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There is already a thread about it. People are shitting their pants like I've never seen on this site before. It's hilarious. Come join us instead.
>all this butthurt about this joke
They shouldn't have made it look like a slider if they were just going to make it 5 different options.
>pisses off left and right
Truly an episode of south park
>pisses off left and right
I'm ok with this.
What the fuck BROS?
Trump is a retard.
America is the worst country in the world and filled with imbeciles.
fuck Sup Forums
How many black people are going to get legit upset because they can't make themselves without having to play the game on the hardest mode.
Unless it's optional that is, I'm not delving deep into these threads, the shitposting is radioactive.
Us centrists, right?
I'm actually conservative but I don't agree with Trump and the people he appointed. I'll probably vote Democrat until there's a new Republican trying for office. Stay triggered, though.
>"I'm a conservative"
>Uses Sup Forums
>Goes on the video games board
You're every bit as lib as the rest of us losers.
>I'm actually conservative
Go back to Sup Forums
I'm down with it. These fucking shitposters who STILL give a shit about a crappy election, or what a bunch of hyper sensative manchildren think, deserve everything right now.
I thought I was a centrist
This is Sup Forums
It makes sense. Blacks do have it harder on average in America, whether whites want to admit it or not.
Cry me a river, I don't give a shit about the skin slider or contreversy with it, watching bitch tears never gets old no matter what skin of person it is.
And if you play as a black woman, every enemy OHKOs you.
You're still a fucking idiot missing the forest for the trees, it's Don Cheto or oblivion, make your choice.
>Be jew
>Guile increases
>start off with a high amount of money from the begining
You shouldn't masturbate in public.
>This is Sup Forums
Hitler was a drugged up moron who failed because he wanted super weapons to compensate for his pathetic sex life, and opening a two front war while making friends with a stupid Italian Dictator, and a Japanese Emperor too stuck up his own ass about "muh honorabu", as well as too far away to really help. He let his city burn and his people get raped and killed while hiding in his bunker like a pussy. There are no Jewish conspiracies,
you're just a bored edgy moron using the internet as your megaphone to project your insecurities.
>there are no Jewish conspiracies
Yeah, sure sounds like someone who doesn't actually give a shit and just wants to deride shit for jollies in for-funsies Sup Forums politics. Get over yourself meathead, and trip over your cache of epic laughing reaction images
>fair skinned people like Euros and East Asians have an easier time due to their superior intelligence and work ethic
>niggers have it tough due to impulsive braindead behaviour
>Arabs/Spics fall somewhere in between the two
Surprisingly accurate
I don't like Hitler and I'm not a nazi. Sorry to disappoint.
Well at least it will be easy to see what difficulty live streamers are using.
Yeah, mostly Sup Forums though, but yeah.
>go back to Sup Forums!
>nuh-uh this is Sup Forums!
>goes on a completely off topic Sup Forums rant and has the fucking audacity to spoiler that shit like it fucking matters
>all in hopes of another Sup Forums response on Sup Forums since he's definitely not talking about games
>other buttfucking animal anons will take the bait and continue this idiocy for reasons unknown
I mean this very very literally. Kill yourself. No, I'm not that guy. Your IP count will have increased by one. I'm an unbiased source telling you you're being an undeniable faggot.
>but I only did that because-
Fuck your shit reasons. There are none and there is no reply you can come up with that means anything and isn't meaningless buzzwords.
I love how they'll make fun of race but won't touch gender or sexuality. Fuck white women.
user srry but ur retarded no offense
can they add yellow to the left side of that slider for asians and maybe back to pale white with a big nose and curly hair as the easiest difficulty
I don't care, I'm just happy you can be a actual girl this time around and not have to crossdress.
*Us (insert political stance here) who don't get offended by jokes right?
ftfy, tumblrina
>comedy tv show makes a joke about race in their game
rly activated my almonds
White straight female is the easiest difficulty on earth. It's so easy that they have to create problems for themselves and take on other people's problems because they are such vapid whores from living easy lives.
But no, white men are the easiest difficulty setting.
>having a political stance that doesn't look like buckshot when charted out on the political spectrum
is there a gender slider too?
The scene for it is great too @9:48
>no New Kid Must Die mode with an afrod black girl
missed opportunity
So if I want to play on the hardest difficulty I have to be black in the game? Or is it just a joke and won't actually choose race?
Is being African American the Dark Souls of real life?
But u just literally did that in your ppst
It's just a boring joke. I mean, it works, but it's not very politically incorrect, and South Park is traditionally politically incorrect.
Difficulty just represents how hard it will be for Sup Forums to hit the accept button.
>can be a nigger
>can't be a ginger
Eh, joke is kinda funny, though a bit too overt for my tastes. The fact that it actually changes the dialogue/amount of money you get in game while also eliminating real difficulty settings for combat is pretty stupid
Jokes don't have to condone to my views and beliefs to be fun
t. right-winged libertarian
>I'll probably vote Democrat
Us apoliticals, you cuck
can't wait to buy this so i can trigger Sup Forums and drumpf supporters. both sides are dumb, i would have voted for bernie. no one is more neutral to politics than me because i know how to laugh at a south park joke.
Doesn't affect combat.
Blacks have it hard because their communities are trash that keeps pouring children into poor single mother households and you're actively discouraged from being successful because making 6 figures is a "betrayal" to the black community.
Nice falsef(l)ag
The whole trans thing seems a bit much
he's still miles ahead any other world leader at the time
But... it makes perfect sense, doesn't it?
Wouldn't someone with lower IQ automatically have a harder time making progress in an even playing field? It's like if hard mode was instead lowering all of your stats.
It is more satire about comic book culture more so than anything else.
Though Sup Forums being so uncultured or caring about shit they don't enjoy or consume. Its funny to see that so many people will so stupidly lie and whine about shit they don't even know or care about.
This shit is just as overblown as that mario is no longer a plumber shit in which in of it self was also just a joke that also went over peoples heads.
Shit is stupid and anyone upset about this either doesnt know what the fuck shit this is satirizing or just are simply seeking out anything and everything to get all upset to food some sort of weird victim complex.
>want to play on hard
>but also want to make a self insert
>not being a political zealot means you're a centrist
Are you seriously trying to say Sup Forums is liberal? Fuck off to Sup Forums or Sup Forums or some shit, Sup Forums is conservative as fuck.
Even blacks have souls.
Maybe the difficulty setting is set somewhere else?
Mad leftie
Only 7 years to go
us centrists amrite guys
South Park... home.
Imagine being this upset over a joke
>But they're supposed to take the piss out of the people I don't like
>They're aren't supposed to make fun of ME
>They're mean to be """"/our_guys/""""
Reminder that people that lash out against centrists are brainlets.
>This shit is just as overblown as that mario is no longer a plumber shit in which in of it self was also just a joke that also went over peoples heads.
Man I didn't even hear of that until some guy mentioned the translation later in a outrage thread, first thread you walk into is a Kotaku headline cap and people going apeshit
>this thread
Keep telling yourself that newfriend
>Sup Forumstards take it seriously like it's not making fun of SJWs
>this thread
stay mad libshits
>waaaaaah why aren't you a politically charged ideologue like me waaaaaaaaaaaah if you're aren't on a team then you're bad waaaaaaah
oh boy here we go again
How does it feel to be a europoor?
>Not breaking downing into a REEEing mess over this means you're either left or center
Need a safe space user?
Speedrun in Albino mode
>dude if you don't side with a single team on every issue you obviously don't care about any issues!
loving how extremists are trying to caricature normal people now though.
>having a lower IQ makes life harder
What's the controversy?
does it actually change difficulty or is it a legit joke. Id actually be mad if I got stuck playing a nigger if I wanted a challenge
Sup Forums is literally right-wing tumblr.
op should have put a trigger warning in the title.
Quick Sup Forums name me all the popular mainstream black comic book super heroes.
Once done name all the popular mainstream white comic book characters.
Now keep in mind that southpark is supposedly a comedy show.
Now....do yall get the joke or yall still faggy and mad as hell over a non issue that just makes you seem super faggy and super lame for whining about it.
But dats racys
Does rising the slider also give tou negative stats in INT?
>American "politics"
I wish it was as nuanced and cerebral as House of Cards makes it look but it's just a lot of extremist morons shouting at and killing each other.
Not combat but other things like interactions or money from what I heard
it straight up says "it doesn't affect combat, just every other aspect of the game"
so no.
I think you have delusions like Sup Forums isn't having a giggle with this mate.
I blame reddit for all of this.
Kotaku Redeemed
don't ever reply to my posts again, you are not even in the same realm of neutrality as me you little fagbot. i'll have you know that when i saw that south park was putting in the race slider i laughed harder than you have probably ever laughed a joke in your entire miserable life. Matt stoner and trey parker are literal gods to me, they know how to rip into both democrats and republicans. You're probably too far left to even understand how funny this joke is because of how hard it triggered both the left and the right.
I have waited YEARS for this game and when i watched the character creation video today it was like ubisoft telling me "it's ok, we may have put off development for awhile but the jokes are gonna be dank". if you can't see how based that is you are literally either a communist or a nazi. or worse, neo/v/.
Why is anyone butthurt about this?
The life is admittedly a lot easier for a smart white person than a dumb nigger.
This fucking ended me
Frankie Boyle is one of the funniest comedians on the planet and I disagree with his politics on almost every level.
Like a true zealot, you assume everyone else is.
I want Sup Forums to leave
Not even worth a (You) but I'm feeling generous today so here you go