ITT: Times you were bad at vidya

ITT: Times you were bad at vidya.

you mean everytime I play a game?

>spinning around and looking at items in your inventory is only used for these puzzles and literally nowhere else in the entire game
bethesda are weird


I still can't believe there's so many people on Sup Forums who couldn't figure this out first time. How retarded are most of you here? No wonder video games are getting dumbed down every year.

You don't need to rotate the Claw to see the symbols in it's palm. They are visible in it's default position.

You have literally no excuse for failing at this simple "puzzle"

How the fuck was I supposed to know it was on the fucking claw, I didnt even know I had it in my inventory

The diary. But I sincerely doubt you bother reading just like all the other brainlets who couldn't figure it out.
Skyrim is already catered towards tards and you still had trouble

I played through Fable from beginning to end and my worst enemy were rock golems.

I didn't know you could bat their rocks back at them.

This was fun

I just used different combination until i got it right. Didn't learn about the until 3 doors later.

Even after watching all the episodes of Rick and Morty again I still can't figure this shit out

Pretty sure it was in the E3 demo that Todd showed. He specifically mentions "looking at the items in your inventory to solve puzzles", then shows the process of rotating and zooming in on the claw to show off the whole "every item has a 3D render" bullshit.

>"I didn't even know it was in my inventory "

Well you have to manually pick it up so this one's on you bud. Sorry you can't solve an easy puzzle made for dumb casuals

>Completely forgot you can turn items in the inventory
>Get to this
>Can't make out symbols on the claw
>Start to get mad
>Brute force the puzzle

You don't need to rotate the claw. You can see all the sigils on it without moving it.

No matter how hard I try I'm rubbish with a sniper rifle in every game I try from Battlefield to Mass Effect.

>Mass Effect.
Time literally slows down for you.

I didn't know you could check items in the menu until 30 or so hours, and I bruteforced my way in 5 or so of those gates, seriously there are 27 combination, and most of them need 10 tries at most


>look to the left
>notice huge stones
>Stones have marks
>they are in the correct order

Entire game

I got to the end and I believe it was a bad ending. I was not about to replay and do all of those puzzles

>damage sponge adhd dragon that won't stay in one place for one second
The worst.

skyrim's "puzzles" were a joke, they were so fucking retardedly obvious.

Were you playing in 480p? Even in a compressed YouTube recording of 720p Xbox 360 Skyrim, I can easily make out the symbols

The only time they ever took time was when the symbols were in some retarded as fuck place
Or the one where the symbols were not in the order that you see them

The game clearly states that the puzzles aren't to keep people out, they're to keep the more powerful Draugr trapped inside.

It's an excuse for easy puzzles, but there ya go.

That's a stupid as fuck excuse, can you even open those doors from the other side? Not to mention most dungeons got a chain on the wall for a passage that loops back to the entrance, where the steongest draugr are in the first place.

I watched the preview footage of Todd doing the dungeon, so I already knew you had to rotate it.

this fucking bullshit

Its makes it worse.

so what you are saying is that you are not gud? then git

To be fair, you don't really expect shit like that in Bethesda game after oblivion and fallout 3.

ME1 when you try to find all the keepers on the first run through. I swear that they despawn last few just to fuck with you.

i agree, the order thing is just annoying more than anything.
could be, but it's still a shitty excuse. the real reason was ofcourse to make the game "more accesible" aka easier.
i was thinking about puzzles more from a players perspective than the PC's POV
also this ,

>bat their rocks back at them

Every time I attempt an Undertale genocide run. I simply cannot beat this boss.

Are thier people that accualy read all the books in this game. 99% of the dairies are just fluff.

i literally can't tell w hat the fuck the armor that guys wearing is supposed to be



The attacks come in order. You can memorize them. Buy the armor from the turtle that gives you more invincibility time after a hit. Save snowman pieces as they are 45 hp healing.

In some ways, I find her as hard as the final boss, just in a different way.

So I'm supposed to watch all the E3 demos of games that I play in this age of no manuals?

It's not a thing that is tutorialized before this comes up; that's poor design. Sure, the note mentions the solution is in the palm of your hand, but you are not informed about rotating items nor do you have any reason to except for the claw puzzles. You have absolutely no reason to do it other than this one instance.

I still remember the code by heart. you spin each one twice.

1. It's your fault for not reading the dairy off the dead raider
2. The claw is in the default position of being able to read the symbols
3. You're a dumbass and should feel ashamed

>Not just brute forcing it which takes like 30 seconds
I didn't even know it had anything resembling puzzle elements. I noticed there were only 3 symbols so I knew thinking would be slower than going through combinations systematically.

It hurts me how people treat arena and daggerfall like they are the same game.

daggerfall wasnt that hard

>at all difficult

>Skyrim claw "puzzles"

There's even an in game lore book talking about how piss easy the walls are. They're literally just a containment barrier to prevent high level undead from assraping the surface world.

Skyrim dungeon "puzzles" and traps were fucking awful really. Too easy to avoid.

By modern standards, yes Morrowind is very hard. People these days are so stupid and have such short attention spans that Morrowind of all things is seen as some super hard-core game that takes ages to get into.

This is why instant-gratification games are dominant.

Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened is a H.P. Lovecraft themed Sherlock Holmes game. At one point you get a document that has nothing but a long series of seemingly random numbers and you get no clues on how to solve it. You have to crack the code and enter the solution 564366134 in order to advance.

I figured this out in less than 2 minutes you low IQ fucks. I don't remember if I read the journal or not

I died like ten times against the deacons of the deep
>check wiki
>"if you died to this boss you should uninstall the game"

Based user(s)

Who in the hell thought this was a good idea.

When I figured this garbage out, I literally felt like a retard. But fuck them, the one object in the game that you actually have to fucking inspect.

I just tanked all of their asses after I died to the curse the first time. Why they put a timed boss in a game where you're trained to take your time and figure them out is beyond me, but they're pretty fun to knock them around like dominoes

it's not timed, the lanklets or someone are channeling the curse fog

Same. It's actually challenging if you don't level up enough or you try using weak magic against them since it's so early in the game.
It's still way too easy if you throw skulls, though.

>super hard-core game that takes ages to get into.
Thats more do to the games slow pace, cluncky controls and rediculace about of lore you need to read. The gameplay and dungeons its self is shit easy.

I didn't know that. I've always just rushed in with a big ass weapon and hit the main guy and the fatties. Fun boss fight though t b h despite being easy and gimmicky

I think I underleveled my health though, since I dumped the last 8 or so levels in it the game has been much easier somehow


The diaries are like 2 pages long maximum and each page hardly contains at most a paragraph. It takes a total of like 4 seconds to open up one of those diaries and glean important info from it.

>notice eagle, snake, and whale statues fucking everywhere
>open up diary
>quickly scan for the words puzzle, eagle, snake, or whale
>find what I'm looking for in 2 seconds
>read for more keywords like orders, positions, and the like
>finish reading every important bit in 5 seconds minimum
>close book and toss it

It's not hard, you're just retarded.

yeah, it's a fun zombie horde thing, just like the cathedral graveyard

the big monument you're fighting around is also pretty cool, all the clergy on top standing as one flat mass is an unusual sight

I didn't figure out you can run and shoot at the same time until after a couple play throughs.

I was so fucking insulted when this happened.

honestly I was kind of young so I cant remember if the puzzle was objectively hard or I was a legit retard, but I remember I didn't have internet and I was stuck for a whole fucking week because I couldn't figure it out.

>kind of young
>in 2011
Jesus. As if I needed any more reminders that I'm getting old.

forgot pic so I guess point 2 was proven

morrowind really makes you think at times
really makes you think

dragonslayer armour

Wait it has a curse?
I just swung and killed them all first try.
Wasn't the fight basic mob enemies that are slow like rat King boy?

>get card
>has a very simple, easy to remember code on it
>sure, this might come in handy later
>spend 2 seconds memorizing it
>get to those bells
>oh yeah i recognize those symbols
I didn't even bother paying attention for the rest of the game at that point. They made it abundantly clear that I didn't even need my brain for it. Bioshock Infinite is so insultingly bad. It's almost a litmus test for how stupid someone is depending on how they felt about it.

Wait a minute....that claw....

Oblivion will always be the best.

in any grand strategy game
I have the patience, I have the autism, but I can't win any game due to my stupid habit in wanting to do a "perfect war" that end in a crushing victory, so I'm helpless when someone attack me on another front

What you mean is you fail at war and place all assets on one front, right?

At some point in the fight some fatties off to the side start casting some curse the makes the arena darker and eventually auto kills you if you don't kill them or the main deacon first

This is really funny considering how offensively dumbed down a game like Skyrim is from its predecessors. The claw thing is recycled throughout the whole game. The exact same "puzzle." Christ what a piece of shit.

I haven't done a clean play through in years, I just use my old save, a fun thing to do is deplete enough FAMAS ammo until you get the red bullets and then equip the bandanna.

what gun is that


I fail on several plans
-I take WAY too much time to prepare for one war, so I spend my time swarming myself with units, who eat through my economy
-I take way too much time putting them on borders
-then I just blitzkrieg in a really impressive fashion
-then the war is over, I get new territories and a swarm of obsolete units

Feels bad I just gibbed most baddies then. Missed what made the fight unique.

Build ranged units for a defense line. Build more if war comes about.
Sell half your war assets or gift them to allits if you are at peace.

Twilight Princess, Arbiter's Grounds, the room with the invisible rats that weigh you down.

Took me an hour to figure out.

Didn't take me that long, but I thought my controller was broken.

Granpa pls, no one gives a fuck about those two first and Morrowind is Fedoracore.
Oblivion and Skyrim Chad Master Race.

>tfw can't beat God Hand on Normal

Do you actually think the retard who made this image played Arena or Daggerfall, it's definitely someone who started with Morrowind or jumped on the bandwagon for it and then pretended to have played the first two for credibility, when he wouldn't be able to get past the Imperial Prison or Privateer's Hold in the first place.