People genuinely think this game is "too hard"

>people genuinely think this game is "too hard"
I just don't get it

Other urls found in this thread:

>people genuinely had the desire to play this game
I just don't get it

>people genuinely had the desire to play video games
I just don't get it

Only if they're trying to get all the chaos emeralds. Because shit's been a easy trip to me so far. I'm at the octopus part, so that at least is somewhat challenging (I'm not really complaining though), but by the time I got there, I was already a bit tired of glaring at the roller coaster color parade with Sonic and Tails (the screen of my laptop definitely doesn't help either, it seems preferable for me to play at night since it's LCD and my back's facing the window), so I wanted to take a bit of a break before going back.

But seriously though, I can't even think of a reason to even get them all, the ending you get when you do get them seems somehow worse than the "good enough" ending. Is there even a good reward for it?

>people genuinely had issues with S3 CNZ barrel
explains more that you'd think

People suck at video games now and make every excuse to shit on them. This is the culmination of Sup Forums shitposting. What are you, new?

Lets you go Super Sonic in the levels, for one.

it makes the file select screen look pretty

>people had trouble with genuinely terrible game design

Let's be real here. Nothing prior or since had that mechanic. Being great at 1,2, and 3 up to that point wouldn't have helped there. Also doesn't help that the game straight-up bottlenecks the course to that point so there's no avoiding it, and the barrel reacts to jumps, masking the true method of solving it.

It's not hard, it just has some annoying flaws and bad designes.

I quit at metallic madness. Just found the level to be completely unfun. Not really challenging, just annoying.
I can see how the 3 lives per run makes people think the game is hard, it's very punishing, especially with how long both acts are together.
Again, not hard, punishing.

Few games still use lives in this day and age. It's a relic of arcade machines.

There actually are barrels earlier in the act that use that mechanic. Just because you can skip them doesn't make it any worse. You can skip tutorials but you don't complain about not knowing something later, do you?

Alright then, put it on the table and be judged. Which boss gave you the most trouble

Spiderboss for me

Oil Ocean Octopus. Not to say that it still wasn't fun

It's a one-off mechanic. It's not like making it optional would fuck people up later in the game. Unlike the other one-off mechanics throughout the game this one doesn't explain itself. It's a nondescript barrel blocking a path.

*blocks ur path*

Ehh, so far, it's a tie between Metal Sonic and the octopus, but this is my very first playthrough so I'm sure I'll get around it better any other time.

uhh...there's actually a lot of one-off mechanics that don't explain themselves and some are needed to pass. Take the tops in Marble Garden for example or even those blue bumper things in the same stage. Neither were explained. You just used common sense and then never saw them again in the game.

Silver Sonics. It's dumb enough that they do attacks other than spindash in order to waste as much time as possible and kill the flow of the fight. It's also arguable that that segment of the fight taking longer than it needed to be is the reason why Stardust Speedway Act 2 was otherwise the shortest stage in the game.

The Oil Ocean octopus boss has some bullshit and Titanic Monarch Act 2 takes a long ass time but other than that it's not really hard.

Fuck blue spheres though.

>Having 3 lives at any point past the first level
git gud

is it just me or does Blue Spheres have some input lag? I swear when I push right or left, Sonic doesn't move right away and I end up hitting a red sphere

And when you don't find a rythem, it's possible that Metal's orbs will hit you while you try to spindash. But

I find the last part of Metal Sonic's fight annoying as fuck. It seems impossible to hit him more than once without the wall catching up.

I don't get what could be killing you aside from crush deaths. It's a Sonic game. Rings keep you alive. You made it through Oil Ocean, so Metallic Madness should be easy.

Drop dash to beat meta every single time

The crush deaths are killing me.

Really seems like it. I always press when I start hearing the next ball sound and sometimes I still walk into a red one despite this.
Also, I swear the water physics are heavier than in S2/3. Never had issues with the first Hydrocity boss in S3.

The first time around, it was heavy gunner. He's really punishing because you can only make one mistake each time you hit him, and it took me a little while to get used to the jump arcs. I ended up blowing 5 lives just trying to get him down, but now that I did, he's pretty much trivial.
The one that's still the most consistently frustrating is Heavy Rider. I still can't figure out how to get a safe hit in on her, so whenever I fight her I just end up bashing my head against her in a damage race.

not too hard, but too cheesy

99% of my deaths are getting crushed by something that had shitty pixel art and blended into the background

People nowadays are genuinely godawful at videogames, basic reactions and basic puzzle solving. Then they cry and ask for the game to be changed for everyone else instead of changing themselves to get better at it.

The "tutorial" actually teaches you WRONG. When you jump on them they bounce up and down. Timing your jumps makes them bounce higher, letting you reach new heights. There are multiple sections of the stage that reinforce this behavior, and NONE of these require you to use them to go DOWN (there's maybe one area in the stage where you can access a lower route but the timing for it is very strict and feels more like a cheat than a legitimate route. The whole stage you're taught to jump on these to gain more height, and not to use the D-pad to go down.

Neither are explained, but you can intuitively figure them out just by interacting them the same way you interact with everything else. Running, spindashing, jumping, etc. The answer to any problem in the game is to make use of your characters abilities. The same goes for EVERY barrel in CNZ except ONE which requires not only using up and down the D-pad which is never used for anything other than to spindash, which you can't do on these, but also requires you alternate holding them in a rhythmic pattern and one that doesn't give immediate feedback unless you KNOW what you're doing.

>sonic is all about running in straight lines and going fast
>green hill zone and studiopolis are the only zones that can be speedran and every other level like lava zone and oil zone are basically mario levels that take 5 minutes to beat

if i wanted shitty platforming id play mario

i want to go fast but you rarely get to

Spiderboss too, not that he's hard but it's just a very finicky fight

>sonic is all about running in straight lines and going fast
Ah, you fell for the gotta go fast meme too?

it's a rare thing that happens when you like video games, it's like, you just know you're gonna have fun with it and aren't afraid to do so. fucking newfags didn't get the message we don't like vidyo gaems.

That's always been there, go back and play S3/S&K/S3&K and it's the same deal - it's just the smooth 60 FPS in Mania that makes the input lag way more apparent

>heavy gunner
What gets me is how they delay the fight after every time you damage him. What's the point of letting us go through more loops and slopes without the boss being around. Just spawn the goddamn rings after the hit while he is about to shot again. Would be much faster.

I don't like how you have to be completely still to go into the ball state where you charge yourself up it just feels awkward

you should be able to hold down and charge yourself even if you're moving

hi dsp!

I can't believe you were six digits away from actual lucky quints.

The path is set up so you walk onto it and see that it starts moving up and down without you jumping onto it. Even if you start jumping on it after you should quickly notice that you're not going down enough, and the fact you need it to go down rather than up should also be a subtle indicator that jumping isn't the way. There are several other objects in past stages that are interacted with by using up and down, and considering those are your only options besides jumping (which we've discovered isn't enough here even if you went straight to doing it) and pressing up and down doesn't make you look up or down anymore either, all it takes is to apply momentum which is what you've been using the whole game anyway.

You can't get quints on Sup Forums that don't end in 0 newfag

Fuck those crush deaths.

No. This is what you taught yourself, not what the game taught you.

We live in a world where the average person playing games has fewer problem solving skills than a pigeon.

The final boss of the normal ending. It took me a few playthroughs before I noticed I could jump on top of him and not get hit by the electricity, instead of hitting the sides and hoping for the best
Aside from that every boss was a punk.

>Sonic speeds past spiderboss instead of hitting it
>even thought it should have interacted with the hitbox
>literally glitching through it
>that means I'm DSP

>crush deaths: the game

>even using his catchphrases
digging it deeper phil

I bet Atlus is behind this post!

The game teaches you by providing feedback to your actions. If one of your actions gives a consistent positive result, that's the game teaching you that it's the correct way of performing that specific action.

The game doesn't teach you that jumping on the barrels won't let you progress through the stage, and instead reinforces the WRONG way by providing consistent positive results to every major instance of them in the stage.

>the game doesn't teach you that jumping on the barrels won't let you progress through the stage
Yes it does, you just taught yourself the wrong thing earlier when it didn't matter and can't adapt or change your thinking because you think your first impression is the only thing that matters. This barrel is presented to you in a different situation to remove all doubt about the way you might have dealt with the last ones not being the way to proceed, as those ones were background obstacles without being necessary to use.

shut the fuck up, it's bad design, get over it.

Why don't you grow up and realize that you're at fault, not the game

Well done at having severe issues with a part of a game where you only have 5 buttons to press and 3 of them don't work.

You're right, it's not the game. It's the game DESIGNERS. That's why it's bad game DESIGN..

>make the player actually use his head and think about how to use the only 5 buttons on the controller to get past the obstacle
>actually slip them a tutorial earlier in the act, just in case
Hello, Dean

Okay. I genuinely want to see someone playing where it's well known that it's their first time playing 3 and see them figure out the barrel without any outside help.

me. Seriously, I didn't know it was such an issue until seeing it complained about on Sup Forums

>I didn't know it was such an issue until seeing it complained about on Sup Forums
>I frequent sonic threads
>I saw someone explain you had to use the d-pad
>I figured it out on my first try guys :^)
shut up

>being this upset because you were an idiot kid

>you're at fault not the game
>come to realize years after the fact that it wasn't just an isolated problem, but one large enough to get memed everytime Sonic 3 was mentioned.
Really makes you think.

>I couldn't figure it out because of my one track mind and inability to experiment with 5 buttons of which 3 don't do anything, so that means no one else on the planet could ever do so
I would be amazed if he actually played it as a kid, it's far more likely he came back thinking he's smarter than he really is and the game taught him otherwise.
Either that or he's been crying about this his entire life.

If you don't want your players to learn the wrong way then make them learn the correct way at the first opportunity or don't make it mandatory for completing the level.

If you want to make it a mandatory obstacle, put it as early into the level as possible and halt any progress until they get it right, not at the literal end of the second act AFTER they've been allowed to interact with them and use them to progress.

And again, all this is completely besides the fact that the way you're SUPPOSED to use them is completely counter intuitive to how you deal with every other object in not just this game, but every other genesis Sonic game.
Name me ONE other instance in all 3 games where you are REQUIRED to use Up on the D-pad.

>actually slip them a tutorial earlier in the act, just in case
Why are you lying?

More like 5 buttons, and only 1 gives direct feedback

>so that means no one else on the planet could ever do so
I'm not saying no one else could ever do so, I was asking for evidence of someone who actually passed it on their first try using the correct method. In general I'm saying it's bad game design.

Because people here were fucking somewhere between the ages of 3 and 7 when they got blocked by that shit.

The game undebatably starts bombing in quality the second Act 2 of Mirage Saloon starts and you can physically feel it start getting bad by the time you get to the Oil Ocean Act 2.

Christian Whitehead is good at putting everything he's got into the first impression and the beginning of his mods/hacks and now games but they always end up nigh unplayable by the end of it because he thinks that the longer the game goes the more shit he should throw at you, no bar needed. I'm almost certain that the last two levels were intended to be a damn near mazes but thankfully this time SEGA gave it some quality control.

That's not even going into how tedious and horrible it is to actually 100% the game which is less about skill and mindfulness and more about how fucking patient and tedious you can be before you throw the controller.

The overall best thing about Mania is it's OST and even that declines at the end of the game.

Sonic Mania is a good Sonic game but it's only a decent platformer at best. Much like all Sonic games there's no balance between the actual platforming and route selection and the feeling of speed. I still find it hilarious that within the second fucking stage with almost no warning the game goes from a speed section with a bunch of loopity loops to a sudden and literal crash into a platform section with broken hitboxes.

It's honestly always been my complaint with fucking 2D Sonic, yea the physics and the speed is a lot "better" but the fucking platforming and speed section transitions are absolute garbage with almost no fluidity in between them. And none of that even goes into how fucking stupid the game gets with it's intricate CD-like mazes by the end of the game which for all intents and purposes shouldn't be as big as it is.

The game itself seems less like it was made to play for Sonic fans more to be played by autistic speed runners.

Is that pasta or are your legitimately autistic?

>Listing complaints and opinions about a videogames is autistic now.

Oh yea, I forgot this was Sup Forums. Where's the nearest E-celeb thread senpai?

>Play Sonic 3
>Finding a hidden area is usually a result of twitch skills. Jumping on a platform at the peak of your jump before it falls away and stuff like that

>I'm expected to go out exploring off some corner of the map to find the shit

Not sure why they seem to think Sonic is a game about exploring

This was my first 2D Sonic and I don't think it's too hard. Some stages sent me back to the beginning multiple times but the only bosses that I had problems with was the octopus and the final boss.

Nigger I figured it out when I was 6 years old. How much time can you possibly spend futilely jumping on it without figuring out you need to try something else?

Metal Sonic's first phase with the infinite Silver Sonics, until I found that as soon as they start charging you can immediately bounce them to hit Metal Sonic above.

Oil Octopus until I took my time and destroyed the two turrets before damaging Eggman.

>OST declines at the end of the game
>has the best final boss music since S3K

The extreme binary naivety is off the charts here, for all your talk about game design you have a terribly restrictive mindset that no developer should ever follow. It gives you them earlier so you can experiment with what is possible, you are the one who jumped on and left at the first chance you could get before actually learning what you can do with it, as well as ignoring how Sonic himself changes similarly to any other object you can move on. And there have been many instances of the up button before this, you're lucky I don't remember the first few games so accurately but thinking the precedent has to be in every single game is laughable anyway and I doubt you have played much of them. Either way;
all 3 games: looking up or down to see what is above you, rolling and spindashing
Marble Garden: controlling Tails in the bossfight
Hydrocity: moving up and down the poles
Only 1 takes you off of the barrel entirely and is not necessary to get onto it at all, getting onto it again after said button has a limited reaction that reaches that limit in a matter of seconds.
What a wonderful catch 22 you've created here. The only way to prove it isn't bad game design in the eyes of someone so averse to experimentation is to get evidence of someone playing through an over 20 year old incredibly famous game for the first time with no info, in an age where information travels instantly and the average games nowadays deny any form of self discovery. Bravo.

>idiot frogposter is the one that enjoys modern boostshit where you don't think about what you're doing, only holding 1 button to run in a straight line

Dumb frogposter.

>Has the best final boss music since S3K
You are so fucking wrong with that statement that I cannot even pull a word from my mind to describe how big of a fucking faggot you have to be to think that S3K's final boss music is better than any other Sonic game's final bosses.

How the fuck do you think S3K is better than Live and Learn or What I'm Made Of is absolutely astounding.

Obviously I fucking figured it out too but not after timing out and trying it with other characters.

which is the true dark souls of platforming, Sonic Mania or Crash Bandicoot remake?

shut the fuck up, you braindead retards

agree but it bombed after studipolois act 2, this game is 99% hype but when you actually play it, it's mediocre

i dont get why dunkey and every other eceleb were shilling this fucking game so hard.

>for all your talk about game design you have a terribly restrictive mindset that no developer should ever follow.

Yet you're advocating for the Sonic 3 barrel here, which people consistently had trouble discerning the operative mechanics of.

The problem with the barrels is they don't lock you into position to like the obstacles in Wing Fortress do, forcing you to experiment with all available control inputs, they don't make physical sense like the wheels in Marble Garden do, where Sonic's spindash spinning another wheel is fairly intuitive, and the effects of the operative mechanics aren't very pronounced, and in fact the wrong (and more intuitive) way of using the barrels, by jumping, has a more immediate and pronounced initial response.

It's plainly bad design. You can't blame the player for not getting it.

2D Sonic is about using momentum to earn you fast. Stick to 3D if you want a game that plays itself.

you guys make me sick. You want everything handed down to you on a silver fucking plate. Oh God forbid the game actually give you a challenge and break the previously set rules. God forbid it actually make you use your brain to pass.

Sonic Adventure is the same thing.

>Sonic Mania is a good Sonic game but it's only a decent platformer at best. Much like all Sonic games there's no balance between the actual platforming and route selection and the feeling of speed.

This is why Sonic is fundementally shit, the parts of the game that make sonic games sonic are the going fast parts, but if it was all running in a straight line, it would be too easy so they add platforming

the problem is that sonic platforming is awful, sonics controls are momentum based and you'll never have crisp, tight controls and tight platforming like a mario game

sure mario games are boring and there hasn't really been any good mario games since world and 64 but at least it's consistent at what it does

sonic games are always going to be shit because they're stuck in a limbo where they have to balance out the going fast with platforming or else it's not even a game, it's a running simulator

Imagine playing a Final Fantasy game with Turn-based combat and then suddenly in one battle, without any warning or transition it goes into Real-Time combat.

According to the statement you just used to defend the barrel, the above scenario is good game design.

Nothing with homing attack can claim to be momentum based

congratulations, you just made up the worst analogy of all time

>tight controls and tight platforming like a mario game

yeah kind of. Actually a lot of games pull this kind of stuff, I don't know why you guys only call Sonic out on it

Congratulations, you're in denial.

Is this b8? Mario 64 has crisp, tight controls. Fuck off shitposter.

No wonder you have to post here, sloth-chan. In /sthg/ they would call you a shitposter, report you, then burn down your house together with your loved ones.


But you can use momentum to skip segments of levels.

If someone can fuck up this hard at Ice Cap Zone Act 1 I can believe they can find Sonic Mania too hard.

>hurf durf i post le smug anime

neck yourself weeb