Divinity: Original Sin 2

Release date: 14.9.2017

Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Combat Spotlight

Reveal of the Undead Stream

Spotlight: Origin Stories - The Red Prince

What are you playing in the meantime?
What kind of character are you going to run?
Playing alone or with bros?
Who's going to be in your party? (sp)
Did you back the Kickstarter or pre-order?

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Anyone has the benchmarks for this game? I am mounting a new rig soon and this is one of the games I'll play

>Supposed to be lizards
>Have completely normal human culture
>Speak with a british accent.

Why even add lizardmen if they aren't going to be Lizardmen


>Polymorph instead of Bard or Alchemist
I seriously despise you furry subhumans who voted for that


Jesus. Forgot this exists.

I remember using this shit when I was underage around 2008. My pc was pre 2002 so lot of stuff were unsupported and I couldnt get games to even start due to lacking shaders or whatever it was.
Thanks god those plebian times are over

Shapeshifting is cool as fuck, man. Furry would be some kind of Beastmaster.

Yes but it's not what I wanted therefore it's shit
Not even being ironic on this one

Anyone got a trailer/synopsis to get into the story of OS2? I know what 1 was about, no clue about this one.

Tell me Sup Forums, what character and school combo are you playing for your first playtrough, and what party do you think you'll be rolling with mainly? I think you'll be able tos witch them out periodically, but we all have our favourites?

I'm going with Fane, thinking of necro+warfare or necro+scoundrel, since I think a lot of necro spells don't scale with int. Party will probably be Ifan, Beast and Lohse. Or Red prince, Beast and Lohse.



>turn your hand into a tentacle and slap someone

Lame, all you can shape shift is individual parts. I wanted to turn itno a giant monster and wreck shop

At least you're honest user

>Lizardmen HAVE to be niggers in every single game
No, fuck you. This is like saying elves HAVE to be tree loving hippies.

>start a dwarf rogue
>attack a door on the starting ship area for no reason
>guard gets mad, attacks me
>all the collared npcs attack the guards with me, we win the fight

>Put a tophat on a chicken
>"This is a werewolf"

What compliments polymorph well? How's it do with Scoundrel? The invisibility and chicken attack seem good but I'd imagine chloroform would be necessary or else poly'd never get through magic armor

>Have completely normal human culture

I mean, what other type of culture could they possibly be based on?

Can I make one of my companions a ranger with healing skills, or do I have to do it on my main?

I don't recall in any piece of lore that lizardmen HAVE to wear leather skirts, use spears and talk in unga bungas.


They stop being beastmen and are just boring furries once you take away the barbarian themes.

Stealth is great since you can use it after your adrenaline turn to be in stealth during your recovery turn before popping off again with banked points.

No, they're furbait regardless of technology and social skills. You're arguing some strange moot point here, you think people who fap to Lizardman from Soul Calibur aren't scalies?

Doesn't show benchmarks, I heard it's also not very reliable


I don't care what people fap to user

You clearly do, because otherwise, you wouldn't give a shit about furfaggotry which is synonymous with fapbait.

There's already a bard class mod and the game isn't even out yet.
Alchemist probably only needs a few traits that make you better at throwing grenades or give potions stronger effects.

There are spears in this game, yes?

Is the first one good?


There is a clear line between a furry character and a beastman character. Compare werewolves to wolf anthros for example. Making a furries as a race just ruins the possibility of having a good beastman race in the game

Nope no shilling here, just us regular Sup Forumsillains, haha amirite fellow gamers?

Nah I'll be playing a real RPG.

So according to you, the Worgen and Tauren from WoW are furries because they don't swim in mud and eat bugs from trees?

>tfw larian hasn't said anything about console launch
>tfw stuck with shitty laptop for the time being
I just want to play a good rpg

You don't get to take the high ground when your company's most recently released (And updated) game is fucking Tyranny

>Speak with a british accent
That's the only thing that got me about the lizards, or at least the Red Prince.
Hearing a perfectly normal human voice come out of a face like that just hit every "Wrong" button in my head at once.
They don't need to draw out their S's or whatever, they just can't sound perfectly human.

Can I just focus on one character here? I really love RPGs but for some reason I can't multitask for shit and any game where you have to min/max your companions I cannot play because I completely disregard them and they end up shit.

I just want to focus on my own character.

Is that possible? Game looks fun.

Worgen are absolutely furries, Tauren are not.

>he thinks we at Larian actually have enough money to hire shills
Yeah no, fuck off


Pic unrelated?

Both of them fall under the exact same "furry" category you keep touting.

>Being butthurt about video games thread
I guess you rather want a *block your path* thread? Or maybe a x did nothing wrong? Or this is x say something nice to him?

Negative, Tauren mantain a tribal barbarian culture and are infact are pretty much the only playable race in the game to still be backwards enough to channel powers through non existent gods.

The cata update did make great strides to make their design more furry tho'

PoE II is shaping up to be game of the decade. Support Katrinas game.

>barbarian themes

what the shit lizardmen never had barbarian themes outside of DnD.

in almost everything else they are a sophisticated culture.

I mean lets look at some of the most popular franchises.

Laser Aztec Ayy Lmaos
Worship Ayy Lmao trees
>Endless Legends
They are the fucking Nato
Waffen SS the fantasy race
>Warhammer 40k
Mercenary kingdom
>Conan the Barbarian
Ancient Evil Empire that starts cults and shit

i cant even think of a lot of other settings that have lizardmen as a major race.They tend not to be a thing in high fantasy settings.

But wherever they pop up they tend to be characterized as an Ancient Empire who worship Ayy lmaos and ofthen take slaves.

Aka the exact same thing they are in Divinity just that in divinity they are not aztec themed but more byzantine themed.

Not that its required to be like anthing else.
The entire idea that beastmen somehow have to be barbaric is ridiculous and for lizardmen it has never been the norm.

You just want to push your own stupid personal preference on others

Right, that's why there are Tauren Paladins in full plate, Tauren bartenders, high ranking Tauren in political positions.

That's like saying "there are tribes in Africa, humans are definitely all tribals."

Christ man, even the responses to people calling out your pasta or copy pasted. Atleast change up your animals you lazy shitter.

>All these minor series no one cares about

DnD creates the standard, you're going to have to accept that. Dumbass beastmen should be dumbass beast men

>I really love RPGs but for some reason I can't multitask for shit and any game where you have to min/max your companions I cannot play because I completely disregard them and they end up shit.
I know this feeling so well.
I went through 90% of Fallout 2 solo before I figured I could deal with having a packmule I could just hand a shotgun that he could blow my fucking head off with in the first combat I took him into. Fucking thanks Cassidy. and be done with them.
Then I made an exception for Goris because who's going to say 'No' to having a goddamn sapient Deathclaw rolling across the wastes with you, plus he pretty much couldn't equip anything so he took nearly zero management.

i actually like that about him.
Its representative. As in. If he would stand in front of you, he wouldnt sound like that.

But his Culture is the oldest and most influential empire in the world, so the devs have chosen an accent that we associate with imperialism.

For example watch any movies about Rome and the romans will never have an italian accent but always a british one, despite the brits beeing savages by that time.

But thats irrleevant because the british accent puts a certain image in your mind.

I for one wouldnt be surprised if in the german VA hed have an austrian accent instead.

Thing is there are no tauren paladins. There are tauren sun druids. In context of their lore paladins don't exist. And Tauren serve as the political face of the Horde because it's the only race that is not just an awful war monger

Still worried that I'll quit after half an hour because I don't care about anything or anyone in the game.

I finished playing the early access for the first time yesterday and I gotta say, this is fucking great. Not perfect but it really is amazing.

How will they fuck it up in the full release?

The Divine MC from Divine Divinity is "dead." Actually if you played Divinity 2 you would know he's trapped in Nemesis.
The Black Ring is all over the fucking place.
And then there's an Inquisition out to get all Sourcerers, because the magic they use is based on Source.
Source as you know from the first game has been corrupted by the Void.
You play as sourcerers and not source hunters this time around.

>Just want to play the game
>Devs keep dumping walls of text no one cares about on me
>Or forcing me to make dialogue choices that literally dont impact anything

You can be as edgy ingame as you are in life so don't worry.

>want a lizard warrior
>constantly remind myself that I'm losing +2 str by not going midget
How do you people deal with this?

Then challenge yourself to murder all of them. Cleanse the world of those you don't care about.

>play cRPG

>DnD creates the standard
>Somehow all Orcs are green in 99% of fantasy
>Somehow lizardmen in 99% of fantasy are aztecs
>Somehow elves are anglo saxons in 99% of fantasy

Warhammer makes the standard.
Lizards are not even a real race in DnD and their depiction of Lizardmen is not fleshed out enaugh for anyone to steal it and nobody so far has stolen it.

Fun fact. DnD actually stole Warhammer Lizardmen in the form of the Sarrukh and the Yuan Ti.

By being a fearsome looking lizard in full plate that gets to breathe fire even without being magic.

Why cant they tell their story through gameplay instead of giving me a book to read? Its just bad game design. I don't need someone to tell me to go explore a cave in order to go explore a cave.

by not being a manlet, nigga

How often should I opt for picking another magic school for a skill or two rather than focusing on my main class? Are there soft/hard caps on stats and class levels?

Go fuck yourself, me, for replying to obvious bait.

remind yourself that with lizards you can create a fire surface and thats realy fucking usefull, remind yourself that with polymorpher you get tons of atribute points anyway and that polymorpher scales with the same stats as warfare does

Remind yourself that +2 strength isnt enaugh to justify beeing a manlet.

>bwaaaa warhammer lizards are the only RIGHT lizards

>Warcraft clone makes the standard

Good joke user. And if you want to argue majority then compare how many people have played DND to how many have played your little offshoot games

I rest my case, stay BTFO

I'd play OS2 with this man of taste.

You're fucked.
They just have people do it for free. I saw that ad about how they were looking for people to come over to Larian Studios and test the game this week and last week.

Rate every Divinity game you've played on a 1-10 scale

think they got rid of racial stats and transferred them onto class or whatever.

Sounds dope, dawgs! wouldn't play a beardbaby anyway

You know what I meant.

NEVER sacrifice minmaxing for your own enjoyment from the game

if you like how the lizards look, play the lizards. +2 STR isn't as much as you think.

sounds like the games just aren't for you bud
talking to npcs reading books and learning the lore is what makes crpgs good

I think you got confused there senpai.

You get like +2 stats every time you level up, it makes absolutely no difference post level 2 or 3

Sounds like you need to be reading books instead of playing games

fun fact: warhammer stole orcs from world of warcraft

I haven't spoiled myself much of the game, how do melee characters handle with the vertical level design for fights? Are you fucked trying to go up ladders or walk around?

The new combat video makes rouge's look pretty good

Forget the rogue, the fucking LAVA is OP yet again

>Are you fucked trying to go up ladders or walk around?
Pretty much, but you can grab plenty of abilities that'll let you teleport enemies to you or teleport you to a different area.

"Generals"—long-term, recurring threads about a specific game—should be posted in /vg/. This is not to say threads about specific games cannot be created on Sup Forums, just that long-term, recurring threads belong in /vg/.

can you even climb ladders while in combat?

And there probably won't be lava in 95% of the encounters in the game. They obviously picked the location for the sake of trailer material

>Long time
>One week before launch and maybe a week after

Can't wait to play the fire zone with the explosive enemies!

>crpgs should strip one of the defining aspects of the genre that they are known for
rpgs aren't worth shit if you can't get invested in the lore and npcs and from what I understand larian took that into account and improved upon the last game

/vg/ mods are worse than Sup Forums. Literally one post replying to someone shitposting, which I did not even start, and I got a 3 day ban almost instantly. Autistic mod for an autistic board.

Did you reply to the wrong person?

You act like Sup Forums is any better. I got a 48 hour ban for posting a Prequel image. No reason at all except it was "off-topic" despite Prequel being based on The Elder Scrolls.

They are probably mad because update never ever

You're right and they are worth even less when the only way devs know how to communicate such things are through info dumping. Dark Souls did this right