Wow! You hear that guys? It could maybe someday possibly hope to attempt 100+ operators! Thank you Ubisoft for shitting in my mouth! I'll never get my sixty U.S dollars back! Thank you!
Wow! You hear that guys...
Other urls found in this thread:
>be an utter fucking tool and buy shitty Ubisoft game
>get memed on
>complain a lot
I bet you pre-orderd the new assassins creed too, you imbecile.
What the fuck are you on about this is probably the best game modern Ubisoft has made
Operators are like heroes right? I wish Overwatch had that many. Sadly blizzard is getting pegged by diversity officers instead of adding content to the game.
What a stupid comment
To me the game is the "Jew" of videogames, it seems charming on the outside, but inside it is rotten and a liar
Not an argument tbqh.
So you haven't played it
>what is rayman origins?
Absolutely everything that needs to be understood about Sup Forums in only 8 posts. Magnificent
look at the way you speak
>I asked Glenn Fiedler, a game networking expert with 15 years experience who most recently worked on Titanfall, whether there’s anything to this. He explained that the key to the most widely used networking model for FPS games (the competitive gold standard) is that “the server is the REAL GAME and doesn’t trust what the client says they’re doing”. He reiterates the mantra of online game development: “Never trust the client”.
>"Never trust the client"
This makes sense
Literally all their singleplayer games are better lmao.
>not modern
Why do you talk about games you haven't played?
>pay full price for the game
>still have to grind to unlock the characters instead of having them all playable right out of the gate
You cannot make this shit up
It's beautiful, sounds and plays great but it's shallow and gets boring very fast
>playing the tutorial is considered grind now
>can access all additional content at no additional cost
>jews amirite ?
I noticed that if you go into the co-op mode there are tons of girls playing, just throwing that out there
I love destructible environments so much.
Red Faction, Worms, Battlefield (Bad Company 2+), etc are my favourite games.
So when a semi-competitive game implemented it I was pretty excited.
The game looks fantastic, handles great and fuck yeah blow up walls and shit.
But they really had to ruin it with their fucking penny-wringing business model and the matchmaking system fucking sucks.
Grinding out essential characters should never be a part of ANY "competitive" game.
What does he mean by "the server is the real game?" I absolutely agree on never trust the client though. Consumers are all idiots and any game that panders too much to the players is doomed to failure.
>Paid $25 for the game
>Most consistently enjoyable multiplayer shooter I've played in years
Sucks to be you and hate fun I guess OP
you can buy complete edition that comes with all current and future operators for like 40 dollars
this is the fucking retard who inhabits this board. And he's just one of them.
You're reading it wrong
It definitely does, makes alot of shit more difficult to do. Siege is probably my favorite shooter these days, despite how broken it is, the netcode needs a serious rework and data centers could be better since ping is pretty bad for most, and there could definitely be more hacking countermeasures as plat and up is just ride with them
He's saying, "stop blaming us for the quality of our product, it's those damn people that pay for it alright?"
You're an idiot and have no idea what the quote is actually trying to say.
Stop trying to make the retard think he's actually on the right track for his thinking
>30 seconds of complete area denial
>third best shotgun in the game
>pocket sniper smg
>only muckin' about
why don't you play smoke
What fucking grind you autistic sperg, you sound like someone who never touched the game but jumped on the "lel ubisoft am I right??? jews?? haahah??" train
You can unlock a bunch of operators you want to play just by completing the tutorial, if you diversify your picks they are 500 each, or two games each to unlock, that's fucking nothing.
It's the same attitude as someone complaining they don't start off with all the cards in a card game, or weapons in an RPG, what the fuck I have to UNLOCK stuff? unbelievable!
>Having excelled since launch
>Siege is here to stay
It's actually nearly $100 for complete m8
>Need to pay up to even unlock them in the first place
>Just the tutorial bro
Not to mention even buying the full game, you STILL have to grind to unlock the base operators, just a bit quicker.
Instead of uhh fuck iunno, actually letting you play the game. And then learn that way. Like every fucking shooter of note ever.
This is a video game discussion board.
>"You can't discuss games you haven't played!"
Don't even bother.
>Spend sixty dollars for video game
>Video game becomes incredibly successful and will likely continue to get updates for years to come, unlike basically 99.5% of video games that release every year
>I am angry about this
Seriously, fuck Ubisoft for continuing to support video games as long as there are people left to support it
Steam sold it for 60 bucks with all the season passes over the winter
I'll idiot-proof what the guy says for you.
>The game on the server is the authentic game that we've put on. If a client says his guy is running 100mph while the player can at most run 20mph, the server is the trusted guy, not the game
Alright, THIS guy has not played the game
Operation health was a big dick slap in the face and everyone playing knows it
>Not an argument
Opinion discarded
Opinion double discarded
>future post about "reddit spacing"
Opinion triple discarded
All you have to do is stick that system into Overwatch, or Dota, or an RTS
And you immediately get ousted as a retard.
The game is NOT free to play
cool more female operators and niggers
They're saying they don't want to bother to fix it because it's technically not their problem it's the user's problem even though consumers suffer at no fault of their own
>overwatch babbies mad as hell that their games popularity plummets daily
But I do. Mute and Smoke best defenders
Yeah lets all imitate overwatch and mobas, oink oink oink
And there's the retard ousting, points only for somehow missing the point.
This is the Ubisoft fanboy.
what's in the canister though?
>rainbow six
>say dumb shit
>wtf this guy is saying I'm saying dumb shit
>fanboy much?
I wish I could report you for being stupid.
>it's saying dumbshit to give a scenario of a very bad thing with no change to the problem
>therefore the problem is not discussed at all lalala can't hear you not an argument XD
Seriously defending the hypothetical of:
Can't pick a hero to counter in OW because need to grind - free loss for hours on end
Can't pick a hero to counter in Dota, free loss for hours on end
Can't pick a unit in an RTS because of a lack of grind, etc etc.
And in a system like Siege where apparently it doesn't really matter what operator you have, just go recruits all day, but someone still wants to play with counterplay options, they get to eat shit and pay TWICE the price or grind with simply less options than the enemy for hours on end.
No matter what, bottom line is you're detracting from the gameplay for nothing but fucking jewery.
To spell it out for all of you retards born after 2005, client doesn't refer to consumer, it refers to a term now made nearly unused by the shitty catch all "app".
What he means is trust server information, don't trust the (possibly modified) game client state.
>seems charming on the outside
yeah right. jews look like goblins
Sure, you go right on believing that. I'm not sure you can handle the truth.
People really complaining about having to grind for new Operators? Depending if your playing ranked or casual you can grind out the 25k in 7-8 days. Play 10 matches a day and it takes around 2hrs. Not really a grind. Plus you can cut it down to 5-6 days if you do your challenges.
If they can't even keep their promise to fix the fucking game or provide new content, and can't even have more than 12 maps on the game without breaking it, I doubt I'll ever see even more than 50 operators.
Do you have anyone sources to back up what you're saying or do you just post whatever comes into your head?
I called it from the start that Operation Health was just an excuse for them to go on vacation.
If at this point you don't feel like you got your money's worth, then you were never going to.
And it's not like they are actually going to go for 100 ops, that's ridiculous. We'll get a third year worth of content at best.
It's about 30 hours to grind for one of the post-launch ops actually. And this is Ubisoft saying it, not me.
Well, that's a good thing? Variety is nice. I fucking hate mirror match too, there's nothing more boring than a mirror match, so more operators allows for less of these thing. also, more gadget is nice, i love when there's different visual and it's not copy paste in general. I love having a tons of character to choose from and train at each one of them.
content is nice but as someone who has never touched r6 siege im questioning how the fuck you are supposed to balance 100+ operators
>discarding opinions is preferable to having an opinion
never change america
>!00 characters
Never gonna happen, I doubt we'll hit half that. Heck SMITE just hit 90 Gods after 5 years fucksake, and they add Gods nearly every month.
This game really is your usual FPS, it's not like a hero shooter/MOBA where each character have clearly different ability with different animation. The "ability" of an operators is its gadget, and some operators only relie on their weapons because they all got different weapons.
you should ask yourself how do they do in MOBA like dota 2 to balance character. Especially so well that 106 out of 108 character get used atleast once in a major tournament.
It will never have close to that. They can barely keep up with what little content they originally promised. The game is not fit for competitive play, for fuck's sake they still have the matchmaking system marked as "beta".
>you should ask yourself how do they do in MOBA like dota 2 to balance character
Playtest it in a quasi-beta state for 6 years before releasing it.
I don't even like mobas except for awesomenauts but the level of balance in dota2 blows my mind everytime.
Icefrog is a beast
Mario&Rabbits exists user god i would've never thought i'd say that unironically
Are you fucking serious? I'm laughing my ass off here.
> >100 character roster
> only two go unpicked in a major tournament
I don't see what's so funny
Characters are only unbalanced if they have a direct advantage over other characters, and in this game all the operators pretty much play the exact same apart from speed differences, and all operators (except Blackbeard) can be one hit killed by any other operator no matter the gun or distance. I think Blackbeard is the only really overpowered operator in the game because he can tank headshots, he's the only operator who has a distinct advantage over other characters in a gunfight. Glaz is a bit overpowered as well because enemies literally glow on his screen.
Never stop being obsessed. Oh wait, you won't so that was unnecessary to say.
((((they)))) are trying to ruin videogame by unbalancing character on release so they buy more skin.
We, of the superior Arabs race, know what we're doing and want the best for our people, and the non arabs people.
Except R6 is a great game
Why are Overwatch loving bitches ITT talking about R6S being too "grindy"? There's NOTHING to unlock in Overwatch. It feels like the most pointless game ever made. R6S has a gigantic learning curve, you can't expect to get any kills if you haven't learned the layout of every map and memorized every spawn peek and hatch/drone entries into every bomb.
>Oh noes I will be unlocking operators as I spend 40-50 hours learning the game!!!
Are there any other decent FPS anyway? Titanfall 2 seems good but it's dead and I already spent 1000 hours on TF2.
>Ubi database can't handle 17 maps so they need to start removing maps
Yeah, nope. Not going to happen
>against all odds Ubi actually gets 100 OPs
>Ash still maintains a 90% pick rate on offense
Wrong. They kilked Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon which were pretty much the best franchises they had.