Is there a developer more passionate about their work than Takaki?

Is there a developer more passionate about their work than Takaki?

>tfw can't stop trying to understand things I will never ever understand no matter what
send help

>all 3D models are fucking the same

weeb trash.



Yeah true "passion" for making shitty soft porn games

>It just seems so pointless to waste your time on things you don't like or can't understand.
This should be stickied on Sup Forums.

Probably not.



Prudes have a irrational fear of anything related to sexuality. Especially heterosexuality, which means they will try to make games as boring as possible for straight people.

>looks like a greasy otaku loser
>spends his days developing waifu-focused games that play like utter shit
Just because he's passionate about it doesn't mean his products are good

I think they play just fine besides Burst.

Too bad he can't make a good game to save his life.
Fortunately, he doesn't have to since otakus and weebs will buy his games as long as they're full of sameface girls with huge tits and tons of Yumi.

It should be stickied on every website in existence.

Why does Sup Forums hate anime tiddy games so much?

>looks like a greasy otaku loser
>have qt wife
life is unfair

I don't personally enjoy Senran games, but at least I can appreciate the innovations they make in allowing you to interact with cute anime girls. Get over yourself.

Sup Forums doesn't. Entire idea is that, like in any other society, most posts are written either by retards or by provocators.

I like anime tiddy games

Because all they do is use anime tits to sell while the actual game sucks.

He probably could make a good game, but he sacrifices so much dev time on the jiggles, movement and getting scenes just right that the gameplay suffers.

I would like to see him make a senran kagura game that didnt focus on fanservice, just once, to see how it would turn out.

I don't, neptunia VII is one of my favorite games of this gen, but every time I enter a nep thread I suddenly feel a murderous desire against the faggots that post in them

Minori is too cute.

too bad Senran is bad anime tiddy game

Sup Forums is now 80% Gaffers who get instantly banned if they say they like them. They've made it an impulse habit to hate them.

I gave SV a try and there was so little combo variety that things got boring really fast. The transformation and costume break sequences also broke the flow of combat and there was no option to disable them.

Anime tiddies don't make up poor gameplay.

Because like ecchi anime they try to hide the fact they have shitty stories and graphics
And basic gameplay

>liberals now dominate the mainstream culture
>modern liberal ideas are all about sexual freedom to the point walking on the street naked with "Slut" signs is acceptable and even brave and courageous
>comical softcore nudity in a medium for young males with too much free time should be punished with exile

What does prude even mean nowadays?

If you think that's unfair, look at the author of No Game No Life. Though i guess he punishment was getting cancer.

>every time I enter a nep thread I suddenly feel a murderous desire against the faggots that post in them
You can thank the steam releases for that.

The Steam version gave you the option to disable those, granted I like these games but I hate how much they break the flow of the game as well.

The Senran games are playable but I wouldn't exactly put them in my top 10.

Kat is best girl

>neptunia VII is one of my favorite games of this gen
That's not something to be proud of

George Kamitani has a similar ideology but he also directs games that are fun to play.

Without a doubt.
Her purity and optimism are just too lovable.
Its a fine game. Combat is somewhat repetitive but the dialogue, character backstories, and general selection of control over what you can do in fights helps mitigate that a bit.

sorry there aren't enough penises for your liking

I never said I was

these guys come out with a game once a month.
eventually we are going to get devil may cry with awesome rocking tits.

I can also thank the Steam releases for giving the games more longevity and allowing me more control over the games, so that's fine.
Plus its just nice that they're now taking the time to replace the 2D assets with higher res ones in some of the Vita -> PC ports.

Daisuke Ishiwatari

From what I hear, Valkyrie Drive Bhikkunhi has the best gameplay of the bunch thus far.

Do you think whoever gets paid to translate this stuff is more
>man my job is so comfy all I have to is translate this dumb as fuck dialogue for an anime ecchi game, learning nipponese paid off
or more
>holy fuck i hate my life here i am translating this dumb as fuck dialogue for an anime ecchi game i didn't learn japanese for this

Sup Forums doesn't. Stop spreading misinformation or else people who hate these games will think they're in good company.

Wish he would be passionate about making games that aren't hot garbage though

>praising the dialogue with a pic like that
Stop pretending that shit is good

That's precisely the kind of dialogue I'm talking about that helps mitigate its repetitiveness.
Its cute and adds to the characters. It fits Minori's playful, childlike nature and makes her more lovable.

too bad all of his games are boring garbage

Why are you still here? If you hate ecchi games so much, go talk about something you actually like instead.

I bet you think the shitty meme humor in Neptunia is good, too

Shovelware with titties.

Good isn't the word I'd use, but I enjoy it, yes.
The problem in Neptunia is that it does it a bit too much at times, but at least in recent times with Megadimension, CH seems to be making it secondary to the plot instead of pushing it all the time.
Its not "good" dialogue, but its enjoyable all the same. It just unfortunately doesn't do nearly as much to add to the characters in the same way it does in Senran.

They do good.

If he did that then he can't get all those (You)s he desperately desires.

anime is killing the white race

Shovelware that only gets sales due to thirsty permavirgins with no impulse control or self respect.

where is the enjoyable dialogue user

This shit s Borderlands level of Writing


That's wrong, it's just some vocal sjws


Uh, where's the ass? It's just tiddies everywhere with girls either having a slim body with flat tits, a slim body with c cups or a slim body with tiddie monster tigole bities like every asian game.

In Senran

I am not SJW I am just a Chrisitan

>the only media not corrupted by the jew
Whatever you say Schlomo

That's more or less the reason I don't really like Senran, it's 90% tits with all other body parts being considered an afterthought. At least in Neptunia every girl has a different texture for their navel, Senran Kagura can't even accomplish that.

Neptunia could have been so much more if it used its setting to its advantage more often, like how they made R4 and CFW into villains.

It's just grotesque tumblr/neogaf hambeasts dragging their fat fingers over the keyboard while reacting on literally every thread on every board of the evil trump-supporter gamergater Sup Forums.

>turned the spin-off fanservice games into the new main games while killing the main games by remaking it with the shitty spin-off gameplay and adding a shitty spin-off character

>thank the Steam releases for giving the games more longevity
This is Miley Cyrus tier shit. Let's all be happy that the product rebrands itself from a bunch of niche audience to the most degenerate mainstream audience and praise it!

>allowing me more control over the games
Basically cheating and crappy texture swap mods. Great.

Don't get me wrong I love me some PC gaming but some things simply shouldn't been put into some people's hands and be left alone.

too bad the games are shit

>I don't enjoy Pink Floyd references
I hate you both.

I get the feeling this video is satire

Pic related is you


More like:
>Ecchi geemu, kawaiiz! Glad I did learn nip for this! Tee hee

>that face
top kek

>dude don't waste time on things you don't like just be retarded man it's awesome

No need for mods. Just increasing the internal resolution and downsampling it does wonders for it.

And by longevity I mean the games will last longer. As in, after buying them, they'll still be playable on modern platforms for years to come. Its nice being able to go back and play games these games without pulling out my old PS3 or Vita.


How about we wait for the game to be released before shitting on it?
I'll still get it on the Switch.

what kind of fucking autistic console war LARPing bullshit are you spewing man


Estival was fun as shit, what are you on about? I plat'd that shit in a week then played it all over again when it came out on steam. Gonna do the same for PBS.

Taking my advice to heart already it seems

>some people realize that the games are pretty shallow outside of the eye-candy and fap fuel
>pointing it out means you're an SJW
Excuse me for wanting good gameplay and quality in my vidya

I unironically had to google who that is and when I checked their songs I'm pretty sure I'm not familiar with any of them

Look at this faggot, he doesn't want his extreme /e/ game to have nip slips in it. You don't even love boobs, do you?

>adding versus gameplay and Yumi
I don't even have to wait. It's shit and SK7 will most likely be shit. SV wasn't a bad game for a spin-off, but it really did kill the series.


What, do you somehow think that Senran Kagura is going to turn into a masterpiece of a series with god-tier gameplay and story just because you shitposted in an ecchi game thread on Sup Forums for way longer than any reasonable human being should?

I understand the point of the comic, but the red guys seems like morons who could very well need their opinions questioned a bit. It's probably good for them to have a dissident.

>senran tumblrinas
Also boobs without nipples is not real boobs.
Sorry but you failed HARD.

Since when was autism considered passion?

I imagine their mindset oscillates been the three.

How so?

There is, but he's also japanese.

I don't understand why the west is so unpassionate

t. blue guy

Dude look at PBS or Refle.
Takaki is always trying new things with the franchise.
I don't like what I read so far about Burst Remake but I wouldn't be so fast to shit on it.
If anyone deserves the benefit of the doubt is him.
I bet SK7 will be different to all the previous titles.

That's exactly what autism is moron

i can play games by illusion and teatime if i need tiddies?
tiddy games need to step up in the gameplay department if they want to compete to the tiddy games that have mods