Guys, I'm fucking depressed. I was already sad as fuck when I fell in love with one girl and it all became even worse...

Guys, I'm fucking depressed. I was already sad as fuck when I fell in love with one girl and it all became even worse. What games can I play to escape reality?

>girl starts talking to you on vidya forum
>says i'm her soulmate or something
>get happy as fuck because no one ever was interested in me
>turned out she was texting other guys
why do females do this

Guys please I just want someone to talk to

>its another "le sad gamer" thread

Dude I'm now in a situation when I feel like she can get fucked by a hundred of niggers and I would still love her. This has never happened to me. I'm so fucking depressed

It will pass

Clean your room before you do anything else matey

Hopefully, because I'm always sad and sensitive like a bitch when it's fall and raining and shit

Escaping reality won't solve nothing in the long run.

It is clean
At least for now

Try going on tumblr if you wanna blog

VA-11 Hall-A is pretty good
you could get into an MMO
most open world games might help

It's not a fucking blog, I'm ASKING A FUCKING QUESTION. Go back to r/videogames or whatever the fuck it is with your "try going to tumblr"

>boohoo im so depressed tfw no gf :((
>not a blog

What's up with being upset about women online? You never saw her with your own eyes, never touched her, nothing. It's a being. I'm also not real. Yes, a person somewhere out there but still. Not a human. Finding somebody online is a meme. Some people get really fucking lucky but that's all. Even if you live in some degenerate shithole you still have a bigger chance to find I trustworthy female. Now stop this faggotry and go jerk off, user.

as dumb as this might sound you could also get into anime games, more specifically the Neptunia games.
they have a feel good, happy-go-lucky atmosphere
also try HuniePop

chemicals man, they'll fuck you up

Fucked it up, you have bigger chance to meet a cutie irl than in internets, that's all I meant

Get a dog, jog with it every day. Smoke weed and play MGSV every day. Exclusive select DD as your buddy and pretend you're playing couch co-op with the pupper.

You will forget this girl ever existed after 1 month tops.

I wish i was as delusional as OP

Dude she is from my fucking uni. What are you talking about?
No, these are really not for me, I'd better watch some anime, but I feel like I've already watched every decent anime out there. Thanks anyway

16. All request threads for adult content belong on /r/, and all request threads for work-safe content belong on /wsr/, unless otherwise noted.

delete your thread before you get banned

This is a shithole and I don't give a single fuck if I get banned or not. Fuck you mods, you suck. It used to be a better place. Thanks for the warning anyway!

Sorry, I thought first post was yours as well. Then I guess nothing can be done. Nothing will fill the emptiness.


I don't like weed, the lamest drug out there. And I don't want to play MGSV because I have it on my PS3 and I'm too lazy to play it.

Seems like she has a boyfriend. That's bullshit. That's what's buggin me


I guess I really got the wrong door, you guys are fucking dicks

Why would you expect anything more out of Sup Forums you fucking dork

Women's are whores, news at 11.

>sad because of a crush

I'm sad because I'm probably going to lose my job.
I'm sad because my parents are old, my father is unemployed, my mother barely gets any money from her work. Once she stops working, my parents will be fucked, with barely any money to help themselves. They only have me to help them financially. My sister fucked off, she doesn't care about her parents, my brother barely visits them, only coming to their house for the mail my parents still get from him.

Every night I think about it, how will I help them, I will I help myself. I have no degree, I have a very limited selection of possible employment.

I do professional animation, something that my country barely offers regarding work opportunities. My last option is to leave and work in another country, but I don't want to leave my parents who literally have no one else

And it is painful to see them getting older, getting tired. I know one day things will get worst, it is just a matter of time and that is something that, sadly, I can't stop

>b-but no gf is the real pain ;_;

Honestly OP. Get a fucking grip.

At least your dog didn't die yesterday, you didn't lose pure selfless and innocent love.

I feel sorry for you user but not everyone has a happy family. I kicked my drug addict father out of the house. My mom still pays shit every month for the car that he has crashed. I can't get a job because FUCKING RUSSIA and I study at the university that I am sick of. And yes I'm now sad because of a girl.

Oh, forgot to add, we have a compulsory army service. If I drop out of uni I'll instantly be taken away. Leaving my mother and all that stuff for a year

You are a fucking idiot to think your world ended due to a fucking cunt not wanting to put your cock in her mouth. That's what it is. It's just about the sex.
Get a fucking grip. There are more important things in life and more things to be worried about.

You will find someone, someone you want to be with instead of someone you just want to be in. That is, if you work for it. Shit isn't going to land on your lap.

Focus on yourself first, get your life together first, then think about pussy or better yet, someone you want to be for a long, long time.

>It's just about the sex
It fucking isn't. I would even say that she doesn't attract me as a woman. It's something else. I don't want to fuck her. Thanks, though. And I'm a fucking mess to be honest. I want to fall asleep today and to never wake up. Holy shit I'm so glad this is an anynomous board because I wouldn't say all of that if it wasn't

Life is Strange.

Everyone has problems user. You aren't the only one. And like everybody, you need to grow and learn how to deal with them, solve them and move on with your life.

Life has more bad moments than good ones. But good ones will come. Just fucking keep trying you cunt

I've already beaten it and I don't want to waste money on the prequel. Thanks anyway!

I'm trying my best. I can't even get my shit together now. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't even care about that bitch. It's just fall and I'm sad. That's the reason I fell in love

It's the same reason people apply for multiple jobs at a time

>stranger you just met says you are there soulmate
>so desperate you accept without question
>being surprised afterwards

Please tell me you're only 14 years old

Then talk to her you dumb fuck. Do you think she is going to be the one approaching you?

"I notice senpai likes to stare at me"
Fucking talk to her you double nigger. If she shows interest great, if not, fuck it. Nothing was lost. Also, you have more fish in the sea

Holy fucking shit I've already said that she most likely has a boyfriend

I know the feeling OP. Maybe take comfort that someone was able to overcome a lot of this by making simple lifestyle changes, who I hang out with, stopped drinking, went to the gym,fixed personal issues and found a different calling. I'm better now than I was even a year back. Some days are still bad, but it's a chip now rather than a whole crack.

I'm hoping for you.

learn to be confident. talk with everybody and be their friend. you can be an autistic sperg and if you work on your social skills, you can get some sort of puss

Ayy. So?
I know plenty of cases where people got cheated. Sometimes the people cheating doesn't even care about staying with the person he/she is fucking. They just want to fuck someone else that isn't his/her boyfriend/girlfriend.

And in some cases, those people actually leave their previous companion and stick with a new lover.

Fucking try and show you are better than him

Thanks, I really needed that. You know I'm too scared to tell about the girl to my friends. I've actually told about her to one of my friends and he keeps saying things like "Haha you gon like tell her suck my dick or something xDD"

oh and don't immediately go for the relationship. girls want what they can't get. if you are being a beta and constantly texting her or giving her attention than you are fucking up. become causal friends with these girls and fucking always have a back up girl that you can hang out. let it occur naturally. if you force it then it will end badly.

Yeah I know about that, that's what my ex did :) . I'm not even joking, fuck my life

Play a grand strategy game so you have to think hard about the game instead of said girl. Or a fighting game that requires skill and concentration. None of that open world free roaming shit that lets your mind wander.

Best of luck user

You need to play Danganronpa 2. But you can't play it without playing the first game though so play the first one too. I was in a similar situation to you and Danganronpa 2 helped me get over it. The ending of DR2 changed my whole outlook on life. No matter how out of reach it seems right now, you can move toward a new future that you create. And don't be afraid to talk to your friends and family. You can beat your depression user.

Thanks anons, I'll try it. I want some games where there is a lot of action, though.