>During the character creation section of the game, which you can see in the video below (skip to the five minutes and 40 seconds mark), you select the difficulty of the game. What's interesting is the easier the difficulty, the lighter your character's skin. Conversely, the harder the difficulty, the darker your character's skin. It means if you want to play The Fractured but Whole on a harder than normal difficulty, you have to play as a person of colour.
South Park: The Fractured but Whole's difficulty slider changes the colour of your skin
wtf i hate white people now
such a low effort thread
Finally south park creators understand, white devil literally always no matter what the circumstances have it easy.
>removes the ability for light skinned people to play on hard
>lazy neets who never personally benefited from their white privilege because they never leave their room
do we really need a third straight thread of shitposting and Sup Forums bait?
Wait is that just a joke or is the difficulty seriously locked to your character's skin color? Because if thats true thats fucking hilarious
The joke is that it doesn't actually change the difficulty.
Holy shit. I love it.
>dude black jokes lmao
>its so ant SJW, its so "us"
>literally ourguys
you guys are hyping up this game just because of a joke, this place is such a fucking meme
they admitted it doesnt actually change the difficulty of the game
its literally a joke about how black people claim its harder because they're black when its really not
It really should turn your character into a girl when you go into the easiest modes.
But we all know that the only group of people its okay to make fun of are white males am I right?
Nice projection
>now Sup Forums is forced to play as a black guy if they're as hardcore as they say
>if they complain while they're playing as a white guy then they're fucking pussies
Pretty realistic tbhuuuuuuu
It's like someone needs more reasons not to care about it beyond the fact it is developed by obsidian
>During the difficulty selection Eric Cartman will comment: "Don't worry, this doesn't affect combat. Just every other aspect of your whole life."
Guess they managed to fracture everyone butt holes
Triggering neets is always the best form of marketing, Andromeda's success truly showed that
additionally game """"journalists"""" won't be able to play the game as a black
It actually isn't.
The Stick of Truth was. This one isn't.
>the difficulty of the game affects the amount of money you receive and the way other characters speak to you throughout the course of the game
Not buying the game now, thanks for the warning
It's fucking nothing then since you can just grind more money you'll never need and the dialogue being harsher is actually funnier
I guess at easiest difficult setting you play as jew
>The joke is that it doesn't actually change the difficulty.
Or it's just more difficult because your character automatically starts pointless fights all the time.
The joke has more layers than I expected.
>yfw this is actually a trick and being a white male makes the game harder because now everyone hates you for no reason and everything is your fault
From what I've read it makes you get less money and changes some dialogue but doesn't affect anything else.
>muh reverse racism
>muh white genocide
>white ppl have it so hard, BAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWW
This is so meta, it's bound to trigger both races
>ctrol G
>only 2 results
>both are people buthurt and complaying about Sup Forums
>Sup Forums is not even on the thread
never change, your buthurt makes Sup Forums stronger
>being this butt hurt
Christ you lot are pathetic lol
There's a 99.9% chance that you are not black.
I bet the difference is negligible and it's just a joke, or at the very most a few extra voice lines. Doing it that way would be right in line with how they do things.
>you deserve to be treated like a piece of shit who had an easy life, why wouldn't you, you're a white male
>billions of whites and blacks, but all blacks had harder lives than whites unless you just didn't try at life :)
>oh you have health problems, you should kill yourself because you're genetically inferior :)
True story, happened a few times
Everyone who subscribes to the white privilege meme should die for being a helplessly delusional hypocritical traitor to the greatest civilization and race ever seen by man
Good going not radicalizing a generation of people wth your senseless hatred, dumbfuck leftists
>being this butthurt at a joke someone made at a joke
Christ you are pathetic
>greatest civilization and race ever seen by man
>whines on Sup Forums about how much of a failure you are, therefore white privilege doesn't exist real
lol, sure
>white people can't take a joke
Sure what?
Sure fucking what you fucking piece of human trash?
>no u
i dont get why people deny white privilege. no one denies that better looking people are treated better, taller people are treated better, richer people are treated better. blaming in everything on your skin color is retarded but i would never want to be black no matter what conditions
Did you not read the part about health problems? Why is the left completely incapable of having empathy for white people?
You are the reason I am now a nazi
And now you are the reason I'm in better shape than most of my peers
Don't go fucking nuclear on us again kermit
One day you'll grow up
And then you'll have your neck snapped for being an intellectually dishonest tumor on mankinds ass
not a argument
>make a joke about black people
>Sup Forums thinks it's hilarious, spams it in every thread remotely related to blacks
>make a joke about white people
>Sup Forums immediately starts posting graphs about black crime and unflattering webms of blacks
every time
Ask the question: would you want to be or would you mind being black? If not, youre in a better position.
Same goes for everything really. I would rather be tall than average height, handsome than average looking and I'm happy that I'm white and not black.
Imagine being so indoctrinated that you actually believe the retarded shit that you're spewing
No amount of cuck signalling will make up for what a worthless loser you are to women or anybody
They might pretend, they might cuck, you, but then you'll blow your brains out or have to learn to like it
Well, because non-whites are disfunctional jokes who will exterminate billions of their own kind after murrica fades as superpower and won't be able to police the world and resolve the shitty conflicts they generate all the time.
>game has a setting for skin color
>Sup Forums flips its shit and goes full debate mode on race, race relations, and politics as if their opinions mean shit on a Taiwanese basket-weaving site
I'm the one who's indoctrinated for saying not literally every single black person has a harder life than whites?
You people are literally pure concentrated ideological cancer and your great great granddads would snap your necks themselves
This. You're all thin-skinned faggots
>uses """leftist""" unironically
>whites are the greatest civilization
>reddit spacing
It's really fucking funny how easily manipulated underage are. Do some thinking for yourself once in a while, user. Stay off the internet
I've spent days wishing I was a fucking cat
They have everything handed to them and laze around
Just like niggers
I would possibly prefer being a nigger if it meant I wasn't a dumbass AND I got scholarships, but that's a big decision I'd have to think about for days and really the biggest thing is just the smell, I really wouldn't want to smell like an animal even if I couldn't smell it
If it werent for that and the high propensity to be stupid and violent, yeah I'm pretty sure I'd rather be black
>look at this idiots talking about specific subject
>wont talk about specific subject without Sup Forums
Made me think.
Pick one.
>reverse racism
There's no such thing as "reverse racism" you fucking jew. In fact, the term itself is racist in nature as it implies only white people can even be racist. Word of caution, if you ever use that phrase, or "white privilege," around me, you will get punched in the face.
I don't think non whites are dysfunctional jokes Sup Forums, but it's true without USA around, Asia is gonna start WW3 quite quickly, USA is doing a great job at the moment keeping them in check & nobody realises it
The mental issue I see with you people is that you're capable of separating statistics from grand overarching statements about how white men are oppressed because not all white men are successful. Like oh, black people have the highest murder rate of every race. Yeah, except the it's like fucking 0.01% or some shit that you'll be murdered by a black man in the streets, even less so because you gigafaggots tend to live in middle class white communities with the majority of murders happening because some chucklefuck decided to walk through the notoriously bad part of chicago alone and not expect anything to happen. Wow a webm of a black man robbing a white man, that means all black men do this. Get a fucking grip on reality. Most of you faggots live in white neighborhoods, I've seen your get-togethers.
"Do some thinking for yourself"
Hahahahahahahha oh man all you people need to eat a bullet
I was a dumbass hippie retard just like you all
I hope this is actually a thing because it'll BTFO any reviewer.
On one hand, they can't play for shit and in their vain attempt to be black will be immediately exposed as shitters which will be brought to the internet's attention and be cause for more hilarity.
On the other, they want so desperately to be some kind of fucking black unicorn with varying sexual preferences, so they'll fucking try anyways.
It's a lose/lose for any "reviewer" out there who'll start shitting on it for being too hard, yet their skin color in the game is pasty white. I'll be suprised if i see a black skin color anywhere other than the tutorial,.
>white privilege
Do you know why blacks have it hard? Picture, fucking, related.
What a stupid fucking thread.
You should all be ashamed of yourselves.
Kill yourself dumbass you have no idea what you're talking about, everyone knows it and no one cares
You lost, end it
>whites are the greatest civilization
It is, that's why everyone wants to immigrate to it & they use our world changing inventions like the phone, the internet and 90% of medical discoveries within the last several hundred years
I really really hate it when news sites say "person of color" how is that different from saying a colored person or black person. There is literally no difference.
They're indoctrinated, you have no hope of swaying them. When they're far gone enough to believe in white privilege, they are hopeless.
I hate the far right and left, they truly are the next forces of oppression.
>having opinions and discussing and debating things is stupid!
t. Centrist