Play pyro

>play pyro
>damage a spy
>he runs around a corner and up some stairs
>I jiggle peek which baits him into jumping down to go for the trick stab
>back up and hold M1 and kill him
>type "nice trick stab"

anyone else like to do this?

>play tf2
no, nobody else does this

t.multi culty shill

>play soldier
>decide to rocket jump
>accidentally kill a spy who was about to stab me

>t. Blizzard Employee #10269

i disabled the chat function because all i see nowadays is the unfunny lenny face and various other shitty binds
>playing videogames in this day and age

>The 200 remaining TF2 players are this mad that Valve doesn't give a fuck about the game and everyone else moved on


>play soldier
>play soldier
>play soldier
>play soldier
>play soldier
>mfw i dont play anything else than soldier

Same tbdesu.
I have almost 2k hours as soldier and only 3k and change total.

calm down reddit

fuck off myspace

>used to main Pyro
>got a little bored and sick of being killed by Engies so I decide to main Engie
>spys fuck my shit up every 5 fucking seconds
god fucking damnit I hate sappers so god damned much. they are so fucking overpowered

what did he mean by this

Is FF and TFC still alive?

>join a 2fort server
>play engie
>equip widowmaker and gunslinger
>place sentry down near bridge
>go on a fucking rampage with the widowmaker destroying the f2p pub players and friendly fags
anyone else like to do this?

A half decent engineer is a nightmare to fight as spy though.
Unless they're using YER you literally just have to stand where your sentry can shoot him if he stabs you but you can save your sentry if he saps it.
It's when a spy drive by saps as a soldier comes in you die horribly.

ff is pretty quiet, usually you'll see a single active server from 6-9 eastern
not sure about yuropoors

>killing the engi with his own sentry

The best

Still fuck the red tape recorder, its the worse when the fucker feels like camping your teleporter forcing you to leave your sentry at the mercy of demos and soldiers

>Unless they're using YER
why the fuck would they use anything different? every single time I get backstabbed and then they sap my shit up. it's literally impossible to defend

go back to overwatch

I hated Overwatch though.

Where's the fucking update
I swear I'll kill you, Uncle Dane, holy shit

>use red tape to fuck mini-sentry spammers over (much more useful before when the sentry was bugged and heal-built itself at sanic speed under construction)
>kill engie and any any allies that can destroy sappers
>kek mightily imagining the 20+ sec spawning engineer having to hear that BEEP BEEP BEEP

>play soldier
>win the game

anyone else like to do this?

give it 2 weeks for the 10th anniversary of the TF2 pre-release beta

>not juggling him in the air while he burns to death
Are you even trying?

Soldier is OP as fuck but I love him. He singlehandedly allows me to deal with stacks sometimes.

>spam stickies, trap the cart and corners where its impossible to see
>faggots complain

how come so many havent learnt to counter and deal with a fucking stock weapon

I said back in June that October logically would be the best time for th eupdate to celebrate TF2's 10th anniversary. People called me retarded and kept going TONIGHT'S LE NIGHT.

Now here we are in September and they still don't have their update. Idiots.

soldier is necessarily op to deal with stacks and cancerous tactics by the other team

>October arrives
>Still no update
I'd love to see your stupid face when it happens.

lately my favorite aint soldier + gf medic combo is the Sydney sleeper because it evens the game so damn much

>headshot the soldier
>now both of them are cover in jarate
>our soldier who knows what he is doing and gibus heavy cleans them off with no problem
>or bodyshot the medic all the time until he doesnt want to play anymore

The stigma of the piss rifle needs to go away, its a very fun weapon to use

No they are not git gud
Good spies also suffer to take anything down if the engi is competent and if he has a pybro forget about it

>competence is the counter to spies being able to backstab an engie and sap his sentry without being undetected
>it's also totally cool for sappers to downgrade your equipment alongside doing damage to them for those special occasions you're able to kill a spy and destroy the sappers
pryos can take care of spies ez pz but outside of any competitive play there's never enough teamwork for that

I mean spies are supposed to be the engie counter, is like the only thing they can do well.
Playing as a spy against a non stupid team is pain they will look out for you, turn their backs randomly all the time and shoot corners just to check if you are there
Also competitive play is 4 soldier and 2 medics vs 4 soldier an 2 medics so who cares about that boring ass mode

Loose Cannon Demoman is fun as fuck. I wish the Strange version wasn't in a goddamn salvaged crate