Brainlet confession: I never understood New Vegas' hacking

Brainlet confession: I never understood New Vegas' hacking.

New Vegas thread

You scroll through all the random characters until you find clusters of them bunched together and clicking on them either takes away one of the false passwords or replenishes your attempts, other than that it's just guesswork.

google "mastermind game". Same principle, but instead of colors you have to match the letters

holy shit

i would just save and reload over and over

It's not exactly hard, bracket finding makes it 10x easier.

Kek, I did the same thing for a long time until I figured it out on my own.

attempt twice, exit computer, repeat.

Its just matching letters

Imagine you chose "CONTRADICTION" and it said 4/12
Then you chose "ACCELERATION" and again it said 4/12
That means the answer likely ends in "tion".

You press F5 then you click random words until you succeed and hit F9 if it locks you out

You can do that but it's much faster to click random words and reloaidng until you get it than slowly going through every line of text to find duds.

The number correct is the number of letters in the correct place. So if you choose SOCK and it says 3 correct, it could be SACK, COCK, and SUCK, but not CASK, which only has 1 correct. There is some guess work but if you do it right it's only generally between a couple options.

Is this a joke?

You just go by the letters, like said

If you get stuck you can look for "hacks" which are notated by closed parenthesis or brackets

>tfw new vegas hacking is actually easy
>then fallout 4 comes along and makes it braindead to the point of not being fun

What did he mean by this?

But it's exactly the same...

>You are locked out for 30 seconds
>stand looking at your ass for 30 seconds
>smash face on keyboard again
>You are locked out for 30 seconds
Thanks Fallout 4

He is a lonely aspie and his only "friend" is the mailman.

Just get the mod that puts the answer as the only possible choice. It's much better than having to go through random shit everytime you run into a locked computer.
They're litterally the see except than computers never go on permanent lockdown, which is a good thing.

NV actually introduced the lockout mechanic.

You know where you'd just use three tries, exit and enter again to keep you from getting permanently locked out? If you do that in NV it won't let you skip past the boot up screen like you could in 3.

I'm guessing that Bethesda saw that everyone was just using the back out trick and decided that locking the terminal permanently was pointless.

The words were shortened a lot too, weren't they?

No. The word length depends on the level of the computer, but they both go up to 12.

I don't think so. If anything it's easier on high intelligence players because the number of words that appears on the screen are now linked to your intelligence, where in 3/NV it was linked to your science skill.

>scroll through all the random characters
Look for open and closed brackets, parentheses, arrows, and braces


Source: I have a BS in CS

Are you guys so lost in your little low maintenance, life should be easy, mindset that you actually BECAME retarded? I'm actually having a hard time believing anyone would find that difficult.

And people wonder why games are dumbing down so much.

>Fail a hack attempt and get locked out of a computer? Not if you're a computer whiz! With this perk, you get a second chance at any computer you were previously locked out of.

Who thought this was worth putting in the game

Fallout has a tendency to put in useless perks like that.

This. Blows my mind how many people say they have no idea how the 'hacking' works in these games.

>mfw I love it, because of the ultra-fast keypress sound effects when you scroll through the words/characters

Nobody said it's particularly hard, but it's tedious which is why I hate this shitty mechanic.

>instead of giving us a perk or an ability to blow locks with explosives they let us attempt a second time

It sorta gives you an extra try, in a way. Instead of exiting the monitor on your last attempt and trying again, you can use that attempt, then try again if you fail it. In 4, you can find a magazine that gives you one extra try, so with that perk you end up with six possible attempts. You can basically just guess the words instead of looking for the bracketed character strings.

>computer whiz

>tfw he built his in less time than it took to build mine
brb suicide

Wait. What this about the brackets? I would just do the puzzle as it seems to work. Like in OP's example GAINING and PACKING share 4 letters. You use the process of elimination to narrow it down.

To all the people saying "it's just random guessing"... jesus.

I was writing a really bad reply to this post, but you know what? I'm sorry for this The point of this thread was to confesst your brainlet moments in videogames.
It's a good thing I'm drunk. I get really understanding. I'll think of something and post a confession.

I'm borrowing this thread to ask, why was the baby in Fallout 4 brown regardless if he had two white parents? Is Bethesda pushing some cuckold agenda?

I bet some one managed to lock themselves out of all the computers and took it.

Does anybody else feel the same like me?
I kinda want to play New Vegas, however i always have the urge to mod just about everything and dont really feel like investing so much time in it. And then i just get rid of the idea to play it altogether.

Just gamebyro lightning safe to ignore

brb guys inventing a new computer

>2/4 letters match
>2/4 letters match

so clearly it ends in NT

>3/4 letters match

so it's either W_NT or _ANT

it's probably either Bethsoft being lazy, or there being a bug with the baby's skin color or something

they probably made him darker than normal to avoid making two texture variations
but it's ok I'm sure people that still buy Bethesda games are used to getting cucked by Todd

Same, I've installed an auto-hack mod after a few failed attempts and never looked back.

Is that a water cooler hose? If it is I'll actually be impressed for the litlle Whizzzz taking 4 hours.

It's okay, OP

The hacking minigame is actually some hardcore shit

>tfw took it on my first time playing Fallout 3
I never realized you could back out and try again fresh.

Hacking in fallout wasn't shit, now lockpicking in Oblivion, THAT was some bullshit inside joke of a mechanic.


>best minigame bethesda has done
maybe if you were too much of a brainlet to understand it

>can open any lock at any level so long as you know what you're doing and have patience


It shouldn't take more than an hour to put together a PC. There's like 8 parts. Legos are more complicated.

Random characters enclosed in brackets will remove a dud password from the screen. One of them will sometimes reset your attempts back to 4.

idk i put all my points into sneaking and energy weapons,hacking is for betas

>Ever so slightly move the metal pick in any direction
>Breaks apart like a fucking wafer

real talk but god damn they are just using stock footage that ever so mildly relates to the subject.

Like shit would it have not been worse if they had shown actual genuine hacking do to the bible belt, soccer mom uninformed audience?, Cause if they did they would risk backlash from their target audience and cost themselves money.

Like shit why would they risk losing money when instead they could just show dumb random shit only ever so slightly relating to hacking in any way instead.

does NV works with NVIDIA's DSR? I wonder if I can run it at 4K@60fps with my 1070, it's from 2011 after all, can't be too taxing.

Do matching letters in different positions count towards that?

Not OP but I used to think this until I was playing Fallout 4 recently and this shit would happen:

>click on the word "library"
>*entry denied, likeness=2
>click a couple of other words
>denied, denied, denied
>remove duds, reset retries
>nothing makes sense
>annoyed with game, click "hope"
>*access granted*

For the longest time playing FO3, I thought this was because the hacking mechanics would be switched up and that I wasn't understanding one of the alternate mechanics until I realized Bethesda is just a shit-tier company that produces bugs disguised as games.

>this kid INVENTED computers at age 11
What were you doing when you were 11, Sup Forums?

are you sure you know what lockpick system you're talking about

Not everyone's a savecheater like you.


Do you think they would've bothered to write the article if the kid was white?

which oblivion did you play

Hate on Bethesda all you want, so far they're one of the rare AAA devs not really pandering to SJWs

at least put in the effort of opening a command line and photographing it yourself instead of typing a search term into google and hitting "save"

oblivion 5: oblivyrim

1. It's an edit.
2. It's funny because of the adult who wrote it not because the kid is black.
3. Go back to your containment board.

>nvidia dsr
You probably wont get much of a difference. Especially since textures in new vegas are shit

You don't even need to save and reload. Before your last chance you just exit and reenter the minigame and all your chances come back. It's literally the most stupidest thing ever in a game.

1. no

>BUH-dink *click*

>BUH-dink *click*

sounds i will never be able to get out of my head

t. no fun allowed autist

I had to look up where to find like 2 or 3 of the locations of memories in BotW.
I actually think it's hard to maintain perfect rotation as DPS in FF14, I can't keep track of everything going on.
I still don't understand how american football works.
I can't do a shoryuken motion to the left very well. I have a very hard time consistently linking anything with a window of 3 frames or less.

I guess just pick from those or something.

>fallout4 was my first fallout
Plus I guess you can't play a game that isn't open world.

It wasn't even that hard and I'd prefer it to the newer minigame

Any mods I should get, Sup Forums?
I'm bored and gun,kidnapping/slavery mods and quests can only get so many hours (206 to be exact)

>Muh SJW Boogeymen

Bethesda is a shit company with a shit business model and a shit PR team.

But please tell me how them not "pandering" excuses all of that.

DA BEEERR DA BUUUULL *eats ten packs of cigarettes*

Hope and Library cant be in the same selection.

i knew the game Mastermind and this came naturally, but hold your fucking shit in if it wasn't a word ending in -ing

Its real.

>tfw probably the only person who liked listening to ulysses and god

One of the memories is pretty annoying since it's just a bunch of fucking trees in the pic, I got lucky and stumbled on it, but would have probably needed to look it up if I hadn't.
It's not hard once you get used to it, just practice on the dummy or some garbage lvl 70 dungeon until it's mostly muscle memory.
American football isn't worth understanding, but if you have seriously tried to learn it and failed, you might be retarded.
Not being able to perform fighting moves on your off-side is common if you aren't an avid player. As for the linking, you usually already know what you are going to do, and are putting in the inputs before that tiny window.

Sounds like it was for console players.

Better than the Fallout/Skyrim one by a long shot.

No, it's a poorly managed cable. Hoses aren't that thin.

I am not giving them excuses, I'm just saying they aren't trying to push a cuck agenda as the OP said. That doesn't make them any less terrible, I know that very well.

That was one of the exact memories I had to look up. The other was the horse one. I somehow had never ran into that place and had no idea where it could be.

It might just be that. I onetime turned off the interface and for some reason could nail the rotation perfectly. I think I flick my eyes down too much to look at the status bar and combo highlight. But I stopped playing recently cause I got bored with the game.

I've never tried to learn it. Just have tried to figure it out from the times I've watched it. I got the basics (4 downs, you want your ball to be in the endzone to score). But about everything else seems like a hodgepodge of intricate rules that govern who can do what and when.

I am avid. I just have fused thumb joints so I do the motion by hooking it with the top part of my palm, then rotating it down and back horizontal with the inner part of my palm. Because of the nature of the stick being in my left hand, you can't really do that motion the same facing left. So I am, essentially, doing two totally different motions.

isn't it the same game of Mastermind?

I know a "p" and a "b" look like the same thing, just upside down, but they're actually two different letters. The kicker...they even make different sounds!

You are not alone.
We live in a sea of brainlets, friend.

I dont understand what the fuck is happening with revolver Oceleot. Whose side was he on? Was he actually possessed by Liquid?

He was with whoever Kojima wanted him to be with, at the time.

but kojima is a creative mastermind and in no way a hack. So that cant be right.

The real article says "built" not "invented".

>Make our pointlessly unfun mini game more unfun by adding an unskippable intro for those who try to brute force it out of their way so they can continue with the fucking game.

It's not like characters and monsters move in real time in the background who might attack during the start up sequence you can't keep skipping while you hack. There's no point to doing this other than mildly punish players who show disdain for this boring as fuck mini game.
It fucks up immersion
Unnecessary waiting around
It's basically an unskippable cut scene to a certain degree
It's everything shitty about game design in one package.

Damn are y'all really that stupid?
>Look for open and close brackets on the same line, they are considered their own section and are to either restore attempts or to erase one of the choices
>When choosing words if you choose "faggot" and it says 4/6 and the last two choices are either "spigot" or "sauces" which do you think it'd be?

What the fuck? What are you even trying to point out? Hope and library can't be on the same selection screen, they aren't the same amount of letters.