Animal Crossing. Do you guys reset the game if you get a villagers/fruit you didn't like?

Animal Crossing. Do you guys reset the game if you get a villagers/fruit you didn't like?

i reset this shitty game when someones house popped up right in my front yard.

Nah. It's pretty easy to get the other fruit in New leaf

No because it's only 3 or 4 at the beginning anyway
Fruit? Yes, also when the town has a shitty layout.

I only really reset when the town layout is bad. And also I keep forgetting that they build a new bridge later on so I'm always annoyed because the town layout is always annoying without the bridge you need

Absolutely not. You should aim to get every kind of fruit. All native fruit sucks regardless since its worth less. Villagers used to be easier to drive out of your town but New Leaf neutered the social system frankly so its a bit more of a pain in the ass so I'm not sure what I'd do with that.

How do you drive villagers out of your town? N need to get rid of a few prissy bitches. Do you just hit them with your net a bunch or what

I've reset my New Leaf town twice because I had to put the game down for actual real life shit and got fucked with my favorite villagers leaving. Didn't feel like trying to get them again and begging on forums and shit so just nuked the fucker. Oddly it's a nice but also shitty feeling starting from scratch again.

It used to be a mix of just being rude to them, hitting them, pushing them, etc.

In New Leaf being rude is nearly impossible though. Everyone just kind of likes you for no reason and the interactions are far less dynamic compared to like Wild World or City Folk.

I don't really have a clue how to get rid of them now. I'd suppose hitting them would still help maybe.

I've had the same village in New Leaf since I got the game 4 years ago

I'm surprised someone hasn't made an "indie" version of this.

I reset for a good town layout. I also can't stand triangle grass for some reason so I'll reset immediately if I see triangle grass. My current village, I reset for a couple of days trying to get the perfect layout. I got one I like and I ended up getting my most favorite villager. Worked out well for me.

Never played an animal crossing game before, but always been intrigued. Unfortunately it seems my only option to play them is a WiiU, which leaves only City folk.

I reset if I don't like the town layout when starting, you can get all fruits and villagers you want later on

you can get every fruit pretty much over time. house placement for new villagers suck, but there are ways to help lock them into certain areas in your town.

fucking with them doesn't do anything unfortunately. best thing is to just not talk to them and hope that they are the chosen villager to contemplate moving out. I think it's like every 2 weeks when one will ping and tell you they are thinking of moving.

nigger just softmod your wiiu and get the comfy gamecube version

you can place public works projects and/or designs where you don't want people moving in.

>to contemplate moving out
Speaking of which, how does that work. I've had one villager "contemplate" moving out since I fucking started the game, and different characters have moved out during her contemplation time.

Got a guide on that?
Also does it work with the most recent update? I'd like to play gamecube stuff on my gamepad.

Yeah maybe. Seems like a bother for only one game though.

keep doing things for ones you want to keep. you know when they talk to you, ask for a favor, and that ping sound happens? do those types of things for them. it helps lessen the chances of them leaving. also having a good town rating helps.

I don't have a guide since I only have a regular wii, but guides should be easy to find, and I'm assuming it's as easy to softmod a wiiu as it is a wii, which is very.

Just treat them like normal including talking to them. You want them to ping you if they are moving so you can know for sure who's leaving and they won't do that if you don't speak to them for a while. Also, the last one to move in won't move until someone else moves in after them.

If you time travel, wait until a villager pings you to move. If it's a character you want to stay, tell them to stay, save, and quit. Ask Isabelle to change the time in the options menu and set the clock forward a month. Talk to all the animals, then save, quit, and restart. Walk around until you get pinged. Usually the villager who's moving will be the first to ping you. If they aren't, just save, quit, and restart until the mover pings you. Repeat all of that until the villagers you want to move are gone. It's fairly easy and fool proof. You won't lose your favorites.

Just don't forget to change the year if you do this when you move from December to January if it takes you that long. If you don't move the year forward it'll count as going backward one day and will ruin everything.

Remember how you have to start a Wii mode to play Wii games on the WiiU? that's the part that you soft mod so the software version of the WiiU is irrelevant, I'm pretty sure that part never got updated so you should be able to soft mod it no problem.

I reset new leaf several hundred times until I got bob

>You're so shit at video games that you have to reroll in fucking animal crossing

>endgame is hunting scarabs in the island

By getting a bunch of fat shitty villagers like the manchild elephant who refuses to move but your favourite ones such as Blair move out during the week you didn't play.

The interactions in NL were a step up from what was in CF, but they still need work. Why hasn't Nintendo realized that a game like this needs as much variety as physically possible in every aspect?