Webm Thread
Webm Thread
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What drives people to make these uninteresting webms?
>lol look at my kawaii moeblob anime webm that has nothing to do with anything!
looks like knock off bloodbourne
That's really cool.
>hey user how come you don't have a girlfriend yet?
A real field of visiion would have shit visible but burred in the periphery of the vision, which would extend 90 degrees left and right from center, filling up that remaining space. the "clear cone" would be much wider to boot.
This game basically features a guy with a degenerative eye disease.
Can someone spoonfeed me the name of this game
I have button/switch/knob autism. I'm waiting for a whole bunch of different buttons and switches to come in from Hong Kong so I can just build a box that lights up with all these switches and shit. It won't do anything. It's basically an expensive fidget spinner. Still. I'm hype. I like buttons.
I love this game.
>jam lamp into corner by door
>forgot to think about which way it swings
>spooks start busting shit down
>break the door in and shove it open
>it blocks ALL the light in the room
>start blindly swinging in the dark while I move to close the door so I can fucking see
>there's TWO of them inside
It's a fucking PC, autismo. It's video game related.
>this game basically features a guy with a degenerative eye disease
You are infected by a supernatural plague and are apparently (based on NPC dialogue to you) significantly disfigured. Whenever you 'level up' you are also forced to take a negative perk.
So basically, yea.
Are these the length you have to go to when using Nvidia GPU's to ensure it won't burn your house down?
He should have put in a dead man's switch too
I still habitually wait for that tempo even though they finally fixed pulv zed time speed. It's annoying.
You know what? That's pretty cool too.
>giving the player 180 degrees of vision
Maybe you should play the fucking game. It feels fine and it's pretty obviously an inherent design choice. The characters vision cone covers where he's facing, like his head. Your mouse cursor actually controls where you're 'looking' in that cone.
It's one of the cutscenes from ChiMaMe Chronicle.
fuck you i don't play faggot shit
Fucking DOGS this shit happened to me.
>faggot shit
>top down horror game with good combat
>devs put the entire game into torrent on purpose so everyone can play
>faggot shit
mcmotherfucking kill yourself shitlord
That mini-pause after each hit is intentional?
>PS4's framerate with xbone's resolution
>Implying that marriage destroys men.
I figure it's a good way to blow off some autism. After a prototype or two I'll probably incorporate an arduino for das blinkin lightsin and an LCD display to spit out bullshit information. It'll give me a project to do and will probably be pretty satisfying once it's done. It will make a neat gift for a kiddo.
My favorite part of Steel Battalion was flicking all the switches and pressing all the buttons to close the cockpit and start it up.
cinematic 12fps
What, what's going on here? Is it magic canons triggering other magic canons?
Hotline Miami: Horror Edition
What the fuck was that!?
I want her to swallow my seed, if you know what I mean.
Gorgeous video game.
its a hilarious hidden reload animation in Battlefield Hardline
theres a bunch more hidden reloads in the game
Despite Dice making garbage games they have some fun ideas. All weapons have a 1 in 10,000 chance of doing a secret reload animation. They are usually pretty goofy.
of course
fuck I meant
Always did like that Dragon's Dogma gave a lore-based reason why you can't swim.
It's how combos work for 99% of games.
That's the sin continuing to run against a wall taken to an extreme. Why is this shit still tolerated?
story on this?
it hurts to watch
that's me with the gas mask
You've never played a game with Hitstop in it before? That shit is fucking everywhere.
>a fucking halo ad is the closest we will get to a faithful starship troopers adaptation
it fucking hurts.
Search for Industrial dance on youtube. Some nice tits and midrifts.
Man that's some pretty serious cropping you have to do to hide him grabbing a bag from under the chair
It was a coke.
Is this game as fun as it looks? I don't care about story or SJW bullshit. I just want to kill some robot dinosaurs.
Have no choice but be
Combat is fun, there's a lot of weapons and playstyles available, though it's fairly easy on the normal difficulty. If you want to cheese almost everything in the game, you can resort to Elder Scrolls Stealth Archer and just hide in the bushes all day.
Oh my god. Are these kids using drugs at least?
Dishonored has some deliciously brutal animations
Fuck sake
I'm not gonna lie that looks pretty nifty. Reminds me of those old 90s techno music
I need to make some new webms.
fuck you, you don't understand what goth is about