Why do games usually give male characters more brutal death animations than the female characters?

Why do games usually give male characters more brutal death animations than the female characters?

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Because society has always been taught that females needs to be protected and males are disposable


Because then you attract sick fetishists with girls getting the same brutal deaths.

Gears of war comes to mind. Women get butchered just as badly as men do in that game

the most brutal deaths ive seen in any game ever were from tomb raider tho

Same reason you always get 'dumb' characters but they are almost never female, just look at Spongebob or Patrick they would never ever make that show but with two girls instead

name one game that goes easy on female deaths

Can you post an example?
Coco doesn't count because she's a child.


theres nothing wrong with this, honestly.

Try nature you fucking fedoralord

Muh soggy knee

Mortal Kombat

Look at Chun-Li's compared to everyone else.

>Heh equality, what a farce.

equality led to the death of western civilization. women no longer want to have kids so they're replacing us.

Women getting beaten up very badly but never having any significant injuries aside from light bruises is my fetish.

I want to impregnate Coco

Me too

Me three

Look at the video games section.


>females needs to be protected and males are competition for resources and women

>Actually there is. That kind of attitude is what gave rise to Gynocentrism.
Nah, it's the idea that they have the *right* to be protected, rather than the protection being part of an *exchange*.

It serves the purpose I posted it for.

Balrog seems fine

His eye is swollen shut. Chun-Li got a few blemishes.

Jesus Christ, Crash 3 is so boring. I can't bring myself to finish it

If not feminists would complain about violence against women. Double standards are fine as long as they're the right ones.

Because males are playable more often than females

Plus, if you kill the women, who would you fuck?

I'll impregnate your ass with my boot furfags.

You cannot fight shitposters.

Maybe it's just you.

please do

>Mortal Combat
>the entirety of the Lara Croft reboot series
>less brutal for female characters

OP you're a fucking moron.

Why almost every game have dead but only few have rape?
Is worse getting raped than killed?
People can recovery from rape but no from dead

>two games

you get sick fetishes from the pic alone

Look at the leaf show totally spies, nearly every episode contains a fetish

>Brings up a fedora while using a naturalistic atheistic fallacy
That is some hardcore projection. I tip my fedora to you my friend.

>two games
>new LC has two game while MK has 10

OP once again confirmed to be a complete retard.

That's still just two series.

So does Ryu, E. Honda, and Dhalsim


Seeing females get brutalized goes against our natural tendencies. Females aren't disposable unless we consider the group they are a member in to be disposable.

>not thinking everything is a social construct is "naturalistic fallacy"
Did you feel intelligent writing that post? Euphoric?

Another user, unrelated, but still...

>two series

Even the TV tropes link barely has anything to it. Some of the examples even point out that the lack of brutality also apply to the male characters. The simple fact is, death animations in general are a complete afterthought. When a game does decide to put effort into them, female characters usually get fucked as well as male characters. So once again, you've proven to be a loser complaining that not enough games in your retarded fetish, despite the fact that there are more than enough games to debunk your original argument.

This. Try as we might, but a man's life will never be considered as valuable as a woman's. I came to terms with it a long time ago. I still don't know why it irks to many people when you bring that fact up in an argument, though.

Is that why most of the abortions in China and India are female?

I admit I was not specific enough. In the West we do see mens' lives as less valuable. That's a bit different in the East. Then again, people shit on the streets in India, poverty runs rampant and let's not talk about China's treatment of children.

Its racist to beat up black men