Everyone begs for Sonic to go back to its roots

>Everyone begs for Sonic to go back to its roots
>When devs finally make a game with CD/3&K design philosophies
>It's actually very easy compared to 2 and 1
>Knuckles gets whole stages designed around his gimmick and has a cooldown so that he isn't Tails 2.0
>Everything about the game is fucking solid with the exception of some collision bugs (I got stuck in the wall in Lava Reef)
>Game isn't a rollercoaster like every single Sonic game since Adventure
>People whine that it's too hard

Do Sonic fans just not know what they want? Or are these people who claim to wanted this game liars who never played a Sonic game older than A2?

Other urls found in this thread:


It isn't as hard as the Advance series games.

Sonic was never good. What Sonic fans really want is to be transported back to their childhood where they can happily enjoy any and every shitty video game (like sonic)



The game is well liked everywhere

This game is universally liked everywhere except this shitty ass board.

I've seen loads of people complain about the bosses and Knuckles. Hydrocity Zone is complained about too.

this tbqh

My only problem is the enemy placement.
You could be going at max speed and run straight into an enemy with no time to dodge.

Or you could play the level a couple times and know where they are, you don't have to agree with Rich just because he's fat.

He may be onto something only in saying that the game was more nostalgia than people wanting a good game. I mean look at these stats and this is just from people that bought the game. People are getting this game JUST to say that they have it.

You have to admit that Metallic Madness was bullshit for this even if the stage overall was easy. The only stages that blended hazards and enemy placement really well were lava Reef Zone and ironically Hydrocity Zone.

to be honest oil ocean boss was too hard
and to make it worse the platforms can glitch and kill you

idk the game would have been a LOT better if it was just new zones. like i thought maybe it was going to be half and half, but 8 old and 4 new is a bit disappointing.
"6 new" would have at least been sonic 1.

I agree that it needed more new stages. Hell, they could've reskinned a stage into a new one since almost all throwback stages pull gimmicks from stages that aren't in the game.

Press. Down.

Fucking this. My wife game overed us way more than necessary because she had a strange allergy to the down button.

Unless ots that one asshole in metalic madness.you know who.
Also the rock things in lava reef.

>Steam users buy games and don't play them

What a shock. Look at every other game with a similiar achievment and you will see the same thing.


You really shouldn't be getting hit by Reef rocks. They're speed bumps more than anything. Sawface is gay as shit, though.

I haven't played S3&K in ages. I guess I'll download this just to check how hard it truly is.

Yeah i know they don't hurt you but i want to go fast

Already playing, let's see.

>People whine that it's too hard
What? It was way too easy.

I'm not fast enough.
I'm not he real Sonic.
Kill yourself.

Got a gold medal.

That's the point. Some vocal People are acting like Mania is hard compared to the genesis/cd games

Even the guys at Brainscratch bitch and moan about the game having a time limit, not being blatantly hold right to win and having to git gud. They've become absolute pussies bar Johnny

I agree with you but the stats are inaccurate for mania on steam cause there was a glitch where no achievements unlocked.

I can't watch brainscratch anymore, I switched to FTCR

Johnny's the only tolerable one in the group anyways. Mad respect to any guy who beats Sonic 06 that many times

Got an emerald.

It seems universally well liked. It will probably get a higher MC score than Forces, which can only be a good thing.


t. consolefag

there's always going to be a group of people who think classic Sonic is too hard. All the classic fans I've talked to (who are the main demographic) think it's easier than 3&K and that's all that matters.

You suck Robotnik into rotating blades, what's there to hate about Hydrocity?

Nah, because I like Mania alot. I'm just mad nostalgiafags still refuse to admit that Tails is a shit and unfun character to play as until Advance 2. Just make his air boosting a mandatory character move already you fucks

My theory is that Sonic sits just on the borderline of human reaction times. It seems like wherever I go, there is a set of people who can just intuitively, naturally play Sonic (some of whom haven't even played the originals, or not very much at least) while there's an equally large subset of people who think Sonic is some ultra-tough platformer like Dark Souls. I've seen people get well over 5 game overs on stages like OOZ Act 2 and Mirage Act 1, whereas other people went through them with breeze.

If we assumed that the amount of speed Sonic has to react to obstacles is around quarter of a second (the average human reaction time) at full speed, then that would basically mean half the population can react to it and the other half can't.

The game is not hard. The bosses are.
Titanic Monarch is a shit level tho

Another gold medal. Is there any point to perfecting blue spheres here?

What's in the update?

There's no reason not to roll any time you come across a downward slope, or just happen to have a shitton of momentum.

Silver medal now. How do you do the new falling dash maneuver?

Sonic fans aren't the ones complaining about this

The "Sonic was never good" people are

My wifes son was doing the same thing, ugh it was maddening

>"Sonic was never good"
>Sonic Mania gets high ratings almost unanimously everywhere
>Still seeing people claiming classic Sonic was never good
It's a personal opinion. You might not even like the original games and that's fine, but they're about as far from objectively bad as you can get, save for a few poor level designs in 1 and CD.
And I know someone is going to brush this off as nostalgia glasses or something too, but I replayed the whole classic series right before Mania and actually enjoyed it more than I did when I played them last.

Huh. That makes a lot of sense. Pretty much it's impossible for some to git gud.

Why did they remove the air "scratch" attack from Sonic?

>>It's actually very easy compared to 2 and 1
i seriously doubt you've played it at all. it's not easy.

>Or are these people who claim to wanted this game liars
yet here you are, lying and making shit up. fuck off.

>Sonic was never good.
fuck off, nintendo.

The Insta-shield from Sonic 3? When you beat the game you can select it from "Sonic's Ability" when playing a No Save File. You can choose between the Drop Dash, Insta-shield, and Peel Out from Sonic CD.

These UFO special stages are actually kinda challenging. I've never played CD though.

Nah. Pretty sure that you're just bad. Sonic Mania is very forgiving and you can easily get to Titanic Monarch even with Knuckles at ~20 lives.

jump and then hold down the jump button.

Too easy to cheese bosses and other enemies that are supposed to be challenging. Drop dash is better for speedruns so it works better as a normal ability. However, I wish they added a new shield with the insta-shield as a shield power, like an air shield or something that resisted the blowback on Flying Battery and the Titanic Monarch badniks.

Forgot pic

It's just
don't pay attention to them.

3&K >= CD > 1 >= Mania > 2

Why doesn't Japan ever give Tails eyebrows?

What do you wanna see in the sequel?

Something about Classic Amy

Sonic Frenzy/Fever, with playable Amy and unlockable Metal/Mecha Sonic.

>Emerald Hill Zone
>new zone
>Collision Chaos Zone
>new zone
>new zone
>Ice Cap Zone
>new zone
>new zone
>Star Light Zone
>new zone
>some Game Gear zone
>new zone based around assaulting Robotnik's fortress, which looks like the one from AoStH
We finally get the sequel to


as an unlockable, lovingly animated by Tyson. Pic related show up as recurring bosses.

The game is a lot more fun than I expected. Still not buying until they remove denuvo.


Don't buy it after, it will only encourage them to put denuvo in more things initially then patch it out.

I'm not buying it and sending SEGA a letter stating why.

>All those anti-denuvo replies
There's still hope in this world

>Official youtube channel still uploading Mania music even though it's been out for a good while

I was kind of hoping for a Scratch and Grounder cameo in Mania. The Mean Bean Machine thing was great.

Turn the goofy Eggman shit up to 11.

thats not amy

Nobody understood what to do with it. Drop Dash makes loud noises and it's super obvious how to use it. it can't really be what stated because Drop Dash is infinitely more broken than insta shield could ever be.

That's always been my theory too, you either have the reaction time instinctively or you don't.

>Game isn't a rollercoaster like every single Sonic game since Adventure

Except it kinda is.

Either that or I've been playing this shit wrong. I even get kind of blown away at the quantity of loop-de-loops.

every sonic game is rollercoaster-y

What are you talking about? The worst I've seen said about this game is that some people prefer 3&K over it, and denuvo.

I'm glad I didn't pay for it, put it that way. It's decent enough.

I find the chaos emerald chases kind of hard but the rest of the game is easy

>Sonic fans
Sonic fans actually played the trash games and liked them. Mania is for people who played Sonic as a kid, and who wished they were Sonic fans.

It was easier than most of other 2d sonics desu. and i don't even know how to play 2d sonics.

The amount of speed segments and sparse enemy/obstacle placement are my only complaints. Still my goty.

I think there's more speed segments because the maps are bigger overall, so they can fit more of them in while keeping the same amount of platforming

But it isn't like Generations where the game tries to awe you with 2 minute piss easy stages. Which was also a problem with Unleashed with the exception of Adabat and every other 3D game except for maybe Heroes, which was a railroad instead.

>Sonic was never good.

And then why is this game praised by the vast majority of critics and fans alike? It's not nostalgia when the game came out a month ago.

Quick faggots post your wishes for Mania 2, mine are

> Playable Metal Sonic or Amy with unique playstyles
> More unique zones
> Super Emeralds returning for Hyper Forms
> More than 9 zones at the least

1) a release with no bullshit DRM delay
2) no denuvo
3) on GoG

I would suggest that it is nostalgia given that it looks and plays exactly like those old games. Until mean bean machine pops up it could be a 90s game which is why they like it.

Make it 3D

Tricks and maybe boost mode from Sonic Advance 2, and more new stages.

Modern characters in the classical style

I feel like Blaze, Cream, and maybe Shadow are the only ones that could really be reworked while retaining the point of their character concepts. Rouge is basically a sex appeal catsuit spy, which doesn't really work in a classic Sonic setting, and Silver is sort of sooper srsface.

What the fuck are you on about

For fanservice shit?
>Playable Amy.
>More Fang and his bros.
>Chaotix cameo, or even Sonic's band with Vector there.
>Bring back the Battle Kukku army somehow to further bolster classic's active rouges gallery, maybe for a zone aboard their fortress or some shit.
>Re-imagined Wood Zone.
>Game Gear zones.
>Tails Doll

For actual new stuff?
>New types of shield in addition to the current ones. Maybe a shield that works exclusively while rolling too, like a snowball shield that gets bigger as you go down hills, or a rock shield that turns you into a heavy boulder to roll through tough walls.
>An entire train zone, Mirage Saloon made me want more of that shit.
>Also, the Flying Battery act 1 boss made me want a scrap yard-based zone.
>A boss Knuckles has to fight while scaling a building/construction site/tower etc.
>Tails having exclusive acts based around his abilities like Knuckles.
>A proper race with Heavy Rider and Jimmy.
>More of the Heavies in general, love these fuckers.
>A zone where the item monitors are manufactured, with a boss that can use powers you can get from them.
>An Eggmanland theme park zone. Not Carnival Night shit, stuff like loads of Eggman rides like an Eggman coaster, Eggman-Go-Round and the like. Boss can be a bumper cars challenge against Eggman or some sort of carnival sideshow.
>A zone set inside a giant beehive, and all the badniks are all the bee-themed ones like Buzz Bombers, Buzzers, that Sonic CD Bee-bot etc. Boss is a Buzz Bomber Queen or some shit.

The game was great in all ways except difficulty. I would have liked to actually get some game overs. And not by cheaply placing horizontal spikes off screen after touching a red spring.

>Do Sonic fans just not know what they want?

I wanted Mania, it was really good. Now I want a Sonic Frenzy with mostly, if not all new levels. With Taxman's crew being completely severed creatively from SEGA and Sonic Team

>the game should be challenging but only in the way I agree with and can beat
The trap isn't the spikes, it's the spring.

Sonic Lost World kind of had a bee level.


Zones that are taken from old unfinished fangames and given the rehaul treatment.

> Re-imagined Wood Zone.
If they do get around to making a Mania 2, I hope they at least bring in 3 scrapped levels. Genocide City, Wood Zone, & Hidden Palace from Sonic 2 being their own zones would be nice. If they brought in the Honeycomb thing from Lost Worlds and put a portion of it in Wood Zone that would be nice.

>New types of shield in addition to the current ones. Maybe a shield that works exclusively while rolling too, like a snowball shield that gets bigger as you go down hills, or a rock shield that turns you into a heavy boulder to roll through tough walls.

Sounds pretty good, but the Snowball Shield should be simply called the Ice Shield. And in addition it lets you freeze water surfaces while rolling.

What about a shield that gives you a homing attack?