Wars: Absolutely brilliant, especially for DS hardware. For once, distortion is used appropriately. For the Frog: This is sweet, although I wouldn't call it exceptional.
Works for me Mountain Blade Warband: Prophesy of Pendor: youtube.com/watch?v=UDazyh_Kwb4 (music is "borrowed" from Russian composer Lind Erebros who actually composes for vidya, portfolio includes King's Bounty among others)
Also 140 sounds great, but it's impossible for it to have a soundtrack.
Gabriel Perry
Uprising was fucking 10/10 in so many ways. It's a goddamn travesty the controls got memed on so hard seeing as they work perfectly if you're not literally a limp-wristed faggot. Although I could see a Switch port or sequel working even better thanks to the flexibility of the Joycons.
Samuel Gonzalez
Only spergs listen to video game music outside of video games.
Jaxson Brown
>that Ghost Trick track of all the Ghost Trick tracks Fuck you faggot it's either Trauma or The End of the Night. The latter in particular is fucking amazing.
Isaac Walker
C'mon now, Layton endings are nearly always way too stupid and asspull-y to be legitimately depressing.
>it was all a gas hallucination everyone was sharing Really now? Unwound Future hit pretty hard, though.
William Morris
The Virtual Boy had a surprisingly good sound chip.
>Jack Bros. is the only game in the SMT series i've played
William Gonzalez
Only manchilds play videogames, m8.
Logan Ramirez
I think having it ain't terrible. Letting be found is tho.
Mason Stewart
Everything I posted was stuff you'd hear in the games early on.
Posting Trauma and End of the Night for people who haven't played the game was just ruin it for them, Fate Updated is heard from the beginning pretty much, it's a safe song to use.
Charles Roberts
>no mention of dead afterimage Now this is shit taste I'll give it to you though, Trauma is 10/10