TFW there will never be a remake of the first 2 Golden Sun games combined into one big game with extra post game...

TFW there will never be a remake of the first 2 Golden Sun games combined into one big game with extra post game content with the whole world unlocked. Maybe they could make the combat and psyenergy like in Dark Dawn, which was like, the only improvements in that game.

Shit man, replaying the first 2 games recently, and there's so much potential there for cool shit that they wasted with fucking Dark Dawn.

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Golden Sun remake made with the help of Monolith Soft when?

I would kill to see the series rise from its ashes on the Switch.

When the 4th game finally comes out.

Elemental Lighthouse themes when?

make a comment on any of his videos, poke him
the more the better chances

this one is my favorite
They did Venus

I was gonna say that after Dark Dawn it wouldn't be likely to happen, but after looking into it, DD got decent enough numbers, so it might happen.

I swear to fuck if they put in more points of no return to butcher the plot any more than they have been I will be enraged. That and if we don't get to fight fucking Alex. He's been the bad guy for 3 games now and we still haven't gotten to actually interact with him in any meaningful way.

>The 4th game will ruin the one good thing about Dark Dawn
Mark my words.

>good thing about Dark Dawn

I mean, it'll probably just be the main family right? Matthew, Tyrell or wtfever, blue pussy boi, etc. The other characters weren't really involved in the actual main quest to get the shitty feather for the flying machine.

4th game would likely be about figuring out wtf is up with the black holes and stuff.

All I really want is teleport and hover to make a return. Shit made the giant map in Lost Age so much more bearable.

Amiti will probably come along because of the whole Alex being his dad thing. I'd be ok if they swapped Rief with Nowell.
I'd be fine with Himi coming along again if they actually bother to give her development, otherwise I can see her brother showing up instead.
Eoleo would probably show up. They need a way to get around the world.
Sveta is pretty much done unless she decides to go fuck it and abandons her throne to go help her husbando.

Maybe they'll be re-introduced later on. The problem is that they don't really have an excuse to have them be weak early on in the game, since it would have to take place directly after Dark Dawn.

Felix and Jenna being weaker at the beginning of Lost Age made sense since they had the Mars clan peeps and fucking Alex escorting them.

Will it ever really be explained why Alex is so goddam strong? Even in the very first game he was OP as shit with that teleporting and whatnot.

Also also, if they bring in Nowell maybe we'll get to see Piers again, since she apparently ran off with him to get some of that Lemurian dick.

All of this. BUT don't make it ugly 3D like DD, instead keep it 2D with higher resolution sprites and more animation frames. Shit would be golden.

Furfag in love with his furry warewolf waifu

Probably won't happen since spritework apparently takes longer or whatever, but it would be nice.


is she a merchant?

They should make the models similar to the ones in the 3DS Mario RPG's, they honestly don't look that bad. I agree though, if they remade Golden Sun and combined both games into one with added post game content and the ability to roam the world and do side missions after the fact it would be glorious. DD was like top 5 for awhile during it's release in Asia so that's good news, not so sure about American sales though.

I just hope they don't butcher the RNG methods, they were pretty much the only surefire way to get any of the rare gear in the games outside of shit you could grab in chests. And they need to give us more Cleric Rings so multiple party members can use Cursed Gear, I got tired of Garet being the only one with Cursed Gear when there were other options.

I liked everything about Lost Ages except:

> Some of the dungeons downright gave me autism, Aqua Rock & Jupiter Lighthouse were bullshit

> Traversing the map until you got Hover and Teleport was cancerous

If they gave us specifically detailed dungeon maps midway through the dungeons and Hover/Teleport early in the story I would have enjoyed it 100% more.

No game cartridge has enough storage for all of that text.

The ironing of this is that the original GBA game "sprites" were just 3D models that were then saved as low rez sprites to begin with. I think the 3D would be fine if they had better hardware to work with and spent some time creating a good, cohesive stylization for them to avoid some issues with just straight up shitty CG.

I didn't have problems with Aqua Rock. It's probably my second favourite after Gaia. Magma Rock gave me an aneurysm though.
Jupiter Lighthouse was pretty wack, I'll admit.

Having Cleric Rings for everyone would defeat the purpose of cursed gear. Having like, 2 total for 8 party members would be cool tho.

Gaia Rock was pretty fun from what I remember, mostly the interior since it was short, the exterior got a little tedious with the vine swinging. Magma Rock didn't give me much trouble though since I used a guide, the constant use of the switches and backtracking did get annoying though.

2 would be perfect, either that or introduce more Cursed Gear since there was only a limited selection.

>all this talk of annoying dungeons
>no mention of Ayers Rock

>more Cursed Gear since there was only a limited selection
It's been awhile, was there anything for the mages? I think Garet being pigeonholed into it was a combination of having only warrior cursed gear in the first game along side Isaac getting first pick of all the top tier non-cursed warrior gear. By the time Lost Age rolled around you had a whole bunch of other shit to work with too, so it just sort of maintained momentum.

>Ayers Rock
> Difficult

Not really, just time consuming on the outer portion. Once you go inside you just follow the color tabs and shit.

First game had a cursed staff, and there was a mace too for the clerics.

I think there was a Cursed Staff for Mages, they should have at least put in 2 pieces of Cursed Gear for each class and weapon type just in case you wanted to switch it up with your Cleric Ring. And in general you could only get the Cleric's Ring in Lost Age is if you did the Gold Password and transferred your items over.

Proof that this was how they got the sprites?

If they do make GS4, I hope they bring back Forging and make it more consistent. The way they set it up was nice and all, bring in the ore and you have a set percentage chance to get one of the gear pieces, but they could have made it better. It took me I don't even know how many times of turning the game on and off to get Excalibur. Totally worth it though since it's one of the best weapons in the game.

I just want a fucking sequel to Dark Dawn. Is that too much to ask for?

Careful, that kind of reckless wishing is how we got Dark Dawn to begin with.

>Is that too much to ask for?
Yes, because Dark Dawn was kinda bad, and more importantly when it comes to getting a sequel, sold poorly.

>Alex being his dad thing
I thought Piers was his dad?

In Dark Dawn's defense, it had been a solid 8 or so years since the last installment in the series and it didn't do much to improve or make the game play more fluid than the last outside of Psyenergy. It sold pretty well despite all that, especially in Japan since it was one of the most sold games for a period of months.

For real though, does Golden Sun hold up?
I liked it as a kid but that was a long time ago.

Tret makes a pass regarding him being related to Mia. Also, if you mind read him at the end it mentions he can't help but feel connected to Alex for some reason.

I've been replaying them both recently, and the first one does hold up surprisingly well. Second one is a bit slow in the beginning tho.

The games look pretty darn good though, and if you can get used to the wonky combat (characters not automatically switching targets if their initial target enemy dies before their turn to attack) it works pretty well.

The second one is slow all around until you unlock Hover which doesn't even happen till around the ending portion of the game anyway.

The class system was always pretty deep, you're likely to enjoy that aspect of the game more if you're still into JRPGs. The problem is the game never really encourages it in anyway. The psyenergy puzzles were also an interesting way to combine more traditional RPG mechanics with more Zelda-like puzzle dungeons. Music really pushed what the GBA could do. The story and characters are incredibly mediocre, however, and are mostly held up by the colorful world they inhabit. The twist in TLA was neat, but also not incredibly unique for JRPGs either even then.

It's hard to explain exactly why Golden Sun held such cult popularity back then or today. It's not really the best JRPG, but it's the one people will remember from the GBA days. I think it really just comes down to the presentation. It's a great looking GBA game with a good art direction that ends up covering a huge swath of real world civilization aesthetics. I'm not sure Angkor has shown up in any other videogame ever, not even the Tomb Raider/Uncharted type games, though I feel it must have been at least once.

I'm worried about the characters after playing shit like Legend of Heroes.
I think I should never replay Golden Sun unless I hate it now, I have good memories of it.

The Class System was nice but one thing that bothered me about it was the fact that they never made full use of it. I know there was a lot of combinations and it got pretty confusing, especially when they introduced class changing items among you having to have a high level to access a higher abundance of Psyenergy but still. The only time you need alternative Psyenergy is basically when you need Growth, and even then it's pointless since you don't use it constantly.

popo lo crois did this on PSP

For me 2 does, but I do see a lot of complaints about how much dialogue there is.
I personally like that but. 1 is a bit lesser due to being a "Part 1" style game but it's alright too.

I replay it once a year. It's still pretty enjoyable to go through.

Is Golden Sun the first series to combine elements of JRPGs and elements of Metroidvanias?

Don't Metroidvanias already combine elements of JRPGs? Isn't that what makes them more than Metroid?

Fuck off and die

I was thinking more like the turn based combat and overworld, as opposed to platforming. The metroidvania aspects would be the whole getting abilities that give you access to new areas, and the backtracking and whatnot.

>getting abilities that give you access to new areas, and the backtracking and whatnot.
No, that's Metroid.

That's what I said you dweeb.

Metroid isn't a Metroidvania.

It's one of the games that inspired the term. Getting new abilities that give you access to new areas was also a thing in pretty much every Castlevania game after (and including) SOTN.

Because SOTN took those elements from Metroid.
And SOTN added JRPG elements to Metroid's formula.
Which is what we now call "Metroidvania".

I wouldn't really call it Metroid-like at all, vania or otherwise. The term primarily gets used for 2D side scrollers where you're exploring this huge interconnected map that's more representative of a huge constant dungeon of obstacles.

Golden Sun is much more like a JRPG mashed with Zelda. There's an overworld that's more representative of an actual world, populated periodically by towns where you talk to NPCs and dungeons who explore and do puzzles to progress in. There's a few small puzzles mixed into the overworld and towns, along with much smaller dungeons less important to the overall progression of the narrative. You get items later on, psyenergy in this case, that let you overcome certain puzzle gates or go back and unlock new stuff in places you've already been. Except instead of Zelda combat you have JRPG combat. There's still some cross over between the puzzle solving items/psyenergy and combat, but much less so in Golden Sun.

Bump for GS

One of those those games that'd sell me on the system

Combat wise the mixed classes were a lot of fun compared to the pure classes, but the game is rather easy that there's no need to actually deviate from a pure set-up other than wanting to try out different classes and shit.