"The only thing worth playing on the PS4 is Bloodborne."

>"The only thing worth playing on the PS4 is Bloodborne."

Exactly. Here's a complete list of the games worth playing on the PS4:

... What else is there?


Talladega nights

You're right, Bloodborne isn't even worth playing.

It's the only game that makes me consider picking up a PS4 for $100 at most

Cool furry avatar post

Where bloodborne?


Who are you quoting? PCfags?

Who is this semen dogger

Yiff in hell

source please

I'm too busy playing Rocket League and ARK with my friends to bother picking up Sony's boring single player exclusives. I should have bought a nice PC rig desu

Bloodborne isn't even that good

I hope this turna into a furry porn thread

um... nioh? I guess


>Furfag with sidecut

He she looks cute OP I want to put my dick in it

Way ahead of you

Yes that is correct

You won't. You're afraid.

Kingdom hearts I guess

This girl's been thinking about you, say something to her!

disgusting furfaggotry

yiff in hell


it is now


That's not a girl. That's a picture of a dog made by a very lonely person.


>console war

Ebin bread, include me in the furry discord posts!


Wait a minute...IT'S A TRAP

*raises paw*


>tfw no girl will ever daydream about your cock and want to come home to you and fuck all afternoon
It's not worth living if this is the case


>mfw this thread