Why doesn't the Navy get the same exposure in video games as the Army and the Marines does?
Why doesn't the Navy get the same exposure in video games as the Army and the Marines does?
Water sucks.
Gatorade is better.
They do in the form of SEALS and muhreens. Army doesn't really care.
probably doesn't count but Shepard is a space navy
My cousin was in the Navy. They parked his ship somewhere near Japan and he just did drills and chores all day. Buncha fucking pussies.
because mopping decks and bringing aid to areas hit by natural disasters isn't fun
Because navy is nothing but gay sex and you know how much Americans hate sex in videogames, having to censor cleavage etc
because the navy fucking sucks. You also don't really see exposure of the rest of the military that sucks either like the air force or army outside of rangers
>transport troops
>cruise around not doing much
>occasionally come across some Chinese or Russian vessels and start mooning each other
>once every blue moon fire some missiles at the middle of nowhere
It'd be the Eurotruck Simulator of military games.
Navyfag reporting in.
We're boring and only shoot people from really far away with big missiles. Generally speaking, most people looking for "muh military" bullshit in games wouldn't find what they're looking for with Navy shit. They need cartoon marines.
because i don't want to play a game about fucking in the ass and getting fucked in the ass
Seals count then eh?
SOCOM series then OP
>It'd be the Eurotruck Simulator of military games.
So you spend most of your time driving through crowds spreading the religion of peace
Noone wants to be stuck sucking dicks for half the game
Am I the only one who genuinely likes the NWU?
Snake was in the marines if I remember.
The Marines are a branch of the Navy.
Because SEALs became meme-tier and they always overshadow the whole Navy whenever it is mentioned.
He was an Army Green Beret actually.
Incorrect the Navy is a branch of the Marines.
It's in the Constitution.
The first line iirc.
>Metal Gear Solid 3.jpg
ya mang, buncha pusies, unlike me, sitting behind a keyboard talkin that gud shiet, im a real man, while that pussy is serving his country like lol wtf.
Look around you. Everything you see was transported by ship.
Your computer, your desk, your chair, your doors, your car, the fuel that's heating your home and making your car go round.
And yet no one cares about the ships and the industry that runs them. Shipping is considered to be an "invisible industry".
Now look at space exploration vs underwater exploration. People get funding for the shittiest space projects, but the guy who will send a sub to the Titanic wreck starting in 2018 only got financiers to laugh at him when he originally proposed the idea.
The same is true of the military.
Humans thrived near the sea (every major city in the world is built either by the sea or a river connecting to it) and everything we use comes from the sea but normies just don't find it very interesting.
Everything sea-related is just irrelevant.
Because the Navy sucks
t. former sailor
>no rangers
Because FPS/RTS are more popular than boat sim games. Mind you Silent hunter is great but you can't make a genre that big out of it
Didn't the navy make MG Ray?
>MG Ray
Think it was the Marines actually. Now where the poorest branch got the money for it is another question
I like them too. I'm not a fan the color scheme of the type 3s, it makes us almost look like muhreens
Because a game about doing 3M, working parties, waxing floors, or standing in a hazmat or respirator line for 3 hours would be boring as shit
Navy has too many homosexuals.
They cut every Marine down to one meal a day and gave half of them wooden guns.
There is so much homosexual representation in video games already...does it really matter which color of outfit they wear?
You could probably make a pretty good dating game set on a navy ship.
Ya, because all military-themed shooters always includes the realistic-boring stuff, right?
A game where you have to switch controls between guns/cannons and steering a battleship sounds alright
How funny and original.
>a battleship
I have some bad news for you.
Look at this fag with a hard on for boats. It could of came by train or truck you asshole fuck your boats.
I was actually being serious about the dating sim, I'd play that.
Did you ever attend one of the Maritime Academies?
>he says as he sits on his computer all day
Halo is all about the Space Navy though, and most sci-fi stories will make space travel into a Navy thing.
That said, the Nazy gets little exposure for the same reason that the Air Force gets little exposure. It's because you aren't typically going to be shooting at people from a boat.
They don't call 'em the chair force for nothing.
no combat occupations?
Holy shit you're a retard
Shepard is (was) only Navy if you choose the spacer background.
So you want a game about using a remote control boat, not of a game about the Navy. Steering a large ship isn't even fun. You punch radials into a touch screen and wait 5 minutes for the turn to complete.
Everyone already wants to join the air force or navy force cushy jobs so the government gives cash incentives for creating army propoganda.
>send a sub to the Titanic wreck
That's not exploration. It's anthropology/history, for which no one gives any fucks. An effective corollary would be deep sea marine biology.
>It's because you aren't typically going to be shooting at people from a boat.
Oh, but they do.
Usually missiles, torpedos and ICBMs, but they've recently started to experiment with railguns.
It's the only thing he could get funding for
Battleships haven't been used since the Korean War, gramps. Get with the times.
Not in the US
wrong element you fucking sub human
Were used in the Gulf War.
But you are wrong.
The Department of Defense oversees four branches, not three.
Marines are now a separate branch and it's why the Marines have an air force separate from the navy.
Sailors aren't soldiers.
Navy doesn't need propaganda for the lowest common denominator. It seems to be a more specialized/niche section of the military.
I feel the socom franchise reflected that niche market as well, but I could be wrong.
the most iconic video game character of the 2000s was a naval officer (master chief petty officer)
The Marines fall under Department of the Navy. There is no Department of the Marine Corps. A quick google is all it takes.
Operating a warship requires a large crew operating as a team.
Being a shootmans requires a working trigger finger. Everything after is just gravy.
The former is a bit harder to have exceptional individual make any kind of significant difference- except in air combat, which has more representation.
Yes but the Marine Corps is a separate branch. You honestly don't think that the Navy operates tanks do you?
The alliance navy user
What about a sim where you assign people to ship tasks?
So you got like 20 engineers and assign them to work on x engine, lighting, water making part of the ship.
Do this for the guns and navigation etc.
Then you have to rotate the people correctly so they get decent rest etc etc.
Training can be involved to prevent degradation of skill with minor improvements.
The real point of the game is to navigate in the ocean to upkeep "peace". If you don't go in x location then crime potential goes up.
Possibly make it so crime spreads like a virus with inclination to go towards the us or something depending on the ocean coast you play on.
Good gameplay impacts your account level, which is shown via ranking from enlisted seaman to officer admiral.
From what ive heard sailors play only one game between buttfucking sessions, which is the Witcher 3.
Haha what funny and original joke you made!
Why Navy gay meme still persisting tho? Coed ships.
Thought jokes like orgy would be more popular.
Sounds good but would never get made.
I have created a perfect Navy simulation game
1. Put this gif on your screen
2. Look at it 10 hours a day for 4 years
3. After moving stateside, become an alcoholic and attend community college while managing the local Target
give me $60 please
They are a branch yes, but not a separate one. I was in for 12 years, I know who does what. It's all semantics, really, but at the end of the day, the Marines are part of the Navy. It's semantics, really, because they do their own thing for the most part anyway. But facts are facts, and the fact is that they are part of the Navy, which someone was trying to argue was untrue.
Oops, got distracted mid-post and repeated myself, I promise I'm not tarded.
Who wants to play as a bunch of fish heads?
Thanks man.
Multi-player could be consisting of you being the department head of each area of the ship per game (60 units, 15 officers about).
Single player would be you as the captain of the ship, controlling all departments.
Because it's funny, just like engineers on /sci/.
all the navy is good for is landing planes
The best navy game is warship gunner 2
World of Warships is fun.
You guys do mean the Spacey, not the Navy, right?
The main point of the game is to stay awake on watch, and try to hide from your chief while cleaning stations is going on.
Then you it turns into a life management sim after you pull into port. You have to manage your finances and keep yourself from getting a DUI.
Of course SEALs count.
>and keep yourself from getting a DUI.
How is this difficult?
>getting a dui
>being worried about paychecks
Idiots. Had a guy get a payday loan for a Sportscar cus he didn't wanna take a taxi to see a date he had.
Dumbass didn't kiss her either.
>You guys mean the Spacey, not the Seay, right?
>a naval officer (master chief petty officer)
an Enlisted Non-Commissioned Officer
What do sailors do when they are in port anyway?
>inb4 gay sex meme
All the sailors I've seen around my home city tend to hang around the red light district.
Very funny.
I rented a car for a day and taught others to drive stick for extra money, you can make really easy money from it, especially if you're in a country like Japan where automatic cars are rare there, 15-20 minutes per person usually is enough to teach them the basics and letting them drive a short bit. Most people I teach usually gets the hang of it within 5-10 minutes.