no.. no.... NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
No.. no.... NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
But user if metacritic likes a game i dont like then they are paid
But if metacritic likes a game i like then its legit
Also if metacritic doesnt like a game i like then they are biased
But if metacritic doesnt like a game i dont like then it must be legit bad
splatoons better
Cool, going to buy the expansion bundle. Possibly the digital deluxe because it's only $10 more? We'll see.
The absolute state of Sup Forums
welp then its pretty much confirm that ps4 will win the holidays thanks to western AAA usual releases
said no one ever
said anybody who's played both
I can't wait to pay for the DLC and microtransactions!
So is it really good or just jewery at it again.
I don't know whether Sup Forums is shitposting because it's a good score or because it's a bad score.
Same here.
Retard me pre-ordered this on PC.
>critics made an official review within less than 48 hours of them receiving the copy
Why? I tried the PC beta and then uninstalled it.
8 . 8
I thought Destiny had promise but fell really short and underwhelming. Is this one better?
hello re.ddit
Based on 4 critics m8, it's too soon.
It's more of the same so if you didn't like it then, you won't like it now. I actually liked the original for the gunplay and environments and it seems like they've made good improvements on the environments, but everything else is pretty much the same
I liked it then, but under the assumption there'd be more now.
They're pulling that Casey Hudson "Now's the BEST time for a newbie to hop on" bullcrap