What's the quickest way of getting into this game?

What's the quickest way of getting into this game?

Look up the quick start tutorial on its wiki.

Anyone got good stories to share?

I tried doing that, but I still dont know how to play it.

Please finish your education, then retry.

But I already did, 3 fucking times.

Try playing it

There was a set of youtube tutorials people used to recommend but I forgot the name, sorry.

the whole game is trying and learneing new shit from the wiki or from gameplay its equal parts learning and expirementation

I already did and failed.

Why did you fail?

then play again and try to work around your failure doing some new shit

I suck black dick :(

okay, I'll give it a whirl

first, secure the basics for your dwarves. get sleeping areas set up, stockpiles for your wagon's supplies, a couple basic workshops (mason's, carpenter's, still, kitchen) and get the essentials going - food, drink, shelter.

make beds and bins and barrels, pref. wooden for ease of creation

then just have a ball, learn from there

Maybe try sucking white dick or maybe black pussy instead.

thats all i did. even before my fortress would fail i'd just start over to try something new

just get past the UI and figure out what basic things you need to do.

Should I use the LNP or vanilla?

use the LNP cause

I use vanilla now but I started with texture packs and Therapist so I'd say maybe LNP until you better understand the interface

I was attacked by a weregopher before I had any defenses up, and the fucker managed to kill 3 dwarves before a hulk-like miner came and decapitated it in one swing. I didn't notice my miner was bit..

Fast forward to a bit later, my miners are deep in the earth and the bit one turns and kills the other miner and makes his way up to be killed by a bumrush of unarmed dwarves.

probably the best story I can think of is that I lost a fortress because I forgot to make clothes

so basically, this one girl dwarf's clothing rotted away (I think they were one of the first to come to the fort?) and there were no replacements. They were always embarrassed when they walked around, their mood became totally shitty and she ended up depressed and aggrivated. She picked a fight with a brewer, which required judgment on..and as a result of the punishment, she died.
This started a spiral of people getting depressed, getting in fights, refusing to put in work and offing themselves. I had no thread and my weavers were more or less on strike.

I've not played Dorf Fort in ages.
My best story is probably the Forgotten beast that spawned in my first cavern layer.
He was a humanoid made of fire, fuckin Meramon up in this shit.
He came in and then sat in the cavern lake.
All the steam he produced made it impossible for anyone to go down there without instantly melting.
If I had more knowledge of the game I would have tried to build some kind of steam powered work shop, but I'm a sucky noob.
When he finally got bored of relaxing in the lake, I got to send down 2 troops and it instantly died.
Fire is not strong against Axe.

I did get some great FBs and Titans in that fort though.
The flying ball of Salt that exploded as soon as one of my guys hit it, which caused all my troopers to melt.
The Giant stone Unicorn titan that radiated Joy that charged my front gate and got decapitated.
And the one actual FB that left behind a body that I tried to butcher, but it took my guy so long to move it to his workshop that he died and just left it in the middle of my fort, caused loads of miasma to go everywhere and cause a tantrum spiral.

Just play,fail and try again learning from your fail s. There's a good in game guide that you can read anytime. There are good videos in YouTube too. Remember this game takes at least 45 hours to know what the fuck you are doing

>I hate ascii
>I hate procedural generation
>I hate the ui
>I hate that I have to spend about 2-4 hours to learn the game and memorize commands
>I hate vanilla DF

>sustain an autonomous fortress
>dig too deep

I've got some cool anecdotes but it would just be easier if I posted other people's stories

>suck black pussy

I don't understand people that play DF for the gameplay. The story's the real draw, right?

Dwarven science is self explanatory.